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Adolph Namlik

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    Adolph Namlik reacted to connorh1896 in Review my Singing Please :)   
    Okay excellent thank you very much, I'll work on those! 

    Kind Regards

  2. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Robert Lunte in Review my Singing Please :)   
    - Your voice is nice, could use some compression in your voice... more twang.
    - Stop singing with Sob mode all the tme like your crying. It is a sound color that is over done these days. Get some real compression and twang going.
    - The biggest point of improvement is in your rhythm... this song has not steady tempo or groove. You need to practcie with a metronome and hold a steady tempo, then work on grooving.
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    Adolph Namlik reacted to connorh1896 in Review my Singing Please :)   
    Ah sorry my bad. This one please https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_JRzDdDqvw
  4. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to connorh1896 in Review my Singing Please :)   
    Hey sorry, i do have a few on i forgot about

  5. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Robert Lunte in Kris Krisofferson cover   
    Hello Kris,
    Welcome to our community.
    Your Review:
    - I like the sort of... "sleepy", down home vibe of your voice and delivery. I mean that as a compliment. The makings of a nice country delivery. Good start with potential.
    - Your intonation is good, at least your potential for good intonation. You don't have a pitch problem that is serious. If the singing is slightly out of pitch it is only because there is a lack of musculature engagement , "support" inside your voice to keep the singing from slouching. A metaphor would be, your not sitting up straight in the chair. Your slouching, its a weakened position simply because you are not engaging the musculature and overall voice enough. 
    - The good news is that to engage the voice more so that you will "sit up straight" and the singing will sound about 5x better is a very easy thing to do for you.
    You need more compression on your vocal folds, or what we call vocal twang. You could also use more respiration to support as well. You need to open your mouth more so that you can get better resonance and more color from your voice.   
    If you simply do those three things, this singing will be about 5X better!! You are very close to singing better, just need to remove the "lazy" and replace it with more activated, intentional, enabled musculature. Which would also mean you have some basic understanding of what you are doing and need to do, more so then you do now.
    How do you do that?
    You invest in yourself and your singing. You need to understand what vocal twang is and practice... just reading this advise isn't going to fix it. You have to commit to practicing some basic vocal workouts to strengthen your voice. I actually offer a very popular vocal training, home study program that many people around the world have benefitted from. At the moment, it is for sale for $49. Its a great deal, believe me. If you simply follow the warm-up routines in this program, that alone, will rocket your voice forward radically... guaranteed.
    CLICK HERE >>> 
    Hope this helps.
    Kind Regards,
  6. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Mads Bentley in neil diamond cover   
    im new here, just starting to get into singing modern music, thought this might be a more constructive place to seek feedback than from my friends. 
    song isn't super modern, just had it in my brain today.  thanks for viewing
  7. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Draven Grey in neil diamond cover   
    Great voice!
    On the second verse, you started to go a bit flat. I didn't hear the same sisue on most of the rest of the song. It was almost as if you were trying to force harsher sounding vowels by squeezing them out rather than adding color to an already well placed vowel. You might try placing those vowels a bit deeper into the soft palate and using more breath support to get a more compressed sound rather than squeezing.
    I can see this helping the only other thing I heard you struggle with as well. When you added breath support you tended to so one of two things: (1) you compressed along with the louder volume, causing a lot more twang/closure/harshness when you got loud, or (2) you opened your embouchure far too wide vertically, which cause the same issue, thus "splatting" the vowels. If you learn to narrow your embouchure to support the vowels being more in line with the placement of the note in the soft palate, it will release some of that harshness, and allow you more control over just how harsh you want it to sound (based on how wide you open).
    This will also help a bit with the overcompression at louder parts, but you can also purposefully dampen the larynx more during those parts. Learning to dampen and stabilize the larynx will not only make singing higher notes easier and less harsh, it will make it more consistent with the rest of your voice. There are some great training onsets to help build that sort of support, but apart from training in TFPOS to learn those onsets, you can start by placing your finger just below your larynx and then trying to sing through scales while keep the larynx in the same spot. This isn't the same spot it is when speaking. It helps to start singing, feel where the larynx goes on the more releaxed notes, and then try and keep it there as you go up.
    Look up Robert Lunte's videos on embouchure and vowels. I think they will give you a bit different way of thinking through how you were trying to place your voice.
