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Snax-Second attempt at AC/DC Back In Black

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I just got over a cold and back into recording. I posted this one before but I have been working on a different type of rasp and thought that it might work for AC/DC so I tried it again. No idea how to explain what I'm doing differently from my previous Brian Johnson vocal configuration but it does feel different in my throat. Anyway, hope you dig it.... It damn near killed me! lol



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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds great man. How the heck do you get the rasp way up there? When I try to add rasp to a note that high (or as close to that high as i can get) it feels like someone dumped razor blades down my throat lol. Certainly you are doing something right even to get up there .


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds great man. How the heck do you get the rasp way up there? When I try to add rasp to a note that high (or as close to that high as i can get) it feels like someone dumped razor blades down my throat lol. Certainly you are doing something right even to get up there .

I really wish I knew how to explain or describe what I'm doing to get this particular sound. It isn't the healthiest way to sing for sure and it's not something I'd want to subject my voice to too often. I know i keep mentioning my tonsillectomy in some of my posts but it really did give me a whole new set of vocal configurations to experiment with. I just wish I would have had it done years ago when i was actually gigging in a bar band. Lord only knows how my voice might be today if I did!

The key to singing anything in this range is to first develop a strong clear head voice or "mix" if you prefer that terminology. From then it's just a matter of experimenting and trying different things until you are able to add the rasp over top of that clear voice like an effect that you are able to turn on and off at will.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds quite good, man! But there's a feeling that you sing through a pillow :)

Not sure what you mean by your post Jugulator, can you please explain? Perhaps you are talking about the actual way I EQ my vocals on this track? I do notice that when I use this particular "rasp effect" it's not as clear and biting as some of the other ways I achieve a raspy tone. Is that what you mean?


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Awesome Snax! I really dug the distortion effect, btw. I'm not sure if I agree about the pillow thing but perhaps it can be noted that it is always a bit harder to clearly pronounce words if you have rasp on top of them. Could it be that your tongue is too far backwards and the tip of your tongue isn't touching the back of your bottom teeth? That seems to happen to me sometimes and it can make the sound more "muffled". Just a guess, though, but you might want to check yourself in the mirror. But that's just a slight critique. All in all it's just bloody awesome. And just as awesome is that link in the bottom to your version of "Thunderball", even though I've heard it before. But after listening to it again, I must ask something that I pretty much never ask singers - are you SURE this is you and not Tom Jones? :) Because I think that's just world class singing.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Awesome Snax! I really dug the distortion effect, btw. I'm not sure if I agree about the pillow thing but perhaps it can be noted that it is always a bit harder to clearly pronounce words if you have rasp on top of them. Could it be that your tongue is too far backwards and the tip of your tongue isn't touching the back of your bottom teeth? That seems to happen to me sometimes and it can make the sound more "muffled". Just a guess, though, but you might want to check yourself in the mirror. But that's just a slight critique. All in all it's just bloody awesome. And just as awesome is that link in the bottom to your version of "Thunderball", even though I've heard it before. But after listening to it again, I must ask something that I pretty much never ask singers - are you SURE this is you and not Tom Jones? :) Because I think that's just world class singing.

Wow, thanks for the kind words! :)

That's an interesting comment about my tongue placement and you might just be right. I'll definitely be more aware the nest time I'm singing and see if I'm muffling myself inadvertently.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds great Mike. What type of rasp is that and what are you doing differently to acheive it?

I really don't know if I can explain it but there's more constriction and I feel like my voice is placed more further back in my throat if that makes sense? In this song I actually use both the new rasp and the one I used to use which is brighter sounding. I prefer the newer method of achieving the rasp as far as the sound go. It had a smoother sound and doesn't sound so much like Beavis! lol


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

THanks Ron. I can "feel" the newer rasp more in the back of my throat. Like I'm gargling water (or beer!). The usual rasp I do is more forward in placement or at least it feels that way. If you listen closely you'll hear where I have to slip from one rasp to another as the vocals go up in pitch. I wish I could just use one rasp all the way through my range but that still eludes me thus far. When I post comments on other singers and praise their rasp I'm being very sincere. It's not an easy thing to do well and is something that I struggle with constantly. Kudos to those of you who have mastered it!


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  • 6 months later...
  • TMV World Legacy Member

You later link (the better mix) is broken.

George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

This a very hard song to sing. You did a good job of it. But in my ears you mostly sang shallowly on the top and also out of key. Your singing was best after 2.45. Great singing !

Hard song and you are not really there yet but better than most tryes.

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