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Everything posted by Olem

  1. Fantastic singing here, like a proffessional! And the recording sound quality is flawless, one of the best contributions on this site i have listened to. Keep doing what you are doing.
  2. I agree with the above answers. You have a very nice timbre and it´s not girly/whiny sounding. if you put a little more effort and support i think it will sound even better. i don´t either hear that you would have a big issue with the higher tones. Keep up the good work!
  3. First of all, thanx for your time and answers. Kalapoka, you are absolutely right about me singing the first verse a little too high. I don´t feel any soreness after i have sung but i feel tired, alot more tired than after the ac/dc songs i previously have been singing. Maybe i sing in overdrive and therefore is more exhausted due to lack of support or perhaps it has to do with my unfitness . I don´t quite understand what you mean when you say that the song is written for mixed/middled voice and that is perhaps different from mine. I am familiar with Brett Mannings program, the "nay nay" excersise is to mix head with chest? Pretty Maids are veterans and been along since the 80´s, this is one of their softer songs, they usually do more harder stuff. Akarawd: Yes i have problems with my breathing and i will try to be more aware of exhaling completely. I have problems with long verses, i try to inhale after a couple of lines but it´s not enough, maybe it´s my support that is bad
  4. Hello, everybody! I have been practising twang and distortion alot lately in songs by Ac/Dc but now i wanted to try something else, a melodic rock song. I try to stay in curbing or mixed voice for this song but i find it quite difficult. I especially had problems with my support and felt that i was pulling chest a bit. Weil, i am not sure, what do you guys think? I give you links to one file with my vocals extracted and one with vocals and original music since i couldn´t find a backing track and don´t know if my voice drowns behind the original vocals. Thanx in advance/ Ola http://www.box.net/shared/v3ia1j8u91 http://www.box.net/shared/5hj57dk36h
  5. Ok, thanx for the reply, Ronws. I was thinking, won´t i have to darken the sound a little more to sound even more like ac/dc?
  6. Hi,singers! I continue my practise of the Brian Johnson sound. That is twanging alot and adding distortion to my vocals. I have noticed that i more easily gets distortion to my voice now and it doesn´t hurt either so i guess i´m on the right track. But, i would like to hear your opinions of this vocal performance. Am i close to this type of sound a´la Brian Johnson, Axl Rose? Thanx in advance The link: www.box.net/shared/rrz4710345
  7. Great effort, Jonpall, you have a strong voice.
  8. Thanx for your reply, Ronws! Yes you are right about the beginning that i had some problem around my passagio, at first i struggled with maintaining my distorted voice thru the passagio. The truth is i was singing this song on two occasions, the first part of the song the first day and then the last part the next day and then mixing them together, so that could explain why it sounds differently within the song. It would be interesting to know where you find my voice improves in this song. Ronws, i really must say that i am impressed by the effort you put into your reply and i really appreciate it, thanx alot, man!
  9. Hello, Snax! Seems like we are both trying to achieve that famous Brian Johnsson sound. I must say you sounded very good in your clip especially in the "lower" notes. I am not a teacher so i can´t explain very weil, but to my ears the chorus didn´t sound as good as the beginning, and i think it was because you lost a little bit of distortion there. I have problem with this too in my clips, i try to hold back alot to just maintain the distortion in my voice but i am not there yet but hopefully it will come with practise. Keep up the good work, Snax, and you will soon have that perfect Brian Johnsson sound!
  10. Hello, hardrock-lovers! So, I continue practising this singing style of Brian Johnsson. Trying to sing with alot of twang and distortion in my voice. My control isn´t very good yet but hopefully it will come with time. I try to relax and sing in neutral as suggested previously. What do you think? Am i on the right path here if you compare with the "Back in Black" post? Thanx in advance/ Ola The link: http://www.box.net/shared/3inf9dafah
  11. Thanx alot for your responses. Seventh Fear: Do you mean high range with grit, because i can sing a G5 in full voice but i don´t think i can do it with grit. Jonpall: Hehe, you are right, i am alot off pitch. It was a bit of a hasty work, the main purpose was to practise mixing twang with grit but i wasn´t off pitch on purpose. The rhythm was another problem i had on this song, trying to add distortion and concentrating on this made me often be off rhytm.