    You have a beautiful voice. I'm excited about hearing you with even more control over the sound colors of your higher pitches.
  8. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Draven Grey in Blue sunken dream   
    You made a good attempt on these song. I commend you on your effort, especially since it sounds like English may not be your first language and English, which often makes English difficult to sing. I've trained a few students from other countries that spoke naturally much further back in the mouth and throat than English. I had to give them speech training as well as singing.
    I think what Gsoul was asking is if you were trying to stay quiet. Your breath support and volume sound like you're trying to be as quiet as possible rather than sing out strong and proud.
    I have some students who have struggled with the same type of volume and breath support simply because they didn't even think about volume control. Find a volume you think sounds good and fits the song, then try to keep all of your singing at that volume. Sometimes, different parts of a song will call for you changing your volume level, but you still want to stay consistent throughout each part. For instance, a chorus may sound betetr louder, a bridge might work better quieter, but it truly depends on the song and the emotion you want to convey. But volume control and breath support are not the main issue. It's very important, but I heard something else that could hold you back even more.
    You seem to be singing a lot of speech mode vowels, rather than well placed singing vowels. Vowel placement is extremely different for singing than it is in speech. Learn to lift the vowels to the soft palate. You feel this happening if you smile when you talk. But unlike talking, you want to try and place all your singing vowels to feel more like they're coming from the soft palate than from the throat. Beside the smile, or embouchure (like the video below), you can also place your finger or mic on your bottom lip and try to sing up and over it. Try keeping all of your vowels there. 
    Do you train? Do you have a teacher? I think you would benefit greatly from it. Check out the TVS Training Program linked to in the footer of this page. Even better, train with a teacher who is getting the results in their students taht you want to have yourself. And if you think you can't afford it right now, then at elast watch the video below and Robert's other videos too. He's one of the very few vocal coaches on YouTube who actually explain what they're doing well enough for you to learn from his videos. His course, which I mentioned above, is far more in depth though.
  9. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Robert Lunte in What do you think about this ??   
    Hello Safa,
    Welcome to The Modern Vocalist World forum, I just sent you a private email.
    We look forward to helping you.
  10. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Gsoul82 in What do you think about this ??   
    Welcome Safa1,
    This forum is for a consultation service that we provide to help you get feedback on your singing and training. As such, it is a paid service because a thorough consultation of your training and singing takes time. We wish to provide you the best feedback and insights regarding your singing that we can. 
    After you have made a payment, reviews will be available for you and THIS post will be removed. 
    Click Here:
  11. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Robert Lunte in Singing practice   
    Hi Benjamin,
    I thought it was pretty decent. You have a nice sounding voice. Work on your intonation and build more vocal fold compression. If you have questions about that, feel free to reach out and Id be happy to help you.
  12. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Benjamin Jones in Singing practice   
    Hey there
    I have been a musician for a long time, but I have always struggled with singing and its never come naturally to me. I have only been practicing singing solidly for six months now and I have definitely improved, but I have no idea if I am any good.
    anyways here is a little clip of me singing. I would appreciate feedback. I sent it to my brother and he said it was good, but that when I go higher in pitch it doesn't sound as good. I would appreciate if you agree with his point and how to fix it.
    P.s i have paid
    thank you,
    Ben Jones.
  13. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Bono in Bruno Mars - Versace on the floor (cover) jazzy version   
    Hey guys! It's been a while...
    I'm working on my YouTube channel, trying to post videos more frecuently
    please take a listen to my cover and Tell me what do you think
    thank you in advance!
  14. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to ellise k in "All I Ask" by Adele sung by ellise   
  15. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Robert Lunte in Singing 10 vowels to different notes   
    Awesome great idea "cat"!
    Since I know you are a student of The Four Pillars of Singing, I can't help but notice that the 10 vowels you are working on are precisely the same 10 singing vowels we study in The Four Pillars of Singing. In fact they are in the same sequence as well, which is important given that the sequence of these sound colors represent where the resonate energy is directed ( front to back palate / red > purple > blue ), and how narrow or open the vowel is ( top [narrow] to bottom [open]). For the sake of the exercise you have created, don't forget those important points. Glad to see that the  TVS acoustic modes were helpful in showing you what vowels, or singing colors you can use to get on your feet for your project.

