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COUNTRY ROADS 2006 My 1st Recordings (Be honest but gentle.Heehee)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I believe I started singing in Karaoke Bars in late 2002, but I didn't start recording on my PC until 2006.

Thanks for listening. :0 )



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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Excellent recording and editing skills, though I would have preferred less reverb on the vocal track.

Man, this brings back the 70's for me. I had several John Denver albums. My favorites were this song and "Rocky Mountain High." And, "For Annie."

Good stuff.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sorry about the delayed response guys.

Thanks a lot, Ron!:cool: I really appreciate the compliment!:D Perhaps a bit too much reverb. I gotta agree with you on this, maybe a bit too much chorus too.

I love that For Annie song too!:) I was actually born in 1970 but my folks liked John Denver and that's how I ended up liking Country Roads. : ) A year or 2 ago, I watched a documentary on John Denver with my folks and my father told me that Annie's Song was one of my Mother's favorite so I learned it for her and as I was learning it, I was extremely impressed with the lyric, and I actually grew very found of the song. I'd love to do a cover of this song but I don't have any Karaoke music for it. For some songs, like OLD MAN and a folk song called RAMBLIN' BOY, I was able to use the original music and it still sounded pretty good because I was mixing my loud booming voice over much softer voices. Unfortunately my PC caught a virus and lost those along with some really good Karaoke recordings. : ( While watching this doc, I also heard the high part to THE EAGLE AND THE HAWK. I thought it was FANTASTIC!!! Although, unfortunately, I believe that one is wayyyy too high for me to sing.

Derek, I really appreciate the encouraging words and I'm so happy you liked my version of Country Roads!:D Thanks a lot, man!:cool::D

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yeah, I was born some years before you and we didn't really get into John Denver until we came to Texas in 1974. His voice always rang in my ears and that of Glen Campbell from my toddler days were some of my early vocal and musical memories. I think that had an effect on me. I think I would view things differently If I were a small kid during the time of John Bush or Corey Taylor, for example. And I wonder, some times, what that is like.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I haven't had a chance to listen to this before. I am glad I took the opportunity today. Along with others like The Beatles, Cat Stevens, Simon and Garfunkle..... John Denver was one of my major influences.

You did a fine job and brought back some good memories for me.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Urgh! The holidays have kept me quite busy, sorry again about the delay, guys.

Ron, that's an interesting point you brought up about those particular singers; I guess I'm so out of the loop these days that I had to google the names to know who the hell you were talking about.:lol: Fortunately, I have heard of the groups SlipKnot, Armored Saint and of course, Anthrax which I've actually listened to before and liked quite a bit; just wasn't up on who all the front men were. ; )

MDEW, thanks a lot man!! :D I was very happy to hear that my performance took you back. :D. :cool:

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