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Guns n' Roses vocal covers

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi everyone, I'm new at the Forum. I'm a big GNR fan, I love Axl and music is my life. I'm an amateur singer, have started a few years ago, doing GNR covers for rock tribute bands. Now have launched my own project doing some live sessions. Hope you come by and like what you listen, it's done with much respect and passion.


Thanks, bye!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

i don't kmow how to say it correctly... Well, did you listen to those tracks before posting them on youtube? Is it possible that you can hear yourself well there? I listened to two tracks and i decided that there is no reson to listen no others, if you know what i mean... May be you should do a better quality recording and then post it here for everyone to listen, because what i heared there was: 1)bad quality(i can barely hear you) 2) bad singing(by my opinion of course). For me you sound all strained and tight.

Gonna conquer the world ]:-|

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Forgive Dr. Evil, he is a might blunt sometimes. Before you try very hard to sound like someone else, always find your own voice. You sound like a beginner, so do things that a beginner would do. Warm up, do exercises, maybe get a coach. I listened to knocking on heavens door. You are trying to hard to sound like Axel, and you are singing it an octave too low. also, you are singing like you talk. Singing and talking, although related, are very different. If you want to become a great singer, get lessons. buy a singing program. Start off by doing things right. Bad habits are very hard to break. The owner of this page sells an awesome program, and so do many others. You will get out of it what you put into it. Welcome to the forum!


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Maxrose ,

You seem to be trying to sing things way too low. If you have a guitar or piano or some kind of keyboard start just listening to individual notes and trying to match your voice to them. Do not try to sound like anyone else at this.

If you have a guitar just try to match notes on the second and third thickest string only to the 5th fret. These notes are closer to where most people speak. I am not a teacher . If any thing hurts stop it. You have a long way to go but don't give up.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Dollars to donuts, I have probably been a fan of GnR longer than you have been alive. I was getting married to my first wife when Appetite for Destruction came out.

I expect most low pitched guys to at least get the first part of "Shackler's Revenge." But I can't sing that low. And Axl is a basso-baritone and he is actually singing those notes, not just grunting or getting a fry sound.

I listened to that song, "Chinese Democracy," and "Better." The problem is not just that you cannot get in the key of the song, but that you also cannot get the melody line of the original going on. So, you are nowhere near the original key or even an harmonic relative of it. The melody line is non-existent, i.e., no sense of interval.

Truth be known, I figured you would probably not get "Better" right because Axl starts it in honest-to-goodness falsetto, sometihng that everyone seems to be afraid of.

While you are on youtube, you might check out some of the singing instruction videos. If you can afford it, definitely hire a singing teacher or singing coach. Now, a teacher will, at the start, have you shy away from the cartoonish nasal sound and get you just to make sounds that relate to known pitches. But it will be a start.

I am failing epically at being cheerleader, which I usually excel at, without breathing hard. Like M said, you have some work ahead of you. And instead of tackling one of the hardest songs to cover, "Shackler's Revenge," right off the bat, first get through happy birthday or twinkle, twinkle little star. Those are easy melodies in an average range. All the sound effects can come later.

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