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Do you think I can make my song happy?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

The ideas come from the mind. The words can be the same with a different thought behind them. Do you want to rearrange the whole song or just make this one emit happy feelings through a different video?

This Song seems complete as it is. The video, words and music fit together nice. It does give a sad mellow feeling.

In the video people are expressing sad feelings, the music is mellow; soft,slow, lots of Minor chords.

To make the video with a happier feel smile more. Use happy scenes. people dancing playfully. To give this song a happier feel the music must be changed and the melody will change a little also.

I would just write a different happy song. This one is good as it is.

Sad songs are slow with minor chords. Happy songs are faster with major chords. The thought behind the song will influence how you write it and sing it.

Think of some one you love and you miss. Tell them, with a sad feeling. "When you smile the whole world drifts away".

After that think of someone who makes you really happy. Tell Them, with that happy thought. "When you smile the whole world drifts away". It may be the same pitch, maybe even the same speed but there will be a difference in the over all sound. Different words will get a different volume or speed or inflection.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hi Amir,

I am also new to youtube, feel free to have a look at my channel.

I'am not sure why you would want to make this song more happy?? It seems to me that the structure of the composition is fundamentally melancholic and perhaps sorrowful....I don't think you need to make any changes. I particularly like where the echo reinforces the message of the song. Personally I would like to see you use a little more variety in your pitching, but that's just me...coming from a "teacher-eee" point of view.

For a "happier" feel, Maybe consider using this song as the basis for a further composition, incorporating more major keys and a more upbeat feel...brighter tone colors and a 6/8 time signature?

I really enjoyed the video, it looks great :-) and have subscribed to your channel. All the best

Laura O'Sullivan LTCL

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Tnx for the comments :)

MDEW , Singinglessonsonline - I'm not talking about the clip, It will need a new clip, it's just harder to make a happy song and I thought just try to change few chords and singing, it's also not an easy job, but I enjoy making music any why :)

I think i'll try to do this, we will see how it goes.

Tnx for your comments, it was helpful :)

FIRST SONG IN ENGLISH - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUmkbv-v-vI


When you have done something you really love?

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Would like to see you upload "All She Said" on the Social Media section of TMV World :cool:

Here's a quick link for your convenience >> http://www.themodernvocalist.com/video/video/newWithUploader

I enjoyed the video and would like to Feature you :D

If you haven't yet joined the Social Media Section, I just sent you an invitation !!!

Warmest Regards,


Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Amir, If you want to write or compose a happy song use influences from other songs that have the feel you are trying for; The beat(basic drum pattern) The Basic chord progression(the way the music flows) The melody line. At first this will be just to get you into the flow of creating your own composition.

I know it is hard to write something new and keep it with the feeling you intend. You may have a few words or phrases and think you know which direction the song will take (Happy, sad, fast, slow) and then find it works better with the opposite feel.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

i wouldn't change it .. the song wouldn't fit a "happy" overtone to it...currently, it explores the inner depths of the listener (allows us to reach inside for past experiences, etc).. if you put a 'happy' transition to it, you will (in my opinion) ruin the song and the effect ..

The song is really good

The video is interesting

The girl is hot

You have a bitching beard ;-)

Great job.



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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Tnnnx for the comments people :)

Adolph Namlik - I don't exacly understand what you want to do with my song/clip but it sound good :), my English is not perfect (as you my notice my little accent in my singing...), any way I uploaded the clip to where you wanted. tnx.

MDEW, David - Tnx, Just for you to know, I like the song and I already have a clip for it witch oviaslly will not fit to a happy song, but still, I enjoy it and the pcocces and it's alwyes end to me with sad songs some how...

The lyrics I don't need to change, I don't think it have an effect on if the song is happy or sad, like "Happy" of the Beatles witch I think is a happy song and the lyrics are not.

Ammm, and David, if you want, the girl is single I could ask her... :)

FIRST SONG IN ENGLISH - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUmkbv-v-vI


When you have done something you really love?

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As Laura and David mentioned, they liked the video, as did I.

You're now Featured on the Social Home Page AND, if you check my Article, "Spotlight Videos and an Invitation", you're scheduled to be Spotlighted on May 10 !

See >>> http://www.themodernvocalist.com/profiles/blogs/spotlight-videos-and-an-invitation

As for the young lady/"Angel", you can send her my way as well, but I believe she's a bit young for me :o

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

If it was a few years back ;-)... I'm married with three kids, so I'm off the market.. but hey... Adolph is available ....

Again.. great job Amir.



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LOL :)


Adolph, I look at your page, very cool, Tnx for that.

