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You'll Accompany Me. Suggestions?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I still can't get over that G4. Am I approaching the Lower parts wrong? You can hear where I am supposed to be singing Higher but the voice gets stuck. When I do cross over it sounds wrong.


"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

:| No comments?....... Start over?..........get a Job?.......... Seek Mental help?.......... :/ :D :rolleyes:

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

:| No comments?....... Start over?..........get a Job?.......... Seek Mental help?.......... :/ :D:rolleyes:


Funny thing is, I have been working on a Bob Seeger song, too. If I can record it today, I will.

I liked Phil's advice. Reminds me of my mantra.

Key point, just because a note is higher does not mean it has to be louder. Loudness is a relative thing.

I am not sure about the pure vowels. I do know that Bob Seeger has a rasp in his voice regardless of where he is in the song, regardless of whether he is singing or speaking and I have listened to lengthy interviews with him on the way back home from visiting family in south Texas, though I live not too far from the border with Oklahoma (It's about 3.5 to 4 hours, long enough to sit all the way through a 2 hour show of music and interviews.)

What's more important here and part of what Phil has suggested to others is to break it down and work out a part that is giving you problems. Work it until it is nothing at all. For you will find adjustments in your voice.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Here's an idea. Instead of trying to reach for the high note, isolate the phrase and take it apart. Figure out the best possible way you can produce the high note and the best possible way you can produce the low note, in a way that makes them sound and feel as similar as possible. Then you just connect the dots the best you can.

But the key is to stop singing the entire damn song. You need to reeeeaaally pick apart the tough phrases, and the more you isolate and fix the exact things that need work the faster and better it will come together

I think. It seems to work best that way for me.

An example. One of my songs has a really hard chorus and I noticed I kept pushing on these quick F#'s at the end of the line on the vowel ee and going flat. I didn't want to have to flip into head voice there, so the obvious solution was to just make the chest note slightly more mixed. So I just worked on the exact note, two of them to be precise, an F# on the word "see" and and an F# on the word "breeze" and just tried to reduce all the effort and spontaneously reach the pitch and make it feel as easy as speaking. After working on that I discovered I could add a little cry, go brighter on the sound and almost slightly nasal, modify slightly to ih, throw them in a placement way up and back, and I started being able to hit them without pushing. I still need to drill that into my muscle memory better but on that particular day I did that little surgical fixing there were noticeable improvements within a half hour or so.

It can get that detailed, working on individual interval jumps or a single note or whatever.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks for all the help. :) I usually learn songs by writing the words down and learn the basic rhythm and then just go for it. By doing this I do not take the time to figure out the vowel modifications. I get stuck on trying to sing the song the way I would pronounce the words.

I do try to pick the song apart in areas that I am having trouble. On this one I seem to get worse the more I try it.

Does my tone need to be reworked also?

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yes, your tone is too bright throughout. You're relying too heavily on twang and not enough on vowel tuning.

When you get around G4 and above, for males, there is no avoiding vowel modifications, unless for some reason the lyrics happen to be entirely singer-friendly vowels

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Owen. I feel like my internal equalizer is messed up. Too much highs and not enough mids. The lows are there but they are a little muddy. It gives me a hollow sound. Is that what you are hearing?

I can take things too dark but I have not been able to find the balance. Any thoughts on that?

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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