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Rainbow In The Dark

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Nice job Max. There are many who love to hear songs sung exactly like the original with no alterations. Then there are those who feel that the original has already been done. Been there done that, in a way, and prefer the singer adding his own twist. I say if you want the original then go listen to the original CD. I like to see what a singer...an artist...can do with a song (while not straying from the melody too much). I think you did a great job on this song while staying close enough to the original with your own little flavor. I had to listen to the line " there's no sign of the morning coming, you've been left on your own" a few times. At first it didn't sound right. It was on pitch but somehow didn't sound right. Like it needed a little tweaking. Then I got it. I was comparing it to the original when in actuality I think it was just you adding your own twist to it. If that's the case then all is well. If not, then that is the only part that "maybe" needs a little tweaking.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks very much Tommy, glad you liked it.

Yeah, Like I say, I love Dio but I don't want to just try and sound exactly like him. I know this song pretty well from listening to it for years, so I just sang it without trying to copy any recordings. The last chorus is me playing around with it as I went, didn't really plan it. I feel like there is no way I could surpass Dio's version, and a straight up imitation would be a pale comparison, so I tried to add my own little touches. Hopefully it works OK?

Thanks for listening, I appreciate it.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I can understand that as I do the same thing. It's tough sometimes because as I've said, there are those who want exact replicas and then there are those who like to hear what you can do with the song. Experimentation is a great learning tool. Hey, I love songs like She Came in Through The Bathroom Window and With A Little Help From My Friends by The Beatles. BUT! I really love Joe Cockers versions even more. ;)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Holy Sh*t! Awesome. How on earth did you get his voice down so well? I swear i couldn't tell the difference between you and RJD! (and that is no small feat) I am speechless. Good for you man! I pray to the Dio God every now and then, he hasn't answered me though - just like those other Gods. :)


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks very much Keith, very kind of you. The difference between my voice and Dio's is that his is brilliant and mine is not!

I'm a terrible person to ask about how to do something singing wise because I have no formal training and a limited vocabulary on it. Basically I rely on support and I make my distortion in the front of my mouth, or at least it feels like that. It doesn't hurt so I'm assuming it's OK!

I'm also coming to terms with my own voice and how it sounds, I'm starting to like it and accept it's limitations. It's fun.

Don't pray, just sing, although I think the Tate god might have given you a little something already ;)

Tommy, yes, the fun of singing for me is just going for it and seeing what happens. Like singing The Weight in a totally inappropriate style:)

Thanks for listening guys,


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

You have a great voice, Max, congratulations. Your distortion sounded fabolous and you were close to the sound of RJD. I totally enjoyed it and now i am looking forward to hear you doing a full song. Keep up the good work, Max.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks very much Olem, I'm glad you like it. I'll try and get a whole song done this week.

I appreciate you taking the time to comment.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I am so tired of everyone being compared to the original that I could really just scream and hurt my voice. Or go into the shop at work and pound on the wooden desk until my hands hurt.

You did a great job. Great tone. Your cover of this song certainly beats mine to smithereens.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks ronws, I'm glad you liked it.

I think comparison to the original is inevitable, and speaking for myself I know that when I cover Dio I do end up trying to sound like him just because I love his voice. I tried to sound like me as much as possible on this, but I have better success with that when covering songs where I don't love the vocals so much.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Comparison is inevitable, even within ourselves, singing the song. One of the hardest things for me to accomplish, though I get better at it everyday, because I work at, it is avoid trying to sound like the original. To tune into my own voice.

Anyway, Max, you have the right voice for this music. You are not a carbon copy of Dio but I think you are every bit as good. Let me channel Dio for a moment .... "you did it your way and that rocks ...." ....

There, that felt better.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks guys, I appreciate people taking the time to comment and it's nice to see people enjoying it as well.

I'll try and get something else recorded soon.

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