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Everything posted by gno

  1. Mike - that's sounds great. The new mic is nice and smooth. Your voice is mixed very well with the backing tracks. The right volume and compression and the amount and room size of reverb. Your voice is perfect for the styx style. You are singing it with heavier as ronws said, and that is how Dennis sings it. Keep em coming.. I want to hear your new version of Lady.
  2. ronws - I just recovered from something like that. Started out with super low voice and not being able to connect passagio to head.
  3. I'm a little over 6' and 190 lbs, but my low range isn't that great. I can get down to about an E or Eb in neutral. Snax that was a great recording especially at the end with the siren up to the scream!
  4. Martin - that sounds pretty good down there. It sounds like overdrive - is it? I can get down there with neutral but not overdrive yet (unless I've got a throat infection or something)
  5. Great singing! You've got that style nailed! that sm57 actually sounds very good.. It will be interesting to hear you sing through the bluebird.
  6. That's pretty low. Sounds real good - I haven't heard that song for many years.
  7. Sounds really good! Nice vocal performance and guitar work.
  8. Another fantastic performance! That's some really difficult singing you are pulling off. Keep em coming at us!
  9. That sounds great - Those high screams are right on. You really nailed this one. Great job!
  10. Joshual - thanks for the feedback. I'll look into that. I did a project for a producer recently and he had issues with my T's and S's and we narrowed it down to my mic, even though I do use a pop filter. My Mic has a bump up at 6k - 8k right where those are. I don't use any dessing or anything. I haven't noticed the issue with T but since the that producer did and now you, looks like I'm going to have to investigate it more. Maybe it's my mic, maybe it's just me. Thanks again.
  11. akarawd - thanks for your support! joshual - thanks for the comments! ronws - nice summarization of Kansas - you nailed it. I loved that kind of fusion. I was a big fan of them way back but I didn't know many of the back stories until recently. Kerry considered Kansas to be one of the first progressive rock bands that could actually produce number one hits, and I can't disagree with him on that. It's too bad they couldn't stick together in the original lineup. Last year they came out with a BluRay of a reunion gig with Kerry. Luckily before Kerry had his stroke. Thanks for your comments.
  12. Rexinator - Thanks for listening. The original was done by Kansas - sang by Steve Walsh who had one of the great rock voices of the 70's. ronws - thanks for your comments. So you are/were a big Kansas fan too! Steve was one of my favorite singers - especially the young Steve. I'm glad you heard some improvements. Quincy - Thank you!
  13. I like that song too. It's not an easy song, but you sang it very well. Nice range and good connection with your breath. Nice job.
  14. You've got a great dynamic rock voice. Sounds excellent! Keep it up!
  15. I posted this song a couple months ago. At that time Steven Fraser had some great suggestions and wanted me to re-record the song after it settled in my voice a bit. He thought I could get more resonance in the high range. So here is the updated recording. I reworked the melody in the 3rd verse (starting at 3:06) with more Bb4's. I was glad I took Steven's advice - The high notes feel more full now. http://soundclick.com/share?songid=9429511 Please let me know what you think and if you have any other suggestions. Thank you! Geno
  16. Sounds Great! Nice job on the guitar too! The quality of the audio is very good for a live show. Both the guitars sound great together - nice tone. Thanks for sharing
  17. rich2k4 - the high parts where you are using falsetto - E4 to A4 - lays right in the passagio. This is the trickiest part of the male range and it is natural to start cracking there if you haven't been trained, or haven't trained yourself how to sing in this range. You have a couple of choices here - you can sing this all in chest (or in CVT terms Overdrive) or you can go with a "covered" tone (CVT terms: Curbing). The later is what I do in this area and is the typical operatic approach and the approach used by a lot of pop rock singers. The covered tone approach uses a vowel modification when you get up to E4 and higher. Once you learn these vowel modifications, it makes it much easier to go high. Along with that you need to do some excersizes to build up the range. It is like weightlifting - you have to add this range gradually. But once you learn the technique it comes pretty quickly over a couple weeks. Just don't overdo it.
  18. Sounds great! Your voice has a big range and nice tone. Sounds like you have good control over it - good twanging on the high stuff. Nice recording too. Do you mind sharing the signal chain / recording environment for your voice?
  19. You're right - I did practice Overdrive a couple times up there, but with no specific excersize. Mostly I've been trying to master the traditional bel canto. I'll have to read the CVT book and figure out a good excersise to do for overdrive.
  20. That make sense Martin. I know what you mean now. I still practice the Bel Canto way, or Ken Tamplin's approach, which means at E4 I go from Overdrive into Curbing (I guess). The fact that you are actually more comfortable up there than curbing is encouraging to me. Overdrive has a cool sound in the E4 to C5 range.
  21. Ok Martin - I'm sorry but "stressful" can be defined in different ways. You are assuming I'm talking about stressful in the subjective sense. I meant "stressful" in terms of physical energy and load - as an engineer would measure physical stresses and forces. Sounds like we are arguing semantics here. However, it seems I have a lot to learn in terms of CVT. Seeing that CVT doesn't believe in passagio it is sometimes hard to have discussions about it in terms of CVT.
  22. Ok - Martin you are our resident CVT expert not me. Let's abandon the CVT terms for a minute. I'm simply trying to convey the fact that modifying vowels at certain pitches makes it easier for your voice. The "passagio" area is where the formants and harmonics have interesting relationships giving singers reasons to modify vowels. Changing the vowels changes the resonant frequencies which help amplify the harmonics. Helping to amplify harmonics requires less energy. Steven Fraser has given us numerous examples and graphs on this subject. And he has explained this quite well - many times. Martin - Aside from this interesting discussion on CVT terms (and I do love CVT), what advice would you give this guy? I'm always interested in your helpful comments and advice.
  23. Sounds really nice. I don't think it "sounds" like too much tension all throughout, but you may feel too much tension. During the chorus on the e4 and f4 - this is right in the passagion area. This is the part of your range that seems like you need to work on. It seems just a little out of control. You are doing that in "overdrive" or "pulling chest" (different terminology from different methods). You can keep with that, or you could try to "cover" in that area (curbing). that mode will be a little less stressful on your voice as you will align the resonances better. Learning curbing or covering will give you more options and maybe easier control in that area. Overall - great sound quality with your voice and lots of potential I agree with Michele. Are you monitoring with compression? If not, you may want to try that as when you go louder it won't blast your ears so much. It seems that you are flinching a bit on the louder parts in the passagio area. that is affecting your performance.
  24. akarawd - that sounds great! It sounds like you are using overdrive in the passagio area E4- A4 , and head above that. The only thing I can think of is to try curbing in the passagio area - might be easier and sound more in control. But this is purely a stylistic choice. You might be going for that extra tension. It sounds really cool the way it is, so either way.
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