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setto thing.Ok....another of my songs....

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

....the chorus is about as high as I can comfortably get, without flipping over to that soft falsetto thing.

It doesn't hurt me, but it sounds strained, what do you make of it?

It's a live (one) take btw, guitar and vocals together.

Facta non verba.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Great song. Where you think you sound strained is just bluesy rasp, as far as I'm concerned. And perhaps, that is from the aesthetic you are following. Bluesy, complex guitar work and a kind of Kenny Wayne Shepherd southern blues style with a Black Crows vocal styling. Let me ask you this - what would be wrong with your "soft falsetto", as you describe it? Do you think it's not manly? Pardon me for getting psychological but sometimes, we hold ourselves back because of presuppositions about a tone. And we rarely sound to others like we think sound to ourselves, even in recording. It's happened to me, with others hearing, even with myself hearing myself in recording. Point being, can you work this in falsetto and see where that falsetto takes you? You might strengthen, at least to your satisfaction, volume and clarity in falsetto only to find it is no longer a falsetto to you. Falsetto is a tonal quality. You might find yourself, after a while, closing up the cords a little more while still resonating in your head. Once that happens, it's no longer falsetto.

I think you are getting rasp because of incomplete closure combined with crying resonance. You can actually get rasp with the false cords surrounding, but first, you will get a clear tone.

Absolutely nothing wrong with your song, I'm just sharing a viewpoint that may or may not help you. My opinion and $1.50 USD will get you a soda.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member


another nice one brother! What you're calling "strained" could also be called "plaintive" which is a requirement for that mode(Curbing/Mix/Cry.)

What stops you from taking that sound higher/flipping into falsetto?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

yes...another great song my friend! Let's here the other version with what you call the falsetto in it. :) then we'll tell you what we think. :) If it fits, then go with it!


Michele :)
Rock on..

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Rick - that is totally awsome. It doesn't sound strained - nothing negative about it. sounds like you are doing a great job curbing in the D4 - F4 range with some nice distortion. So much of the song is in this range, and curbing in that area sounds more intense. You are doing a really nice job in the first part of the passagio.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thankyou guys!!

Right...so this is curbing! Ok cool, now I always thought this was me pushing it, but I realise now that I hold air back when singing this way, I can do it clean too, and with a bit of experimenting tonight I found I can sing things this way I previously thought I was going to injure myself doing.

Thanks guys, now I am familiar with the sensation I can understand some of the terminology used!

Facta non verba.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • TMV World Legacy Member

What a great song! kudos!

Ashique M. Fahim
Instrumental Rock Guitarist

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