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My Chemical Romance - Cancer Cover (Critique needed)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I've been imitating others singers' voices before this, and in the past several weeks i've been trying to search and learn to sing with my natural voice. i dont know, sometime i feel that its sound ugly in certain part of my singing. i feel a bit dull with my voice. before this i prefer to sing with brighter voice because i love to sing pop or alternative songs. anyway this is the cover:

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Over all I like the sound of your voice. I am not familier with this song so I am not comparing you to the original.

The last line sounded a little tense and strained but the more more you sing this song the more relaxed you will be. Part of finding your natural singing voice is being comfortable with the song.

Sounded good. Keep on singing.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

thakns a lot for the feedback, actually it sounds strained because im out of breath. i need to do something with my breath support. recently i rarely do physical activites and i smoked a lot. plus i gained few KGs, and i noticed that i easily out of breath when i sing higher note, or on normal note that got longer scale.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I run out of breath when I try to sing "Rockstar" by Nickelback. I do fine until the last verse. But I believe that when they sing live they split the last section between to singers. (Sometimes you have to cheat) Another thing is to remember to take an extra breath where ever you can find one.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I never thought of that! thank sir for the advice. btw about taking extra breath, i never do that because i watch popular singers never do that. they look like that they just breathing normally when they sing, or maybe i didnt noticed when they do that?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I never thought of that! thank sir for the advice. btw about taking extra breath, i never do that because i watch popular singers never do that. they look like that they just breathing normally when they sing, or maybe i didnt noticed when they do that?

Actually, it's because they have a contract with Satan. Like "The Pick of Destiny." :lol:

I listened to it 3 times. I don't think I have heard the original.

I like the feeling and the emotion that you have on this song. The beginning sounds a bit too nasal for my liking but it might be the sound the song requires. By nasal, I mean through the nose nasal, which is different from using nasal cavities for resonance.

And there were a few spots where the pitch wavered. Again, I don't know if that is like the original. Nor is that an insult. My favorite song from my favorite band, "Stairway to Heaven," by Led Zeppelin, Robert Plant ends the last part 1/4 flat from an A4. I still like the song and the performance, it's iconic.

I just don't know this song well enough to know if that loose tuning is part of the general feel or not.

If the pitchiness is your own, it could be that you could not hear the music at those points as it sounds like you were belting. Or, at least singing quite loud. Something I do, as well. Loud singing.

Anyway, I liked your rendition of the song.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Haha so how can i get a contract with Satan? Anyway about the 'pitch wavered', whats that supposed to mean? And if you dont mind, can give the exact time that i did that? for eg, 1.21. Emm about singing loud, are you trying to tell me that its better to sing less loud? sorry if i interpret your advice wrongly, because im bit clueless when you use singing term like 'pitch wavered', 'flat', 'belting'. plus english isn't my native language. but im really thankful for your advice :D

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