  12. Hello, singers! This is a very tough song and i try to twang and add distortion to it, am i on the right way? How can i make my voice sound better in this song? Any tips would be highly appreciated. I send links of two clips, one where i try to extract my voice from the music in case my voice is too blurred. Thanx in advance/ Ola http://www.box.net/shared/gpz9kccu1a http://www.box.net/shared/kgc57rdkmh
  13. Thanx for your opinion, Jonpall. I have listened to your vocals here and you seem to have a good ear and understanding of how to achieve certain modes of singing. Your vocal is very good, by the way, you have come far. I try to add grit but it´s not something you do consistently over one night, . Cheers, pal!
  14. Thanx for your post, Seventh Fear. Well i guess i like Rob Halford´s style of singing and that´s why i try to sound like that. Anyways, interesting that you say i am singing in falsetto. Does this holds for the whole clip because i was aiming for a twangy sound? If so, does anyone have any suggestions of how to achieve a more twangy sound. Thanx in advance/ Ola
  15. No problem, Jonpall, i totally understand. I will try www.box.net instead and here are the links: http://www.box.net/shared/2z3x4vb3fb http://www.box.net/shared/0vlooax0rs
  16. Ok, Jonpall, i didn´t find any backing track but instead i tried to remove Rob´s voice even more in my vocal remover program. I also upload a file with only my vocals. Here you go: http://www.2shared.com/file/12551056/be4abb14/screaming_for_vengeance_remix_.html and: http://www.2shared.com/file/12551158/5830fc24/screaming_for_vengeance_only_v.html
  17. Hello, there, Metal Folks! I have made my own version of this classic Priest song, i have tried to twang alot in this song but i feel there is something missing, maybe you could help me with that. Here is the adress for my videoclip: Thanx in advance/ Ola
  18. Many thanx for the tips you guys. Yes i reckon i have a problem to be on pitch when i sing. Since i am not pleased with how my head voice sounds i usually belt when i sing this kind of music and when i belt i guess i tense up alot when i try to reach for notes like tenor c´s. Steven: i do listen by head phones but not the way you recommend, i will try that.
  19. I try to sing a song by Dokken "the cry of the gipsy. I think i know what my biggest problem is but i would like to get a confirmation from you guys here. Please point out my flaws and give me some suggestions of how i could correct them. I will not get offended so please throw it on me. I want to improve my singing and right now i have some ideas but don´t really have the tools. I hope my voice isn´t drowning too much in the music. Thanx in advance/ Ola
  20. Tjena, Jens! Tack för din feedback. Jag tar tacksamt emot extra övningar så jag addar dig gärna på hotmailen.
  21. Hi, everybody! I love to sing heavy metal songs but i find it very difficult. I read of something called the Pharyngeal voice and started to practise this type of voice from an old Judas Priest song called "Painkiller". I hope to get some kind of feedback from anyone who is into this kind of music and i hope the music isn't devouring my voice too much. I think that when i sing higher notes i´ll mostly get a weak falsetto voice making it sounds ridiculous. And i wonder: how could you transform a raspy chest voice up into your head voice without making your voice sound weak. I say raspy [googlevid][/googlevid]because i guess that is the effect most heavy metal singers use to make their voice sound more powerful. One of my favourite singers is James Labrie and i admire his way of kind of mixing his head with his chest when he sings high notes. How exactly do you do that when you go into your higher notes. i read that you could use something called the "Power-push" and also expand your ribs to get a more chesty sound but that didn't help for me, at least not yet, maybe i´ll have to practise more. I guess i´ll have to take singin lessons to be able to understand this things better but i don´t know of any teacher in my surroundings that could teach this kind of stuff (I live in the south of sweden).
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