    Now then, your invented exercise...
    Your idea is good and has merit, however, you will never fully reap the benefits of what you are creating here, unless you clearly understand WHY your doing this and what the benefits ACTUALLY are. It is not sufficient to just cycle through a bunch of sound colors and not REALLY know what your hoping to gain with it, and the benefits.
    Can you be clear about what you are hoping to achieve with this idea?
    Also, who ever gave you advise on /oh/ and /ow/ causing darkness in your voice, they are recognizing a common problem with students of singing. I commend them for noticing that. But here again, do you understand why? Do you understand what is making those sound colors dark and do you understand how to fix it? If you go back to your 4Pillars course and take the lessons in the "TVS Acoustic Modes" module and then train the video demonstrations I provided for you out at "My Training" > Integrated Training Routines... you will know why this is happening and how to fix it. In fact, this problem you are describing, is precisely one of the main reasons for the Acoustic Modes presentation and lessons in 4Pillars. 
    Which backs up my point... just cycling through sound colors, albeit interesting and kinda helpful in building some coordination of the articulators, is NOT going to answer the question of why its happening and how to fix it. What that is going to do for you is;
    - Get you to feel the resonation of the 10 vowels, provided that they are done properly, which is another contingency that can fail if you are not clear.
    - Workout the coordination and motor skills of your articulators to form and shape these vowels, again, provided that you are doing it properly.
    All have the value of learning and getting coordinated, so your not totally wasting your time... but again, just doing this activity does not fix your problem you stated above. You have to understand in more depth, the nature of these sound colors; resonance, features, advantages, benefits, what they can fix, what they can't.
    Without looking at the graphic above... could you tell me where /oh/ and /ow/ resonate in the palate? If you don't understand that basic fact about those sound colors, then you will never fix your problem.
    Lastly, you are requesting a review of your singing... this needs to be in the "Review My Singing" forum.
  16. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to 2 cats in a dust bin in Singing 10 vowels to different notes   
    So after I sang to someone I was told I needed to work on my oh and ow vowels as they are  causing my tone to accidentally darken
    So I have done what was recommended but decided to sing 10 different vowels of ee, ih, eh, a, ah, aw, uh, oh, ou, oo, instead of singing the recommended oh and ow
    And sang them to the pitch of this piano/ organ app which I recorded the notes from this link http://www.kongregate.com/games/buttonbass1/player-organ
    At the bottom of the page is an image of the piano. And inside the red lines of that piano are the notes I have sang
    I started at middle C (presuming middle C is the middle key in the piano) and worked my way up a note and down a notes at a time
    I will do more notes at a later stage though
    The links I have listed below are what I have done, the first link of each note is ee-ah and the second link of each note is aw-oo
    But I have worked hard at this doing each vowel at each note many many times
    Do you see there is much more work to be done?

    A2 (6)
    B2 (7)
    C3 (8)
    D3 (9)
    E3 (10)
    F3 (11)
    G3 (12)
    A3 (13)
    B3 (14)
    C4 (15) middle C
    D4 (16)
    E4 (17)
    F4 (18)
    G4 (19)
    A4 (20)
    B4 (21)
    C5 (22)
    D5 (23)
    E5 (24)

  17. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Draven Grey in "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera by Ellise at a showcase performance   
    I'm 100% in agreement with Robert. I was thinking exactly the same things as I watched. 
    To add, about being flat at moments: From what I could tell it sounded like you were allowing the sound to modify back too far when going into light-mass head voice on the higher notes. This put more pressure onto the glottis, and ended up both pulling the voice down into the throat rather than resonating mostly on the soft palate and opened up the glottis with more uncontrolled airiness.
    There are multiple things that can cause this. The most common causes I have seen with my students is closing the embouchure too far and also thinking of modifying vowels as going deeper into the mouth rather than deeper into the soft palate. Often, this is fixed by adding a little more twang, focusing the voice upward, training to keep the embouchure shaped and tuned, and also training to get a very resonant "ou" vowel on the tongue being as far back as you allow the feeling to go (rather than going back to an "oo"). From a highly resonant "ou", I have my students open into other vowels. We often speak relaxed into the hard palate and then sing in a relaxed upward "ou" area focused light-mass head voice a lot before trying to sing a song at full volume or especially before full voice in the upper range. Almost every single time they go a little flat, it's because they let go of horizontal emboushure a bit too much, closed vertically a bit too much, and put too much pressure on their throat rather than the soft palate (up and forward).
    With what Robert is talking about for intonation and tuning, you will be able to easily sing in head voice as resonant as you like, and add in only as much TA as you want for the sound you're going for. The correct placement makes it where only very fine-tnue adjustments need to happen in order to change the sound.
    You have a beautiful voice. With a little more training, especially above the passagio, I have no doubt you can compete with the big league singers.
    I've also coached a lot of bands and artists in stage presence. You're definitely comfortable on stage, it really shows. Now it's time to train hard enough so that when you're performing you don't have to think about technique and can instead focus on letting your whole body get lost in the music. That's a skill all it's own. Critique the hell out of your videos, and start to expiriment with what you've seen other artists do that you really liked and felt their emotion through. The "cool" things that stand out most to you about others are often because you really identify with it and it's already a part of you that only needs amplified more.
  18. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Christian P Gregory in Hi Guys   
    My name is Christian and i am from Brazil
    Hope I can help you guys here in some way!
    I have an youtube channel where I post some of the stuff I do, feel free to have a look: http://youtube.com/chrispgregory. Below is the last video I recorded.
    I have stiil a looot to improve in voice techniques, so if you have some advise I would really like to know.
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    Adolph Namlik reacted to Robert Lunte in "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera by Ellise at a showcase performance   
    - Lovely gown.
    - Please make sure that whom ever is holding the camera for your videos, that  they hold the video still. When you go to this much trouble to learn a song, get dressed up and perform, you need better content. I understand it is not intended to be a music video, but just to capture the moment to review. But still, it is not too much to expect to have the camera held still. 
    - About 2:24 - 2:27 are examples of great vowels Elise. And that means great resonance. There are many examples of you singing with these vowels & resonance. I would suggest that you think about adding a touch more /ou/ as in "would" to the formant shading. It will not change the language vowel you are trying to communicate, but what it will do is add more warmth to the sound color, amplify a touch more and will stabilize your voice even more,... and stronger belt. Even though this is a lovely vowel and resonance, I'm only saying, you can make them even more "boomy" if you add more /ou/.
    - Elise,... there are micro moments in this performance where you are singing flat. It is NOT radically out and I suspect that the average ear wouldn't even hear it, but... more trained ears do and that would include judges and producers, the kind of people you are going to start drawing attention to. You need to UP your game Elise in paying attention to intonation at a professional level, because that is what your becoming.
    - 3:24 - 3:30 ... nice sob mode ... great weepy vibe here.
    Elise, you hard work is paying off. You have grown so much as a singer, its great. Keep going. I think you are well on your way to being a professional and singing for a living in your life. This is a lovely performance. But know that it shows two singers at the same time. This performance is showing the earlier singer you are growing out of and fore shadowing the more mature singer you are becoming. It has elements of BOTH.
    To keep moving in the more mature direction I prescribe that you get more serious about intonation and you start working on techniques that will build your ability to belt with more stability and strengthen your TA muscles. If you train with me, I can show you how.
    Draven... thoughts?
  21. Like
    Adolph Namlik got a reaction from Robert Lunte in Hi Guys   
    Welcome Christian,

