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First Verse of Hallelujah Cover

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I'm not too confident in my singing, and this is not my best- recorded it just now at night, didn't want to disturb anyone- so please critique and tell me what I should focus on fixing. And, if you can, suggest how I would go about fixing that. I have no musical experience and really have no idea where to start. At the end of this very short clip I fudge up a little.

Here it goes:


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

try to be more confident! it's really hard, but if your nervous your voice gets strained.

you should also try to sing with music. it's really hard to stay in key if not. espically if don't have any music experience at all.:) and try to practice every day!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

"So what do you suggest I do to become a stronger singer?"

Get thee to a vocal coach! It would help a lot to learn how to sing in key and learn about chord progressions, etc. I think with a little training, you could do well. This is not an easy song for a beginner to sing. The song itself actually walks you through a chord progression in lyrics and notes (and it goes like this the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift" so if the notes are wrong, it just doesn't work. Learning the scales and doing some pitch recognition/ear training exercises would help tremendously.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Started to look into scales and pitch training vids and articles, starting to get and understanding of what they are and how to listen for them, thanks!

Do I have potential to be a good singer, or no?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Everyone has potential. Hard work and training. Listen closely to a lot of different singers and sing along with them. Notice when your voice sounds right. Record your voice and listen to the recording. When we sing we do not hear our voice as others hear us.

Learning what to listen for is a big part in training also. Do you play any kind of instrument? If you are totaly NEW there is a lot to learn.

I am 50 and learn new things every day. I started playing the guitar when I was 10. I learned the hard way, teaching myself and getting a lot of things wrong. I could sing OK but never really put the time and effort into it until joining this forum about a year ago.

If you are serious about singing, do yourself a favor and find a good coach or get Skype lessons from some of the fine people here or get Roberts program. The Four Pillars of singing.

Check the techniques section and read some of the threads you will get clues but sometimes the posts are hard to follow. We can get sidetracked.

Good Luck

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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