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Is my voice manageable or should I quit singing forever?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Dear forum members, I'm not a singer and probably never wll be, but with a glimmer of hope, I ask of you to tell me completely honestly - is my voice manageable or should I completely give up singing? Should I take vocal lessons and possibly one day be an okay singer or should I just forget it? Thank you! :)

Here's the link - http://vocaroo.com/i/s0UTznX0kwyc

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

You have a nice tone - you should definitely keep singing!! :) Just stick with it and you'll be surprised how far your voice will come!! You'll soon have a voice that you'll be proud to show everyone - but it will never be if you don't try it!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Surely, you jest? I was expecting comments like "please never open your mouth again". This positively surprised me. I always wanted to sing, but also thought I was hopeless. You are not just being kind?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I see this so often. The can I sing question. Then potential singers get discouraged. But what they don't realize is that the question is not correct. The real question is "how can I improve?" Suppose you never played Golf in your life and one day decided to head out to a Golf course and play. You would probably suck. Is that because you can't play golf? No! It is only because you don't know how to play (YET!) You need to learn technique, the do's and don't's, how to hold the club, how to plant your feet, how to turn your hips and probably a hundred other things. Singing is no different. We all have the tools but most don't have a clue how to use them.

At the moment, just like most asking the same question, you aren't even singing. You are only playing a track and talking along with it. Once you learn how to "sing" with the song and project more as well as use your breath you'll be fine. Your only problem right now is you don't know how. You have golf clubs, a ball, a golf course but all you are missing is proper instruction on how to use all this. ;)

Don't be afraid to let your voice go. That's the first thing. Don't sing like you are in a movie theater or church trying to say something to your friend and don't want anyone else to hear you. Sing like you want everyone to hear. Like you are calling out to your friend across the room!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Dear Clint Torres, you are right about it being the wrong question. Let me rephrase - will I be able to improve my voice to a level deemed acceptable or even good by my listeners? I ask because I write poems and songs, which others consider to be of quality, but I would like to sing them as well while I play guitar. The singing part is something I doubt others would enjoy :P

The reason why I sang silently is what you have said, also correctly - I don't know how to let my voice go and how to keep that tone while also keeping strength and expression. It seems as though I can only sing decently when I sing silently or, as you have said, as if I'm in a church :P

To summarise, are you saying that I do have potential to one day be an okay, listenable singer?

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Enkay. I think you should quit, pursue a carreer as a Hokey player and the name of your firstborn should be Mark.

You understand that I am not the one who should be deciding this stuff right? ;)

As Clint said everyone can learn. But of course not everyone will be a singer. And it probably will not be easy either.

After you decide, then I'll take a listen. Still, what do we do when we want to learn something?

Good Luck!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Dear Clint Torres, you are right about it being the wrong question. Let me rephrase - will I be able to improve my voice to a level deemed acceptable or even good by my listeners? I ask because I write poems and songs, which others consider to be of quality, but I would like to sing them as well while I play guitar. The singing part is something I doubt others would enjoy :P

The reason why I sang silently is what you have said, also correctly - I don't know how to let my voice go and how to keep that tone while also keeping strength and expression. It seems as though I can only sing decently when I sing silently or, as you have said, as if I'm in a church :P

To summarise, are you saying that I do have potential to one day be an okay, listenable singer?

I think the questions you ask, have already been answered in my original post:) Yes, you have potential. What I was saying above is that everyone does. It is only a matter of instruction and learning how. Your tone doesn't sound bad. But as I said above. At the moment you aren't singing but only talking with a bit of melody thrown in. Get some instruction and learn how to let your voice go and project. It isn't going to come from a few forum posts.

Everyone (everyone, includes you) can sing. No matter how bad they sound at first. In almost all cases (barring any hearing or speech problems) it is only a matter of learning how.

Most people forget that the voice is an instrument like anything else. If this were a guitar forum and you picked up a guitar a few times without any instruction then decided to try strumming a tune, how could you possibly ask if you had potential? Of course! But first you'd have to learn how to play. It's the same with the voice.

Get some books and or digital courses but the best course of action would be a teacher.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I didn't even click the link cause i know i don't need to... you can't imagine what you can achieve through training, persistence and patience, at least I couldn't. I may sound im bragging but i'm not ashamed to say that at first i didn't believe i could sing to the level that i am now, not that i sing good but i sing A LOT better than when i started.

The best thing is i know i can and i will sing better than i am now and so you will, if you want to.

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