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Felipe Carvalho

Moderator & Review Specialist
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Everything posted by Felipe Carvalho

  1. Usually E(EH) is not such a trouble, maybe its because of your native language. I(ee) on the other hand is always the source and the solution for all problems , dont even try fixing it on your own, basicly you gotta replace the EE you have right now for another vowel you dont even know yet. But, back to the subject: my point was that you should not concern so much with the notes you "hit" right now, rather you should be concerned on developing your voice and then the classification will come. GL!
  2. Its impossible to classify a voice before a lot of trainning is already done man. Still, I do not hear such a deep tone there. Your voice is heavier than the more common lighter tone, and is very interesting to listen, still to say that you would be a baritone when trainned, I think its a long guess. Maybe yes, maybe not. Reaching the notes is not enough, you have to project your voice and retain brilliance and definition of vowels, listen to this: Notice how the bass is not only reaching the notes, as he is filling up the room with his voice, there is a lot of projection there, and its very defined. You have a lot of potential there, a not so common kind of tone and your voice is quite relaxed. On the downside, articulation is locking up a little bit and the vowels are note as defined as they could be. Find a coach/teacher and train man. GL!
  3. Tnx guys, this one was a bitch to get sounding properly, really glad you like it! And thanks for hearing it :D
  4. Oh its great! Sry, I was not clear. Open in the sense of freedom, not postures or technical blab. Keep it up! About the clipping, it acts as a poor mans compressor, anyway what you are doing is sounding good, and I have no doubts its 99% from what you are doing with your voice.
  5. :) Really good man. Your voice is still open as usuall, but your interpretation is on another level, much more worked, discrete, lots of details and very clever use of the repeating phrases. Dunno what your mixing was aiming for, but this sounds vintage, voice centered on mid/midhighs, noise, a very nice mood. I did hear some clipping (could be these crappy headphones Im using) and I also heard some mic noises on the beginning of the rec that surely are not required . Good work! Keep it up .
  6. I didnt even listen yet, but the decision should not be made on how nice you sound right now, but on what you want to do. There is no need for divine gifts or superhuman habilities, all it takes is patience and discipline. Wanna sing go for it, no matter what I say. Dont wanna, dont do it, even if we like the results. Now Ill listen: I like it , what you have right now is really pleasant to listen to. I recomend seeking a coach and working on technique, to protect your voice and make your life easier. Good Luck!
  7. Gina, beautifull singing... I loved the interpretation, and your tone is really, really great. Great work! More songs for us please :D
  8. This sounds much better than the other sample you sent man. Very nice to listen. Reminds me of Paul Simon. As I told you before the best way to improve is to look for a coach/teacher. Your voice sounds more relaxed than in the other sample, still on a few notes you are hitting them from bellow, a sign of tension. GL!
  9. Hey guys! Been working on this song to study the interpretation line, just found that although it look simple, its just the looks, Chris Cornell is god \m/. Anyways, here goes nothing: http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11733373&q=hi 2 takes, one before, one after the solo. Let me know what you think please! PS: The misplaced back vocals on the end are not mine, so dont shoot me. Tnx a lot for listenning :D
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