    This forum is for a consultation service that we provide to help you get feedback on your singing and training. As such, it is a paid service because a thorough consultation of your training and singing takes time. We wish to provide you the best feedback and insights regarding your singing that we can.

    After you have made a payment, reviews will be available for you and THIS post will be removed.

    Click Here:



    Kindly read the private message I sent you.




  22. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Robert Lunte in Together in the Heat (quicky original)   
    Backing tracks don't have to be karaoke.
    I asked because I was just introduced to these guys, looks super cool.
    You can purchase original backing tracks... what a great potential service for singers. 
  23. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to JonJon in Together in the Heat (quicky original)   
    wikiloops is music collaboration.   Its not "backing tracks" per se....in other words its not karaoke stuff.
    its all original stuff. people go and upload tracks of all sorts and then anyone can add whatever they want to any track. I think there are like 90000 tracks currently. All genres and members from like 150 countries.
    I went there originally to find drum tracks to start my songs with, before I ended up getting EZ Drummer software.
    Whats the catch? the only catch is that there are musicians there of ALL levels...so therefore the tracks are of all levels lol.
    Its a VERY friendly and positive place....too friendly in a sense because one can post up anything and people gush all over it....but thats good for people just getting started etc
    here is one of the tracks from today I clicked on at random with solid girl singer https://www.wikiloops.com/backingtrack-jam-91137.php
    If you look at it you see how it was built step by step with people adding to this original track https://www.wikiloops.com/backingtrack-jam-51485.php
    Great place for people to practice vocals
    Great site ran by a German guy named Dick.
  24. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to JonJon in Together in the Heat (quicky original)   
    just some quick vocals I threw onto a Latvian buddys music track (from wikiloops)
    I wrote the lyrics around 9pm and I couldnt keep my eyes open and I was going to just do the vox later but I decided to "just lay down a scratch vox track"...but you know how that goes. I was dead tired so this may not be my best but I still dig it even though I was struggling a bit
    The vibe is a little different than my songs because essentially he never changes chords lol....gives a bit more of a stoner rock feel, which I dig
    Anyone figure out the story I am paraphrasing in the song?
    okay, actually I am lying, this is just some computer generated vocals based off of a sample of my voice on an answering machine. its all fake. Even the vibrato is a vst. and i was wearing a wig
  25. Like
    Adolph Namlik reacted to Jeremy Mohler in Together in the Heat (quicky original)   
    Beastly song, nice work man.  Can't say much more than that. Think the melody and guitars syncopated really nice together.
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