Thank you for the compliment, Amir :cool:

As for the video, it's Spotlight material and it's a pleasure to feature you :)

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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If it was a few years back ;-)... I'm married with three kids, so I'm off the market.. but hey... Adolph is available ....

Again.. great job Amir.

"Adolph" is ALWAYS available :lol:

But then again, a bit too young. Perhaps ??? :lol::cool:

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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*Tnx Adolph, I like to see my clip there :)

It's my distinct pleasure, Amir :D

But kindly don't stop with this particular video. I am encouraging you to upload more to the "Social Media" section of TMV World !!!

As for the "Angel"..... It seems I got myself in a bit of trouble with my lady friend. :rolleyes: It isn't often that I add a bit of humor, so taking the opportunity for once, she wasn't very happy.... It was like, "But you don't understand Darling. After all, we must be at least 8,000 miles apart !!! " Oh well..... :lol: :cool:

Perhaps I'm digging myself into a deeper grave ? :lol:

Warmest Regards,


Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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@Adolph... she has wings man.... wings...

So, David.... That means the "Angel" could fly right here to the States ! COOL !!!

You're prompting me to get into MORE trouble ! Oh Well... It's all in good fun :lol::cool:

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Amir, don't change a thing. Leave it the way it is. There is "happy" and there is something strong in the heart. Sometimes the coincide, sometimes they are separate. And you can be happy, so happy that it hurts. Like this song.

And good for you for accepting Adolph's help. He is a prince among men. I wish I could travel to the northeast of my country just to meet and talk with him in person. I have talked with him on the phone and he is the real deal. A man of intense integrity and passion and caring for our shared passion, that of singing.

And yes, definitely keep recording and making videos.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

:), Thanks ronws, and Yep, I already get that Adolph is "come in good", Now (tnx to Adolph) you can see my video song here - http://www.themodernvocalist.com/video/video - just don't forget to like it :)

Any why, I'll live this song any why, i'll not delete it :), I just wanted the opinion about making it again in a happy version.

Tnx for the comment :)

FIRST SONG IN ENGLISH - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUmkbv-v-vI


When you have done something you really love?

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Amir, Made an adjustment so that it's somewhat easier to locate your video >>


Ron and Amir,

Thank you so much for the compliments ! They are truly appreciated :cool:

And Ron.... Same here. Would like to be able to travel to Texas to meet you in person as well. That would be awesome !!! But as you and our esteemed Founder, Maestro Robert Lunte, knows, it's a bit difficult for me to travel given personal reasons that you are both aware of..... Hoping that Robert sees this post as well. Would like to be able to get to Seattle to meet Robert in person >>> Speaking of the "real deal" !!!

BUT, you made my day :D :cool:

Adolph C. Namlik
Administrator ~ The Modern Vocalist World
Western N.Y.

Email : chief188@hughes.net
"My Life's A Stage"

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Amir, Made an adjustment so that it's somewhat easier to locate your video >>


Ron and Amir,

Thank you so much for the compliments ! They are truly appreciated :cool:

And Ron.... Same here. Would like to be able to travel to Texas to meet you in person as well. That would be awesome !!! But as you and our esteemed Founder, Maestro Robert Lunte, knows, it's a bit difficult for me to travel given personal reasons that you are both aware of..... Hoping that Robert sees this post as well. Would like to be able to get to Seattle to meet Robert in person >>> Speaking of the "real deal" !!!

BUT, you made my day :D :cool:

And my work schedule is intense. However, one of the owners of the business owns a house in Maine. And probably passes through your state on the way up there. So, if you see a genius with tow-headed blonde hair, that's him. It also happens to be that he plays drums, in addition to being a published author, patent holder, real estate investor, licensed commercial pilot.

I am just an electrician and operations manager who likes to sing and play guitar. But we each do what we can.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I really liked the song Amir!

As far as making it more "happy", I think you'd have to rework a lot - the tempo, the video, the recording - in order to make it more "happy" But if you wanted to do something easy to make it a little bit happier, I would try playing an E major instead of an E minor in the chorus. If you like that idea, you could also use an E mixolydian scale (E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D, E) on the background/rhythm tracks and I think it would lose a little bit of that sadness that you were referring to.

I love that the bridge chords, the F maj to the E maj.

But I like the song as it is!

As everyone else said, that girl is gorgeous. :rolleyes:

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Sorry, I was very busy latly, tnx for all the help...

Now I have the time to start working on the song :)

I already do a few checks and it sound really bad... but it's just the start :)

FIRST SONG IN ENGLISH - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUmkbv-v-vI


When you have done something you really love?

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