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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Folks..

I got inspiration from some good feedback last week on a Lou Gramm cover that I did. So I tried to do one more cover of a Foreigner song!!! :D

This recording is a single take so this is pretty close to how I think I would sound live.. Actually I was trying to a test run, and the music was on louder than I would like.. But I liked what I heard so I let it be without making any edits(except EQ, Reverb and Compression)

My intention here was not to do a pitch perfect recording, which I feel I can definitely do, but I was a little hard pressed for time today to make multiple takes..

I really worked hard over the last week to fix my shallow breath problem and I am beginning to see what folks here have been saying about making a difference.. I am able to get much more effortless high notes and do not run out of breath nearly as much..It takes a lot more concentration and I am still not able to get this into my muscle memory

Please see if you can spot something.. As always, any feedback however critical is much appreciated.. :)


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Oh man, it seems the track isn't working. It says it might be private or broken. Sometimes I don't realize that after I upload the track in set to private because I'm logged in :)

Looking forward to listening!

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Really good effort and I applaud the daring to do this song. Vowels. You've already got a good ee. Use that for "waiting." Make it w - ee t ee - ng. And with the uh sound, I would stay away from that one, just now. For words like "love", even the ah would be the technically corrrect vowel, I got away from my crashing uh sound by going to oo. So that it is l - oo - v. You do well with the closed vowels. Let them work for you, instead. And that was just a few wobbly spots that I heard. Your articulation is good and so is your timing and emotion.

I really liked what you did, here.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Ron.. Always easy to attempt this at home :D.. LOu's style of singing has such little margin for error with a lot of the notes in the passagio, so they are very tough I would think to sing live

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounded pretty good to me. :) The main thing I noticed is in words with the "I" sound as in eye. Dipthong "Ah-EE"

In this song I think that if you draw out the Ah sound and just touch on the EE at the end of the vowel(or just use Ah) it would sound better. For a word like Alive it would sound more like A-L-ah-v.

I have the same problem. :P

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