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Everything posted by Mivke

  1. Hello everyone! I did a cover of the Sesame Street classic "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon". Please take a listen if you have the time Criticism always allowed, let me have it! Cheers!
  2. That was nice Keith, I liked it. If you are ok with some notes, I would say be a little more engaged on the attacks. Sometimes it feels like they are kind of searching and then you get the feeling that the timing becomes slightly too slow if you understand what I mean? Keep it up, this was very pleasent to listen to :)
  3. I think it sounded very nice. There were some issues in it that kept it from being perfect for me but they were minor. I liked it alot :)
  4. This was wicked awsome! The singnig sounds good man, could be polished at some spots maybe (I don't know where xD) but the song is freaking funky! Do you guys have any more like this?
  5. Hello people! Here is a cover I am working on, I would like any criticism/help you guys can provide. I'm playing the guitar and singing (not at the same time). Cheers everyone and thanks in advance! :)
  6. Hey man, a late welcome from me aswell. Been checking out your car singing and colab with the Campos bro's, very nice stuff all of it! :)
  7. I liked it, specially the fullvoice-falsetto in-and-out part. The only thing I would have wanted differently is something like "Take it away Johnny!" when the solo comes in ;)
  8. Haha this was great man! Is that you whistling or is it some kind of midi?
  9. Think it sounds really nice man. My constructive criticism would be more attention to details, the timing and the different melodic runs. It would make it sound more like a studio recording than a live recording / improvising take. Still, as I said, sounds awsome tonewise, pitchwise, emotionalwise etc. Cheers!
  10. Congratulations on the new band mate! I'm at work so can't listen to the song right now, will give it a listen when I get home. Cheers!
  11. You know I love supernova man :-D its still my favorite but the other songs sound real nice man.
  12. I agree it sounded like you might benefit from working on your technique but I must say you sound very good! Not all the times healthy, but still very good. There are quite a number of skilled teachers around, and also alot of very good non-teachers. Stick around for a while and you will probably find some help. Cheers!
  13. Awsome job man! I think this was both the best and the worst I've heard from you (and by worst, it's still very enjoyable mind you). On your high screams you have an awsome sound but most of all it sounds like you are alot more confident there. Find that confidence in the softer places and they will sound alot better too. All of the "issues" (again, MINOR details) you already have the technique to fix, it's just choices of vowels, pronounciations and timing. Fix those and this is pro level imo. Very nice job! Cheers!
  14. Vafan, hade redan både Jens och Max som andra svenskar som förnedrar mig här på forumet, så kommer det en till som är lika bra! :-) Du har en grym röst enander och/men jag håller med Jens "kritik". Det är ju dock som han säger, andra val snarare än teknikfel. Ska bli kul att få höra en dynamisk låt, tror det blir skitbra :-)
  15. Thanks a lot for the feedback! I agree with everything :-P there may have to be a final final version of it, hehe. When you say "issuing orders" do you mean still forward but darker?
  16. Hey people! Here comes my 2nd song attempt, it's a disney song so it's very theatrical. Take a listen if you have the time, and I would love a comment aswell. Constructive criticism appreciated! Cheers!
  17. Sounds nice man! Technically I have no notes, however I do have some interpretation changes in mind. The rhythm is at times a bit too staccato I felt, it could have had some "ooohs" and "aahs" in there to dirty it up abit Also, on the chorus it was a bit too precise on the pitchs and vowels. (I am comparing to the original of course, which I'm more used to hearing ) He usually goes a bit more "gliding" specially on tolls in the chorus. Your way was not wrong, but I think it might to be a bit dirtier to get the true thrash feel. Good job though!
  18. Very nice, you have a very Bruce-y tone (which I'm guessing you have heard before? ) The song was very nice aswell, I feel it has alot of Dream Theater Six Degrees vibes. I really liked it!
  19. @Felipe Thanks man! Regarding the takes, I have no idea how many times I've sung the song However, all the vocals are one-takes. Then of course that sums up to some takes since during the chorus there is 4 vocal tracks. @Tommy Thanks for taking the time to listen, really appreciate it. Hopefully soon there will be another song around here from me.
  20. Ok, here is my final version of the song. I updated the vocals and the "main guitar". For those of you who listened to the first version, I would much appreciate a listen to this version and know what you thought of the difference. For those who have heard neither, well listen and critique in whatever way you like Cheers!
  21. Thanks for listening @tommy: Yeah, its been harder than I thought to find the balance between too strong and too relaxed/mellow.maybe I lost some intensity in trying to keep it soft rather than just pushing back on the volume. But as you said its not a very singy song, I just wanted to open with something I can control. You will hear me do some in and outs in the future @felipe Yeah, I hear what you say. I think I will give it some time though, kinda need to not hear this song for a short while so can get back the feel for it,its been studied quite intensely lately and I've gotten a bit blind I think :)
  22. Hey everybody! Some of you may recognize me as a lurker here, it's time for me to post my first song. I'm singing all the vocals aswell as playing all the guitars. The bass and drums are midi. This is a work in progress, meaning your critique and input is greatly appreciated. Give it to me however you wish, technique or just likeability, all is welcome
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