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Adolph Namlik

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Everything posted by Adolph Namlik

  1. While I have never heard the original, that is simply Beautiful, Taylah My only other advice would be not to give up !!! Welcome to The Modern Vocalist World Forum ! Warmest Regards, Adolph
  2. MDEW, Sounds really Great for someone who says they are "just fooling around" :cool:
  3. Hi Marcus, I've never heard the original, but I really enjoyed YOUR rendition !!! Great job ! :cool: As for the distortion --- Nice I also think it's awesome that you mentioned Jens.... That's precisely what this forum is all about - Helping each other !!! Very Cool of you to do that ! :cool: Sincere Regards, Adolph
  4. You're most Welcome, Circe And yes, it IS very challenging - I noticed Looking forward to "touching base" with you as I mentioned. I haven't forgotten ! Had a very busy day yesterday....
  5. I liked it as well, Circe. Very good ! After listening to your videos, you sounded so much different - becoming "diversified", huh ? :cool:
  6. Hello Elena, I believe you already know my thoughts on your performance ! As ronws mentioned, "Most excellent" !!! It's great to see you back on the forum :cool:
  7. Amy, What ronws was referring to was the other section of TMV World. Click the following link and the click the tab where is says "JOIN". It's relatively easy from there. Hope to Welcome you when you decide to join. :cool: http://www.themodernvocalist.com/ Note : Feeling about 65 today Warmest Regards, Adolph
  8. I'll probably take a "beating" for this, but you're not the only one who doesn't like Springsteen or his vocals. Everything sounds the same ! And the songwriting ??? Well........... As for LaBrie - Really like "Wither". Just MY personal opinion. And now for the "old guys" >>> I'm 59 going on 39. Or is it 59 going on 29 ? Or is it 59 going on 79 ? I guess you proved your point, ronws. Losing my memory Hey, a little humor doesn't hurt from time to time ! :lol:
  9. I'll probably take a "beating" for this, but you're not the only one who doesn't like Springsteen or his vocals. Everything sounds the same and the writing ??? Well........... As for LaBrie - Really like "Wither". Just MY personal opinion. And now for the "old guys" >>> I'm 59 going on 39. Or is it 59 going on 29 ? Or is it 59 going on 79 ? I guess you proved your point, ronws. Losing my memory Hey, a little humor doesn't hurt from time to time ! :lol:
  10. Hello Amy, Welcome to The Modern Vocalist World Forum :cool: I didn't receive anything from you..... ??? You can contact me here, or write me at my email address (below) if you need any assistance or have any questions. I'm here to assist you, and ALL of our members !!! Warmest Regards, Adolph
  11. My pleasure, David ! You're now Featured on the Social Home Page of The Modern Vocalist World :cool: I sent you an email as well... Warmest Regards, Adolph
  12. Bravo, David !!! I think you should upload your video to the "Social Media" section of TMV World. Here's a link for your convenience >> http://www.themodernvocalist.com/video/video/addEmbed I believe ronws would agree !!! Warmest Regards, Adolph
  13. Nice job Ron and Bay :cool: You compliment each other very well !!!
  14. In my previous line of work I was called many, many things as you may imagine. But I just smiled and "blew it off" :lol:
  15. My pleasure, Keith !!! Sir ? Makes me feel older than I am.... "Adolph" works just fine.... Again, I really enjoyed the song !!!
  16. Awesome, Keith ! I definitely agree with ronws..... Hey, a note to all of our members : Don't be offended if I don't comment on all of the songs on soundcloud and the other sites. I just don't have time to listen to ALL of them !!! Anyway, I had to listen to this one. Great job, Keith !!! :cool:
  17. Thank you ! :cool: "Ate a stick of butter....." ? Oh man, that sounds disgusting !!! :lol:
  18. I totally agree, Coach ! I could add a lot more, but it would be quite a long post. Just want to tell you how I've been spending some of my spare time (of which I have very little), over the past few years since we've known each other. Will fill you in the next time we chat.... And you are MOST WELCOME !!! Enjoy the remainder of the day !!!!!
  19. I feel the need to add this to Robert's comments : Many of our members aren't even aware of Robert Lunte's program, "The Four Pillars of Singing". Talk to him and he can probably work something out for you. And, I have yet to see anyone else other than Robert accepting phone calls from his clients when necessary and nearly at ANY time of the day. THAT is DEDICATION !!! Arron, Give Robert a call.... I assure you he doesn't bite Sorry, I just had the need to add some humor. Personally, I've called him myself many, many times ! Oh, and if anyone thinks that I'm biased since I'm a part of this forum, then you are DEAD WRONG !!! I'm a "straight shooter", so to speak, and I call it as I see it.... With that said, Robert is very well aware that I've tried other vocal programs myself. See my profile page >> http://www.themodernvocalist.com/profile/AdolphNamlik The bottom line is that "Pillars" is the most comprehensive program that I have used and Robert is constantly updating his "product" !!!
  20. Looking for help from an extremely professional and EXPERIENCED coach ? Look no further than our founder, Mr. Robert Lunte !!! Here's his contact information as well as helpful links >>> Helpful PDFs about "The Four Pillars of Singing": http://tinyurl.com/The4PillarsReviews http://tinyurl.com/4PillarsTableofContents http://tinyurl.com/The4PillarsOfSinging http://tinyurl.com/TVSonYouTube http://tinyurl.com/The4PillarsTrainingRoutines http://tinyurl.com/TVSTrainingWorkFlows http://tinyurl.com/TVSMethod http://tinyurl.com/The4PillarsUpdate THE VOCALIST STUDIO Robert J. Lunte I 425.444.5053 robert@thevocaliststudio.com www.TheVocalistStudio.com http://tinyurl.com/The4PillarsOfSinging http://tinyurl.com/4PillarsTableofContents http://tinyurl.com/JOINTVSVocalForum http://tinyurl.com/FREETVSLESSONS Note that my vocal expertise would not be as it is today without the assistance of Mr. Lunte ! A Sincere Welcome to TMV World Aaron. Warmest Regards, Adolph
  21. Thank YOU, Trenton ! I'll be searching for your profile page in our "Member's Page" in the Social Media section of TMV World :cool: Edit: The name helped immensely. Thank you again. And I noticed we are on each other "Friend's List" :cool: Edit 2 : Still wish Abi would join :rolleyes:
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