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Adolph Namlik

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Everything posted by Adolph Namlik

  1. Great performance, Gina :cool: Can I possibly convince you to upload your videos the "Social Media Home Page" of TMV World ??? I'm ALWAYS looking for videos to FEATURE and SPOTLIGHT !!!!!!!!!!
  2. Awesome, George :cool: Looking forward to some videos if you are able to do so......:D
  3. You're a riot, my friend !!! You never miss an "opportunity", do you ??? HA HA
  4. PHENOMENAL, as ALWAYS, Elena !!! Yes, I DID see your comment awhile ago about my being "supportive" You can ALWAYS count on THAT :cool: I wanted to reply at that time, but it was an extremely "pressing" day.... Just wanted to let you know that I didn't forget Hope all is well with you and your family ! Oh yes..... I will always remember that phone conversation SO LONG AGO Adolph
  5. Hi Coach, I definitely agree about the audio, but like you, I concentrated on the voice..... Another "Spotlight" for Nicholas. Remember "I Won't Lie" ? Very cool video :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I did find your comment about giving you a call, Robert. I've had a lot of "issues" lately (not good),, but I wanted to let you know I WILL be giving you that call ! Today is kind of a bad day. I'll give you that call tomorrow (Sunday) if you aren't busy. Talk then. COACH !!!
  6. Superb !!! I would like to see Nicholas upload this to the "Main" site....... It definitely looks like a "Spotlight Video" to me !
  7. dani, I fixed your link for you.... Warmest Regards, Adolph
  8. Yes, some SERIOUS "butt kicking", Elena :cool: AMAZING !!! Sincere Congratulations for ALL of your accomplishments ! I believe you should post this on the (Main) Social Media Site !!! Warmest Regards, Adolph
  9. S.L. Thank You so very much for your EXTREMELY KIND WORDS !!! :cool: Warmest Regards to both you and your wife, Debra !!! ~A~
  10. Yes, how does one purchase an autographed CD ??? I'm definitely interested :cool:
  11. Ahhhhh...... YES !!! Gina is now FEATURED on the Home Page !!! :cool: Looking forward to more videos, Gina !!!!! And I believe I speak for ronws and others, too ~A~
  12. Sounds FANTASTIC, Gina !!! :cool: Could I possibly talk you into uploading your video to the (Main) Social Networking portion of TMV WORLD ??? Navigate to the "Social Home Page", scroll down to "Featured Videos", click on "Add Videos" and follow the instructions.... Thank You !!! Warmest Regards, Adolph
  13. Robert, I sent you a personal invitation to join the main site via your email address. If it is not in your inbox, kindly check your spam folder. Also, you can send invitations to others by using the "Invite" tool on the main site.... Sincere Regards, Adolph
  14. Thank you, Robert Please have Elisa join the (Main) Social Media Site as well as the Forum ! I'm looking forward to welcoming her BTW --- Have you joined the Main Site as well ? I'm unable to ascertain if you are a member given your profile here in the Forum section. If not, I'd like to extend a sincere invitation to you as well :cool: Sincere Regards, Adolph
  15. Robert (Witti007), I just listened to Elisa's ballad >>"I Cry" May I suggest that you invite her to join "The Modern Vocalist World" AND upload her videos ? I'm impressed !!! Regards, Adolph
  16. Thank YOU, Ron for noticing my "tireless efforts" and "diligence", as you put it in another post..... As far as your "amusement", what can I say other than keep it up !!! :cool: Your humor really cracks me up !!! SERIOUSLY !!! HA HA It seems that now George is adding to the amusement as well.... Oh well, we can't ALWAYS be serious :lol:
  17. Every once in awhile, one of the spammers seems to evade my prying eyes..... It isn't often, but I assure you, "TAMEKA" is now HISTORY !!!! :cool:
  18. I hear you, Ron..... I've been wanting to do some videos myself for quite sometime, but a decent video camera is cost prohibitive for me. With all the investments in my ever growing collections of mics, plus PA's, monitors, various stands, other cool equipment, etc., etc., a camera just isn't in my budget at the moment !!! Personally, if I'm going to do a video, I want it to be done professionally, but that's just me..... Speaking of mics, I'm STILL looking for that Shure Unidyne IV (CM), and have been "striking out" big time No comment on the minor flaws mentioned >>> I'm not that great with a guitar due to my disability---- permanent nerve damage which prohibits me from "working" the fretboard properly...... Yes, I'm even having problems with the keyboards for the same reason :| NEVER giving up on the vocals, though !!!!!!!! Nonetheless, I still think you sounded great !!! :cool: Regards, my Friend, Adolph
  19. You're most welcome, Jens Uploading a video is relatively easy. Once you are logged in, go to the "Social Home Page". From there, scroll down to the "Featured Videos". Under the videos you will see a prompt >> "ADD VIDEOS". Simply click on that and it will take you to another page. From there, you can upload your video from your computer. You can also upload a video from your profile page. In the center column, you should find the same prompt >> "ADD VIDEOS". If you have any problems, you can always send the video to me at my email address (below), and I'd be pleased to help you out LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR VIDEO :cool: Sincerely, Adolph
  20. EXCELLENT, Ron !!! :cool: So how can I convince you to do a video and post it on the Social Media Site ? Looking forward to it..... Warmest Regards, Adolph
  21. GREAT, Jens !!! :cool: Would like to see you upload it to the "TMV World Social Media" site..... Definitely looks like a "Featured Video" to me ! Warmest Regards, Adolph
  22. Hacked ? Oh, NO !!! Already shared, Elena I love the "layout" on YouTube as well :cool:
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