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I'm starting to get results with Frisell method (after 1,5 years!!)

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi guys! I've been doing Frisell-approach on my own for one and half years now. It has really lifted my voice higher, my chest voice has become lighter and "headier" and headvoice has become stronger and more developed. Mixed voice is becoming a reality.

I've just recently started to experience some real progress, after a LOOOONG time of headvoice slides, messa di voce etc :)

Here's something I improvised and fooled around with an hour after my workout. The high range was ridiculously easily accessible and headvoice musculature was so dominant in control, never experienced something like this before.

Dry: http://maihinnousu.net/s/20537

Comp + eq + reverb http://maihinnousu.net/s/20539

Just felt like sharing! Feels like I'm finally getting somewhere with this :) Long way to develop my voice to a professional level of course, but I feel like a switch is really happening, from chest dominance to head dominance, which is an important step according to Frisell.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I only listened to the dry because, in my opinion, that's where it's at for voice development. Anyone can add effects afterward.

Anyway, very nice and fluid. Considering that Brett Michael is a baritone, it was nice to hear a tenor version of this song.

Keep going. And I think you could totally own a cover of this song, if you've got the gumption.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sounding good Opaa.

Was there any particular thing that helped you make a connection or the exercizes themselves finally sinking in?

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanks ronws and MDEW. Nothing that particular that I did, I feel like slowly my falsetto / headvoice has grown and recently it has been strong enough for me to work it a bit more intensely, and to go for a deeper mix. And I've started to try to engage bit more chest and open up my headvoice / mix. That's what I'm trying to do right now.

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