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Would love to get some advice, and critique on my vocals.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey Guys,

New here and was wondering if I can post a sample of my vocals, so I can get some critque?

I feel like my vocals are strained to go out. When I am singing, I feel more like I should sing more with emotion than anything else, but when I hear my recording, it sounds strained, sometimes even too flat...

A cover of the song Smile. This is acapella.

A cover of The beatles song Yesterday:

Would love to get some advice. I really want to improve my singing.


Voc-Al :)

"Like stars across the sky, we were born to shine!"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I thought that was pretty good :) Your pitch was good and on the acapella that is difficult.

Here is what I heard. The pronunciation of certain words. Specifically the ones ending in "r." Too much R.

Yesterrday. Farr away. The word here (here to stay) also had a heavy r sound and ee "heerre."

And did you have a cold or something? It didn't sound nasal but it sounded like your nose was stuffed like when someone has a cold or someone mimics one. I really liked how you altered the melody in spots and added your own thing, that was really nice. Overall nice job.

Smile was good also although it sounded again like you had a cold and this one sounded like you were having trouble breathing in some spots. It was very heavy on the breaths. The lack of music made the phrases a little drawn out in some spots but it was on pitch and not bad. Again pronunciation/annunciation. For the word "clouds" you said something like "claowwds."

Nice job :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks for the quick reply Tommy!

Regarding the Acappella. I shouldn't have called it that. I recorded it with music, but then only saved the vocal track. Mostly so you guys can hear the quality of the vocals alone..

I definitely agree with you regarding pronunciation. After all, I am not a native english speaker, but I most deffintiely will work on that.

My most important question is, regarding highs, i feel as if I am straining at places, sometimes even flat. I do hear the nasally, cold sound, and no.. I dont have a cold which sux.... How can I get rid of this habit? Maybe I am singing from my nose.

Also, vocal chord closure. I feel raspy at times and dont know what would help me bring closure to the vocal chords.



"Like stars across the sky, we were born to shine!"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounded pretty good. I like the variation in the melody. Your voice sounds good for this genre. Only thing I heard is your not modifying vowels enough (imo) on the higher notes - which may be why you were reaching for the highest note (in the song Yesterday).


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Any good guide out there regarding modifying vowels. You are probably spot on as I have never modified vowels and have no clue on how to do it.

"Like stars across the sky, we were born to shine!"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Any good guide out there regarding modifying vowels. You are probably spot on as I have never modified vowels and have no clue on how to do it.

No a stand alone guide. I suggest getting a program that has it all, like Lunte's "Pillars" program. I have it and LOVE it to death. If you have any questions about it you can email me, or ask Robert (the site owner and author of Pillars)


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Something that I always do when new to a forum, no matter what the subject, is use the search function. I have directed many new singer coming to this forum, to visit the "techniques" section and scour through the thread titles (there are many pages there) for clues to what you many be looking for. There have been and continue to be so many topics covered there. Good chance you'll find answers to help you get started. Also do a search. For example type "vowels" into the search function. It's a good place to get a start. Loads of information on technique, practice, books, learning styles etc. :) And always ask questions. I find it best to ask a question and then question the answer :D

Good luck

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I love your tone and vibrato. The breathing's just a bit strange, there's a little sigh after you release every note. Watch out for that. You're also straining on the higher notes, but just keep practicing and doing the right exercises.

You're much better than I am so I don't know much advice I can really give you :lol:

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

It does not sound like you are singing through your nose but that your sinuses are stopped up, creating a bit of tone similar to Rocky Balboa, albeit in the upper 4th octave.

I battle allergies and funky sinuses most every day. I just live with it.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you so much for your wonderful advice!

What I will do is re-record and upload again hoping the nasal issue was just a partially stuffed nose.

What I did find out with a piano yesterday is that I can reach from a F3 to a F6. That being said, I have no idea whether the high is in falsetto or not. I can try to upload a sound version of that as well.

"Like stars across the sky, we were born to shine!"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well, if you are using american or scientific octave notation, rather than european, you can definitely sing higher than I can. On a good, if I am relaxed, I can get a C6. My lower end is C3, though, with concentration, I can get a few notes below that, but they lack volume and fullness.

Looking forward to hearing your continued efforts.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

voc - that sounds very good. Keep up the good work.

The system we use here is C4=Middle C, and C5 would be the High Tenor C. C6 is Soprano high C. From hearing your voice I would guess that when you say F3, we would consider that F2.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

voc - that sounds very good. Keep up the good work.

The system we use here is C4=Middle C, and C5 would be the High Tenor C. C6 is Soprano high C. From hearing your voice I would guess that when you say F3, we would consider that F2.

Seems like you are right. So its F2 to F5. Still I think its falsetto at the highs. But would love to hear what you think.



"Like stars across the sky, we were born to shine!"

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