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  • TMV World Legacy Member

This is a SUPER fun song! Let me know what y'all think!


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Nice and warm tones in your voice and I would like to hear more of those. It sounds like you wrote this song. Bravo, Herr Goehner.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks for listening! It was super fun to do, and I found cool toys within my new recording software while recording it.


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Wow, all these views and only 1 comment!


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Keith, great effort man! I listened to the whole thing, and if you're willing, here are a few friendly critique observations:

-- You shift into a falsetto mode somewhere around F#4, definitely by A4. Your falsetto tone is mostly accurate to the pitch, but the tone is not as pleasing to the ear as a full head voice would be. Continue working on your head voice register. I think that will improve the audience's reception. For example 0:55-1:02, kinda has a "Kermit the Frog" falsetto tone to it, if you know what I mean. On those higher notes, sing full voice, with more forte and volume, avoid the falsetto. Work on your bridging and connecting. :)

-- You're consistently a little late on the beat, but in some areas it's especially noticeable. For example 2:03-2:10, and similar syncopated phrases in the song. Work on your time accuracy - it's especially important with Progressive Metal and syncopated or odd time signatures.

I hope this doesn't offend you in any way, or come across as nit-picking. The name of the forum is "Review & Critique My Singing", so I'm just trying to kindly share some honest observations. All the best to ya! You have a good voice, keep going!!!

David A. Lyon
Melodic Metal/Rock Vocalist from Seattle, WA, USA!

  • TMV World Legacy Member

I welcome any and all critiques bro! Thanks for listening and thanks for your input! It is much appreciated!


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Overall this is a really slamming cover. The main thing I noticed vocally, is that I felt you were singing a register that was little low for you and as a result some of the notes weren't delivered with the necessary power to make them shine. This is really a though position since songs like this aren't easily arranged in different keys. If you were looking for real vocal coaching, I would advise picking pieces that could be made to fit YOUR vocals as apposed forcing your vocals over the piece.

However, I am just a novice singer myself so I would completely understand if you disregarded my comment.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Actually, this register is a bit high for me. I could easilly sing bass lol. I have to work on most all these notes individuallty in order to even sing them. I think that is huge compliment to hear someone say that I may be singing in too low a register!


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yeah Keith, nice timbre man! I think it is interesting that for me you don't sound like a metal singer...but still you sound really nice. Keep on Rocking man! :cool:

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