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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I was recently on a carnival ship working in the show band and decided to sing faithfully in the Piano bar, it's up a half step than the original key. Whaddaya think? I just wanna be a Perry protege! ;)


I also have a cover of me singing a song by Sia in her original key


I hope the links work!

  • TMV World Legacy Member

I like your voice and could hear it better in your informal cover with the guitar. The club gig was so distorted because of the camera mic, it was hard to make out much but you did sound good.


Also, for embedding videos here, it helps if you paste the whole link. You had pasted the short cut link, which is why it did not embed. So, you go to the vid with the entire page address, copy that, then paste it directly into the body of a message here, no special encoding GUIs or code.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Fantastic voice! I loved everything about your performance; range, tone, energy. I think you should consider taking a stab at the song "Smoke From A Distant Fire" by Sanford Townsend Band. 

  • TMV World Legacy Member

You're singing really GREAT man! :)

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you, I'm still trying to work on my upper passagio (A-Bb) I think doing certain songs a half step higher forces me to support better and find better vowels to use the higher I go.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

   Sounds great.... :)    Wish the Cruise ship recording was a little better quality.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks, me too. It was really dark in the room and the sound system was quite loud. Hopefully I can do some more singing soon.

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