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Two from Joe Cocker

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

It's been awhile since I recorded anything. Been through a bit of a rough patch. I whipped out two today both Joe Cocker versions. You can Leave Your Hat On and The letter. The Letter is new. It's something I'm working on starting today.

"The Letter"


"You Can Leave Your Hat On"


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Good stuff. I didn't really hear any rasp like you talked about in the other thread.

Anyway, perfect match of voice and song, in both cases. And you got that "swing" for phrasing that is right for these songs, especially "You Can Leave Your Hat On," which is, I think, a song built for rubato.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Good stuff. I didn't really hear any rasp like you talked about in the other thread.

Maybe rasp is the wrong term. But I do/did use a lot of gravel or grit. A decent amount of throat rumbling ala Cocker :D I agree it doesn't show so much after recording but it takes a toll on me and I only have a certain amount of singing I can do this way.

And you got that "swing" for phrasing that is right for these songs, especially "You Can Leave Your Hat On," which is, I think, a song built for rubato.

Thanks. That means something to me because phrasing is very important for my singing style and preference. I focus on phrasing a lot. Funny about the rubato. I often think of that when singing this song :D It is made for playing with isn't it :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Your voice fits these songs well. You turn on a little blues growl here and there that adds alot.

Rhythmically I think you nailed "Leave Your Hat On" better than "Letter" but Cocker himself made the latter, "Letter," massively loose so I get that that's the style.

I'd come see you sing.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Negoba. "The letter' is a new one for me. Not that I haven't had experience with this song as it has been something I've been familiar with since the Box Tops did it when I was a kid. But I never really sang anything more than the chorus and of course there are all the little nuances of the song...or any song. Yesterday I decided to learn all the words and familiarize myself with Joe Cockers way of singing it. Today's recording was sot of my first attempt at making it my own. I do feel more comfortable with Leave Your Hat

On. Perhaps it is as Ron pointed out; the comfort of the timing. So yes, The Letter was a bit more difficult. Deceptively so. :)

Thanks for listening and commenting.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I only had time to listen to "The Letter". Not bad for the first time in making it your own. Might I suggest give another listen to The Box Tops version and combine the two. It may help you get the phrasing that you are looking for. I think you will have success in making this fit with your style.

EDIT Just listened to "Leave you Hat ON" VERY GOOD :D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I thought it was pretty raspy, delivery and emotion is there, however a few pitchy moments but I guess that comes with the style of singing.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Might I suggest give another listen to The Box Tops version and combine the two. It may help you get the phrasing that you are looking for. I think you will have success in making this fit with your style.

I'm familiar with that version. I prefer the style and phrasing of Joe Cocker. Kind of an influence on me. Well, maybe indirectly since Ray Charles is a big influence for me and Joe Cocker was influenced and styled himself on him :D But I'm not actually looking for the phrasing. Just more or less getting used to singing the song through comfortably and making it more my own. But I want to retain much of the Joe Cockerness to it. If you know what I mean.

Just listened to "Leave you Hat ON" VERY GOOD :D

Thanks, I sang that one live but it was in front of the wrong crowd I think. They were a little old and didn't quite get it. Before I sang I said if anyone felt like stripping feel free :D

Thanks Keith. Yea my voice has been weird lately. You can tell since I haven't posted a song in awhile...lol

Thanks Beatfire for listening.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks, I sang that one live but it was in front of the wrong crowd I think. They were a little old and didn't quite get it. Before I sang I said if anyone felt like stripping feel free :D

Good thing I wasn't there. I would have taken the dare and left everyone with a mental image that would endure to the end of days. I have a few hats to choose from.


So, I wonder, was the crowd freaked out about the stripping dare or the innuendo in the song?

Or both?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

They weren't really freaked out. Just not as enthusiastic. Kind of just staring. :D When I sang "Now, take off your shoes." A woman was walking by coming out from dinner and I moved toward her as she walked by and sang that at her. She smiled. The crowd just stared...:D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Kind of like a deer in headlights :P Sometimes thats part of the fun of being an entertainer. Watching the crowds reaction when you pull something off the wall. I have been in clubs where some of the women would have started taking off pieces of clothing just to see if you would react. :D

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yea, audiences are funny. Sometimes they are very into it and sometimes they are not. I have discussed this with other singers also. Good crowd tonight? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sometimes "strange."

I have had people come dance with me even when not solicited a few times. They just take it upon themselves. That's cool. I had a woman in an elevator the day after I sang "Come To Papa" ( Bob Seger) compliment me which was cool, but even more cool was her telling me her husband was chasing her around all night singing "come to papa!" :D

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