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Fly Me to the Moon Cover - Critique?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey forum users -

I really want to post a video to my facebook page of me doing this song. I'm looking to be a full time gigging musician so I'd like all the critique you can give me! I'm currently trying to get some songs recorded so I have SOMETHING to show bars/venues and to post on my facebook music page.

I'm having trouble with the word "Fly" (me to the moon) right at the beginning. It's not too high, it's a middle C - but it always seems to be pitchy. I've practiced trying to keep it on pitch, and I can't seem to get it tight. I know there's a couple of other spots that are a little bit messy as well.

I'd appreciate any and all feedback! Thanks! :) The video might be shaky, I'm not really sure why - but it's kind of funny :lol:


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Good effort. I could not hear the starting pitch error you were talking about and all I could suggest is start out with fl-ah m - eh instead of fly me. Sing the vowels, don't speak them.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Actually I didn't think the opening word (fly) was bad. It was strong and sounded fine. But at 13 seconds the word "mars" was dead. No support and you lost it. Throughout the song, anything that might be considered off would be for the same reason. The note got weak (no support) and due to the low pitch you lose it. I'm guessing English is a second language? Some annunciation problems although minor. But that still effects the note. :) Not bad though...minor details. :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I like it! I think you have a nice voice and this song fits you very well... I think the word Fly is very on pitch as the rest of the song, i don´t see any problem with it... I also believe that with a little of technique you can perfectly go up in the part "please be true" and higher

Please, review and critique my latest post: Donny Hathaway - A song for you

souncloud: https://soundcloud.com/matias-azar-

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well I haven't gotten many (helpful) voice lessons in my singing career, so I'm primarily self-taught, with the occasional youtube video and lots of reading about how the voice works and functions. But English is my native tongue.

That "mars" is definitely not a low note for me, I have about another major 6th below that before I'm at the bottom of my range(

). I was definitely slacking on my breath support though and kind of rushed it - there's a lot of chords to remember :P I had been at it for a few hours and was pretty determined to get a recording done the day, but I still wasn't happy with it so I put it on here instead. But I definitely agree, I could have used more support.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, I'll be sure to post the final video! :)

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