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Adolph Namlik

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Everything posted by Adolph Namlik

  1. Great job, M.... My further comment is in "Performance Coaching" :cool:
  2. W7, Kindly re-record your Acapella video, and please read the forum rules regarding profanity. The forum is open to youngsters, and the profanity is NOT appropriate. Furthermore, in the past, I have received a number of complaints from not only the ladies, but also some of the men as well. I will leave your video up for 24 hours, but if it is not changed, I will have no choice but to delete the entire post. Sorry, but it's the rules..... Regards, Adolph
  3. Romac, GREAT !!! Yes, you were FEATURED !!! Check out the "Social Home Page" :cool: ~ Adolph ~
  4. Romac, Yes, once you get your video recorded, here's a quick link to assist you in uploading your video >> http://www.themodernvocalist.com/video/video/new Also, I'm positive I sent you an invitation to join our "Social Media" site when you first signed up for the forum. In the event you didn't receive it, I just sent you another.... Warmest Regards, Adolph
  5. Elena, I've been wondering why you haven't been uploading your newest videos to the "Social Media" section of TMV World ??? And I definitely join ronws in his comment >> " As much as we may applaud you, we should also applaud your fine parents for conserving and nurturing such a talent as yours."
  6. Igor, The voting link is in a foreign language which I don't understand. Also, it mentions : "Voting Links 1-5". Is that a rating, for example, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest ??? Once I hear from you, you'll definitely have my vote :cool: Adolph
  7. You're still a youngster then, Ron..... And Ron "with an attitude" ? NO !!!! You ALWAYS have a great "comeback" :cool:
  8. Very well DESERVED, Mr. Pink !!! And I also have something else in mind in about three and a half weeks or so .... Stay tuned ! :cool: Oh, feel free to call me "Adolph" (as does everyone else), rather than "Mr. Namlik" Makes me feel old, and I'm 58 going on 23 (Some people still call me "Chief", and that works as well... If you check my profile page, you'll see why). I hope you know I'm only messing with you a bit ??? :D
  9. Very Well done, Mr. Pink !!! :cool: I think you should upload your video to the "Social Media" site !!! Here's a quick link for your convenience >>> http://www.themodernvocalist.com/video/video/new
  10. Ron, Like you, I prefer the .308. Not sure about the one you mentioned, but I have one that is currently used by the armed forces and police SWAT teams. DEADLY !!! Hardly any recoil to speak of, and I can consistently "knock off" quarter sized targets at LONG RANGES ! No, I'm not going to comment further on my proficiency with weapons, except to say that I'm qualified as "Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert" in both pistol and rifle. If it would have came down to a situation where it was warranted in my previous line of work, I would have been the one in my department to be the sniper ! If you'd like to see the weapon, you can find it on my Facebook page in my grandson's hands. Check out the video as well... And like you, I support those in uniform, BOTH those in the military and the police.... Oh, like I mentioned to "M", no kisses please :mad: We're friends, BUT, I prefer the fairer sex :cool: "M", Sorry to derail your thread ! But Ron struck something dear to me, and the more I see what's going on lately, I couldn't resist commenting.... Bottom line, I'm a firm believer in the Second Amendment as written by our Founding Fathers ! Enough said.... I'm about to venture in a political rant and this is not the place ~~ Back to VOCALS/MUSIC !!! :cool: Edited to add : "Wondering why I never get any more rep points? " Hmmmm..... :|
  11. Ron, Yes, it was a misunderstanding on my part.... I honestly wouldn't have the time to look at each song. Mostly, I check out the videos as you know. And I'm positive you wouldn't slam cops, except those that deserve it. And yes, I know some great cops, but there are many that are corrupt and total asses, as well.... Bottom line is that I was joking around with you My Friend, I could tell you some stories that I have encountered over the years that would make you laugh so hard, you'd have tears in your eyes ! :lol: Then again, there were many incidents that were very, very sad ! As an investigator prior to my promotion to "Chief" I've pretty much seen it ALL !!!
