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A short clip of raspy screams

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Just half jokingly I was singing and started to scream with rasp. I was surprised that it came out so well, and the high note definitely surprised me. Also I'm very happy how connected my voice is here. What do you think?


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

i don't know much about the raspy stuff cause i can't really do it yet, but to my ears sounds like you are restraining the sound more which I've heard is good for distortion. But also not squeezing it to death which is part of the issue with my own distortion attempts. You're not doing that either so it sounds like you've found a good balance

Try to get a real coach's feedback though they'd be more accurate in their assessment

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Owen, it really felt like a good balance. I definitely put some extra "restrain" or "squeeze" or whatever and it did not feel uncomfortable in any way. But I am not completely sure what I did either, my voice seemed to be in a nice and warmed up state and then things happened sort of intuitively. I just put a little extra attitude and did something little different in my throat.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Has a really cool tone to it!

If you feel little to nothing wrong in your throat after singing that then I think you could train with that to build resistance.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

The distortion is a bit power metal.:) Very Cool and its good that you are not using your throat to sing it, so it has a controlled sound. I really want to hear some clean stuff from you. I bet you have a really high voice.;)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

That sounded neat, Opaa. I bet you did it by relaxing. I can hear a release, especially on the higher notes. You were going more for tone than the idea that it had to be "chest musculature" up there. Keep doing that.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks guys. Ronws I agree with what you said. Wabba I haven't worked on any particular song, or even with rasp in any focused way. It's there on the "good days" when my voice is in a good shape and / or well warmed up, and I've been just throwing it around whenever I feel like going for it. I haven't done it much, but mostly on Michael Jackson songs recently.

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