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Posts posted by Keith

  1. Thanks Gneetap ;)

    Well, about the warmups... I find that they just wear me out more than they help. But they do help some people more than others! That was actually cold water.. that's why my voice was a little stiff at the very beginning haha.

    I will check it out if you do cover it :)

    When you warm up, start out by doing them softly and with no strain at all. Warm ups are not designed to be workouts.. When you go jogging, you stretch first. Like any physical activity, warming up just makes things go easier. Working out, on the other hand, can be strenuous. Try doing some easy warm ups just loud enough to not be airy. My $.02

    Also, awesome cover dude! Where did you learn orrendo canto? as far as I can tell, there are no orrendo canto teachers in the states where I live.

  2. Thank you a lot :) yes, you're right about my guitar, i use to slap and to bend powerfully the strings to simulate the overdrive in unplugged songs, but got the false machine heads, that's why it goes out of tune after first chords)))definitely need a new one ))) concerning the head voice, i exercised such techniques like switching from chest to head voice (but very gentle and smooth, without pushing powerfully the air), falsetto singinging, tryed even yodeling a little bit, but didn't learn how to scream properly and can't get rid of strain in screaming :( when i hear the record i also have the sensation that "if this guy continues to stress his chords like that, he'll ruin his voice in one gig", it's awful. What exercises would you recommend to come slower, with less effort to that technique ? Thank you very much once again

    A vocal coach. In this case, you will prolly get what you need to learn in just a few lessons.

  3. Most of what are you are singing is out of tune with the song you are playing. I think you need to put the guitar down so you can fully concentrate on your singing. Best advice I can give you is to get some lessons. Even just one or two skype lessons with one of the many vocal coaches that frequent or own this site would be extremely helpful. Here are a few names that you could contact about a lesson or two: Robert Lunte, Dan Formica, Kevin Richards. All three will be able to listen to you and point you in the right direction. Good luck!

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