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Singing+Shredding Simultaneously [live video]

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

This is my band, Tasavuh.

We're playing one of our first songs 'throne', you can hear a recored version here: http://soundcloud.com/adonfanion/throne-nm2/s-OurXn

Here is a video of us playing it last year:

Unfortunately, our bassist moved away, and our drummer is moving soon as well.

I play/sing live, few mistakes, so there ya go.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Awesome, Adon. So many influences and inferences, I could cramps in my hands trying to write them all. And what a pity the band has broken up. Everything was so tight. Tight enough to squeeze dime and get two cents change back. Shades of Rush, Kansas, Soundgarden (with an ethereal mix reminiscent of "Louder than Love.") Good stuff. What the heck are you doing, here, if I may ask.

You may not get back the same dynamic you had with those guys but find some guys that are close. The music world needs stuff like this. Get off your hindquarters (if I may use such language, we'll see) and do something.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

The problem is that I live in a small place with few musicians that would be interested, and I'm not sure that I would be interested either. This band really 'clicked' together, and we all have very compatible music tastes, influences, directions, etc. I would consider collaborating long-distance, but I will have to wait and see if it is practical.

I'm pretty sure the whole band are fans of 'rush, soundgarden, and kansas' along with countless other names. I write/record all the songs, but they have so much more of an energy and such to them live with our line-up. But really, I think we were not going to play many shows, because we realized that there isn't any 'exposure' to be made from live performances where we are/were. So we would have had to do other stuff anyways.

What the heck are you doing, here, if I may ask.

you mean, on the forum?

Just wasting time on the internet I suppose, haha.

I think that being on a forum like this motivates me to do covers and learn new techniques, and if there's one thing I need, it's motivation. More like self-motivation I suppose. That's the hard part!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

you mean, on the forum?

Just wasting time on the internet I suppose, haha.

I think that being on a forum like this motivates me to do covers and learn new techniques, and if there's one thing I need, it's motivation. More like self-motivation I suppose. That's the hard part!

Well, that's a good reason to be here.

Just the same, don't stop writing your own stuff, even if you have to be a band of one.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I keep writing usually.

I think it is a good reason. If I spent the same amont of time that I spend on the internet instead practicing guitar or music, I would be much better by now.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Whoaaa, maaan, you got great skills!!!! I mean, playing basic chords and singing is difficult, let alone SHREDDING AND SINGING.....and you said somewhere you were 18?? Amazing....

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I'm 17. 16 in this video, however. There seems to be a natural tendency to confuse yourself rhythmically, when combining instruments. I think the trick is to master one, or preferably both parts, and to concentrate primarily just on what ever might be most difficult, letting the rest be second-nature. 'hand memory'

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well, Adon, I am old enough to be your father, probably older than your father and I have the same situation from a slightly different perspective. Whereas you may have problems finding talented musicians who are into proggy metal, where I live, no one's that interested in a middle-aged guy singing like it's still the 1970's. Two houses down from is a band that rehearses in the garage. I'm old enough to be their dad, too.

The one guy I could sing with, a phenomenal blues guitarist, has kind of given up playing the local clubs now that he is married and has a child. And I'm talking only about playing local clubs and pubs, nothing more than about 7 miles (11 km) from home. His band was called the Blues Tones but I don't think they've done anything in about 2 years.

Another colleague in my working world at my regular job is a blues guitarist in a band that plays around the Dallas and Fort Worth area of north Texas but they already have a singer and they are more instrumental than balladic.

So, I'm going to have to be my own band. If I could just learn to negotiate with my alter egos .... :lol:

Anyway, good stuff, Adon. Keep it up. It scares me that you are that good at that age. I was never that good at your age. I play guitar but there are many who play better than I do. And I consider myself more a singer than anything else.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I can be a one man band when it comes to the recording studio, because I find that experimenting with instruments and such is much easier when I can be on my own. I'm going to do more with piano and violin in the upcoming months, which should, hopefully, make the songs more interesting as well. writing on different instruments seems to make different sounds, especially if you are unfamiliar with the instrument completely.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I can be a one man band when it comes to the recording studio, because I find that experimenting with instruments and such is much easier when I can be on my own. I'm going to do more with piano and violin in the upcoming months, which should, hopefully, make the songs more interesting as well. writing on different instruments seems to make different sounds, especially if you are unfamiliar with the instrument completely.

Good luck and keep writing the new stuff.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I can play guitar and sing, but I try to avoid doing them together as I cant do either justice. The combination of the two you are doing here is beyond me, well done.

Do they sell special pillows for putting in bass drums. All the drummers I have ever worked with have had them.

George can often be found playing electric stringy things, and singing... [url=https://soundcloud.com/george-williams-8]and then this happens[/url]

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Evidently, Adon, there's only a few proggy metal fans here. You'll just have to accept what you get.

I once received a bad review for a Led Zep cover. Not because I did anything wrong but because the reviewer never liked Led Zep or that style of music. But he felt the need to comment on a genre he expressly didn't like.

So, as the saying goes, sometimes, no news is good news.

I've put up a few submissions that never once received a comment. Not "good job." Not, "that's crap. for the love of all that is holy, please don't do that, again." Nothing. of course, the songs were not from the set list of Judas Priest or Iron Maiden or Journey. It be's that way, sometimes. Take the indifferent with the good, I guess.

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