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Posts posted by Keith

  1. It sounds like you are really strugling to sing that low. It is airy and unsupported. I do not believe in the fach labeling system, but I would say from what I have heard that you are not a bass at all.Your voice lacks the strength and depth of a bass. Very simply, your fach is the place in your voice that you can sing the easiest; and this didnt sound easy. You didnt even hit the lowest note, you were off by at least 2 half steps. Try singing this song an octave higher. I bet it is will be easier for you.

  2. Hi! Thanks a lot for the comment, it really helps me!

    Can you please explain this "The intensity of the coda is correct - use that intensity for the chorus."

    I am new to these definitions and I am not sure what do you mean by coda...

    Can you please comment on my 2 other recordings please?

    I simply meant that when you sing the end (Ah ooooooooooohhhh) That you sing it in falsetto - the "nobody said it was easy" is supposed to be falsetto also, not full voice. it gives the song more dynamics and feeling too. I will listen to the others when I can - I am working right now (I DJ karaoke at a local bar)

  3. Fabio is awesome. You need to develop more "bite" in your sound to really cover this stuff... And don't feel bad, so do I lol. I haven't been singing much these days, had a ton of homework and a case study due a few days ago. Got a 100 on the case study, thanks for asking ;) Anyway, If you figure out what to do to get more "bite" in the heaad voice sound, let me know. I have tried every throat configuration that my body will allow, and it sounds wimpy still.

  4. I only listened to the first few minutes of Hollowed be Thy Name. You need to take a step back, stop trying to sing the most difficult songs (Maiden, ect.), get a coach / teacher / some form of lessons. Your pitch is way way off. Like you sang the song in a whole different key (or several different keys) . Start with the basics with a good coach and get your pitch fixed, learn how to breath, and all that. There are several coaches in here that can help you. Robert Lunte, Dan Formica, Kevin Richards, to name a few. Grab one of them. The more you sing with the mistakes you are making, the longer it will take to fix them, as singing depends in muscle memory, among other things.

  5. Good pitch, stellar vibrato, BUT still a little weak. Like you're scared to let loose. Its great that you can sing those notes quietly, shows control. However, this isn't one of those times to sing quiet. You'll notice Roy will sing some notes quietly, then when he holds a certain note, he opens up a bit and let's it resonate. I thought it to be weird when I first noticed it. Sounds cool though. Anyway, best one yet I think. Work on finding resonant placement for some of those notes.

  6. I listened to it bro. Another thing to consider is that (IMO) I think you are singing too softly. Put some, for lack of a better expression, balls behind it. I think that if you sang with a touch more power, you'er voice would cut through a little better. Plenty of SLS singers / coaches sing with balls. lol. OR, the issue that I hear may be related to the mix - it is hard to tell over the internet afterall :)

  7. Try shading to more of an "ahhh" vowel on the higher notes. Don't try to keep the same "vowel" as you would when you talk. Practice some hard glotal onsets in your head voice to get better compresion, ( Gah on a 3 or 5 tone) - just until you feel the difference in where the note is placed. - I am no pro, but these things have helped me to get a more "Roy" sound on my Kamelot covers.

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