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How to improve my voice ((range demo and vocal singing demo included))

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey yall my name is Joshua Vinziant I'm a voice student in collage and i'd like yall to critique my voice and if yall could help me to get it better here is the link....some parts of the video is unclear of me speaking but what im basicly trying to say is my Vocal range is from ((when voice is in good shape E2))F2 or G2 to C5 AT max, i'd like to know if im using my mix head in the high levels. The vocal range part I did a C major scale 2 octaves. Then I did a demo of my Bass (voice)) part in a song SATB song then a solo rep i cant complete the solo because of the campus police closing down the buildings. Doing the video im talking about my comfortable range that i can belt out.., that is G2 to D4. This was kind of last mintue so the notes on my section song is..held a little to long because im trying to remember it LOL, but please comment tell what yall think, and by the way im knew here :D hi!!!!! nice to meet yall

THIS IS THE LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TuqStkJNLOc

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounds like there is too much air coming out of your bass notes - and you need work on your passagio notes, as I can hear the flutter between head and chest on the notes you sing between d4 and g4. Other the that, sounds great!


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks so much since da sounds are lower i think they need more push but it seem to be to much ive actually just learnt to use my head voice so imma need to learn to connect dem den when i went down i heard the flutter my self going to chest voice, i

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey Vinzant ;>

I don't see any point in classification for you at this moment, but you deffinately don't sound even REMOTELY close to a bass :P Maybe that's where your currently most comfortable at. You need a good teacher to start guiding you through the basics.

Before you start doing this, you need to honestly answer yourself:

a) are you willing to make the TIME commitment to become a good singer. It takes many years for most people (unless you're some kind of prodogy), despite all the marketing tralala which promisses great voices in just a few weeks.

B) are you willing to make a Financial commitment to study once/twice a week OR do you have the dedication to occassionally take a lesson, write and tape everything and then sit down and analyse and practise rigorously yourself?

I'm willing to help you get started, but only if you display serious signs of you REALLY wanting to become a singer. Not in words, but by showing your commitment.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I wake up about everyday to go to the music building and warm up and pratice my voice class assignments i had some private lessons by a really go voice and piano teacher i've drilled myself many time ive recorded my self on warm up vocal excerices and song. Since my voice teacher is the only one i have limited time and s

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sometimes there group classes, im the only voice student that isnt able to get thing at the snap of a fingiber so i work even harder because i dislike mistakes. So i never had really to much of a consist vocal classs privaty, thanks so much i really need more help i got a sp eech problem thats leads me to a

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Question sorry about all these nessages my phone stop lettin me typ after so and so number of words but. The question even doe i have a speech problem will that affect me trying to be a pro singer

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

If you already have a good voice teacher that you or your parents are paying for, you might wish to consult with him or her.

And yes, it is possible for a bass or baritone to sing high notes. Has your teacher defined your fach (range and tessitura)?

You have an advantage that many here do not have. A vocal professional who can hear you live and diagnose things and offer immediate suggestions for improvement or evolution of your voice. I'm not just being a snot. Many of the fine vocalists here often recommend seeking a coach or instructor local to you, something you already have.

And good luck and welcome to this forum.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks yall, yup i have an amazing voice teacher doing my first audion ishe started teaching on the spot i was just not this far a year ago since being under her training my range went from B2-G4 to F2 or g2 -c5 at max

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Vinziant I don't want to be blunt, but you're just breaking into headvoice. Even your chest down low is completly lacking core.

You don't NEED all this BS I'm a bass, baritone, tenor atm at all. You just need a good approach to the voice.

How on EARTH can you know your fach when you're just a starter? When you barely have ANY full chest voice?

I can't believe teachers or people who convolute young guys who want to train and are eager to learn, because they are essentially slow them down. Give me your oovoo ID, I'll install it for you, because I just can't stand stuff like this.

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