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Have You Ever Loved a Woman

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I've done this song here before but didn't like the recording or my version. Working on the advice of someone else I changed how I normally sing it, opting for their way, and didn't like the outcome. So I'm doing it again but now find that I am caught between the two versions....I'm lost :D I'm still not happy with it but I'm working toward a better version. I'm trying to get "me" back.

For now, try this on for size. It's a work in progress :)



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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks for the listen Igor

Oh, and I'd love the cover more, if you were playing the guitar, too ;)

So would I!! :D But I don't play guitar.

Thanks man

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

This song would sound friggin AWESOME if you werent clipping the mic. Remember, if you shoot too low with mic input level it can be corrected later - but if it is too high, there is nothing you can do about it later. Excellent use of falsetto. Try not ending your notes so abruply - hang on to them for a hallf a sec or so. Great job anywhooo.



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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Kieth. I didn't know about the input adjustment. I'll have to play around and figure that out. Also I'll listen to it again and listen for the cut notes and make note, thanks. :)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hey Tommy. You have such a beautiful and rare tone. I would think you'd be excellent to sing songs of BB King.

About your singing, there are zones where you are doing extermly well. Overall, try not to float into notes as you do sometimes, but to more precisely attack. This will help with the rythm, and overall presentation of the song. I agree w Keith, the microphone didn't do you no favor, you would so much beter if the mic didn't clip. The high notes still need some work, but you're becomming an amazing artist.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks. :)

Like said, this song is a work in progress. I thought I had it down with my own flavor and then someone convinced me to sing it differently. I did and didn't like it so kept trying to modify "their way" thinking I just wasn't getting it. Truth is I just like my way better. Now, after putting so much time on the change I can't seem to get back to my way....strange right. lol. But I'm getting close. I stopped listening to the Clapton version to move away from copying him. I think I need to go back.

Thanks again....I'm surprised you guys liked it since I wasn't exactly happy with it. And thanks for the tips, I'll make note.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

It's really a shame about the clipping because this sounds great Tommy, you have a great voice for this sort of thing, really expressive.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Well done, Tommy. I could swear you wrote this song, if I didn't know better.

As to what Keith is talking about. If you are using audacity, you will see a mic symbol with a slider next to it. Move that slider just about all the way to the right. That should reduce clipping. It's not a mic problem, it's what limit audacity is putting on the mic input. I findeth out, the hard way-eth.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks Ron,

As for the input meter. I thought the farther to the right meant louder thus more overloading. it seems the more to the right I go the more the red meter lines max out. So I have been lowering it to around 5. So at my loudest the red only goes up 3/4 of the way. So you're saying it's the opposite?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I'm guessing then, that by increasing the volume so to speak...or the input value, then it is in actuality allowing more space (in a sense), sort of moving the max line for clipping further on down the road? Extending?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Great job Mr Blues, ladies and gentlemen we have just listened to BB King´s successor here :). i agree with others about the mic thing, but that is easily fixed.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I'm guessing then, that by increasing the volume so to speak...or the input value, then it is in actuality allowing more space (in a sense), sort of moving the max line for clipping further on down the road? Extending?


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