  12. Oh no, M, I'm sure you didn't post that on your Soundcloud account..... In fact, I went back in there twice, and over your user number ( 898702554), there were other advertisements.... Looks like Soundcloud is now in the advertisement business ? I think they are going to be doing that to everyone now, so honestly, you may want to rethink creating a new account. No sense wasting your time ! Warmest Regards my Friend, Adolph
  13. HA HA.... Now I get it.... I like you, M, but yeah, I think that if you tried to kiss me, wellllllll !!! :mad: Reminds me somewhat of an incident when I was in law enforcement. I was called out on a motor vehicle accident and this woman just crashed into a ton of cars in a parking lot. She was Totally TRASHED ! So, needless to say, she was arrested for DWI. Being a "local" who obviously wasn't going anywhere, I was trying to find her a ride home which was cool since bail really wasn't necessary. BUT, she had vomited all over herself prior to my arrival at the scene. But here's where it became a bit more complicated >>> She tried to lean over my desk to kiss me at which point I told her > "Look, I'm trying to get you a ride home without you having to post bail tonight, but if you even ATTEMPT to try THAT again, you ARE going to jail !!!" OK, I admit it..... Ron still beats me in the humor department I also have to say that I was confused when I seen "Al Jazeera" superimposed over your username ! What the heck is up with Soundcloud ??? Did anyone else notice that ???
  14. You're most Welcome, Igor :cool: Rest assured that you'll once again be Spotlighted again in the near future !
  15. Ron, "...Stay away from cops" ? HEY ???? What's up with that ? I STILL have the reputation of the "coolest cop EVER" in the jurisdiction where I worked !!! HA HA :cool: I'm sure you left me out of that comment, my Friend :cool:
  16. Excellent video and great vocals, D !!! Listen to Ron Here's a quick link for you to add your video >>> http://www.themodernvocalist.com/video/video/new I also sent you an invitation to join the "Social Media" section if you have not already done so... Warmest Regards, Adolph
  17. Excellent, Igor !!! :cool: "She's Gone" is a very difficult song to pull off, I KNOW !!! BTW >>> It's Featured, Igor.....
  18. Oh, Elena..... You're holding one of those nasty, nasty, guns ? Don't you realize how dangerous they are ? :lol: Better shut my mouth before I get a "knock on the door" Anyway, Very well done :cool:
  19. SECOND THAT !!! It's precisely why samj was Featured :cool: Ron, When we get a few moments to talk, I'd like to make you an offer.... I think you will like it !!! :cool:
  20. Regarding the six string >>> ABSOLUTELY !!! A little side note : At my last visit to the "Guitar Center", my grandson and I checked out a couple of acoustic twelve strings.... Never had one in my hands before, and I just couldn't believe the awesome sound ! Now, it's just too bad I can't play the guitar :(
  21. Well, Thank you, RON My Friend, no matter how many will try, you DEFINITELY are #1 in the humor department !!! On a side note, we're going to have to catch up by phone sometime regarding your emails. I'll tell you about it when we talk. This past week and a half has literally been bizarre (for a number of reasons), and I didn't want you to think that I have been blowing off your emails.... Granted, I have been keeping up here with the posts, and of course the "Social Media" site, but I've been getting swamped with personal emails and just can't keep up. I'm sure you know the reason why. Looking forward to a chat when possible. And yes, I enjoyed your second version of "The Rain Song".... Yes, I definitely see what you meant by chord progression.... BUT, I STILL like the first version as well !
  22. "A man after my own heart. No wonder we're friends. :lol:" You bet, Ron... But that's not the only reason we've become friends !!! :cool: No, I don't want to derail the thread, either, but Thank you for sending your cover.... Both my grandson and I listened to it last night, and thought it was really great.... Not only the vocals but your guitar skills as well. Speaking of emails, I received the others as well. I will definitely reply as soon as I can. I would have already, but this entire week has been rather insane for a number of reasons, and also, I spend time with my grandson on the weekends.... Sure, I still have yet to miss a day logging in to TMV, but the little dude gets my undivided attention otherwise. Talk soon :cool:
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