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Posts posted by Keith

  1. Absolutely floored. A whole new side to your voice I have not had a chance to hear, since most of your stuff sounds to me like operatic metal. This was great. And kudos for going for the Trent Reznor feel.

    It's all in the sub-text, isn't it?

    I know it was for me.

    Thanks Ron! I heard the song at the bar I DJ at and just HAD to learn it. It's a little rough in spots still I think. Trent's nuances are sometimes difficult for me to pick up on.

  2. Wow, very nice version of the song.

    I have only heard Johnny Cash's version, and it jumps to my attention that in yours, the guitar emphasizes other notes, like... giving it a completely different feeling. Maybe it is a NiN thing or something, idk.

    As for the vocals, I liked them a lot. You have a very thin voice, light and clear, so it was very different to what I am used to hear with Cash. You gave it a far more fragile feeling to it, like if you were really falling apart.

    I liked it, man :)

    Thanks man, I am falling apart, so that helps :)

  3. I understand that, Keith. What I am trying to say is that I really do like what you did with "Inside my Head." Much punchier. If you ever do a video, you need some stop-motion editing to coincide with brief but definable full stops. Or is this another one of those weekends where I am misunderstood no matter what I do, I can even do what is asked of me and not be appreciated for it. I hate when that happens but what ya gonna do? Unload on someone else in an unfair and inappropriate manner?

    Actually that sounds kind of nice ... fun, even ....

    Dude, that video idea is great!

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