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  1. That was a bit weird. Sorry :/ I didn't get it. Abstract?
  2. Thanks for that Igor How can I critique a Christmas gift? Can't do it man. I will say this though. The midrange and higher portions were right in your sweet spot. Your tone on those areas was great. That pitch is at a spot where there is no strain at all and very comfortable, strong and real nice. You should find a few songs in that range man.
  3. I didn't think "friend" was bad. You could pronounce the d a little more if you like. Just soften it or step back from the mic when you do it. You do fall into the throat at times but it isn't constant throat singing imo. but what I perceive as problem is support. You are going flat at times, For example at around 1:14 -1:16 in that sentence and last word (separate? i'm not sure) you aren't supporting good and it is airy besides. So you run out of air for the next phrase which is a long one and it becomes weak thus going flat on "feels." Not enough support for that "ee. So the whole song sounded a little under supported.
  4. Well as you guys are saying. Showing emotion in the song or changing the approach. That all plays into what I was saying. If you want to get into the song physically it will have to match the music. If the music doesn't move neither will you. Sure you can move to anything, and add some attitude but you will still have to alter the song delivery somehow. Otherwise it's like playing elevator music to a high speed chase scene in a movie. A mismatch.
  5. I thought that was really good. Great tone man. If I had one nit picky thing it would be the very last "heavy." The earlier ones had an "eh" sound on the vowel. "Heavehy" Which sounded good. The last one was too ee for me . "heavee." Maybe it's a personal thing for me and not a problem. Sometimes those things just make my ears perk up Real good. I really liked that.
  6. I wouldn't call that crap Keith. I thought it was good. Even the female part I know you have been working on this so you probably won't like hearing it. But I thought it could have used a little more punch on the word "Angel." That same note throughout the song just seemed a little light to me. Well, at least imo. But overall it sounded pretty good to me.
  7. I disagree with MDEW. No offense there bud Not that he has a bad idea, I just think in this instance it isn't the problem nor do i think it would work. I am considering that the video recording is taking away a little from the performance so just keep that in mind. IMO the problem is the song. You seem to sing well from what I can hear, but the song is boring. The guitar strumming (especially on the breaks where there is no vocal) is just going "bum bum bum bum bum..." There is no texture, no interest, no peaks and valleys. The only change is when you go to falsetto but it's too little too late. I really don't know how much you can do with the tune and I don't see how you can groove to it. maybe you can spice up the rhythm and play with the phrasing vocally. Highs and lows, strong then light etc. I mean it sounds like a nice song but not much of a performance song. It's more a sit down, tea hose song. Just my humble opinion :)
  8. I listened to this last night a few times. Either my ears are failing me or I drank too much beer. I didn't hear the pitch problems.
  9. Ok now wait a minute. Janis, in my opinion is worlds above Axl Rose. In all aspects. I can appreciate Axl a bit more these days since I know a little about singing but when I first heard him back when GnR first surfaced I thought he sucked. Brian? I think he is good where he is. It fits. Other than that? Not really what I consider a singer. So you see? There is somewhat of a prejudice that is common I think. I'm sure heavy metal rock fans think Axl or Brian Johnson's singing is a goal to strive for. What about Motorhead? Whatever the singers name is Lemmy? Ian? Anyway, I actually love his sound although it is (to me) more of a gimmick and is why I like it. As for "singing?" I don't think so. It fits what he is doing but I would never aspire to be that.
  10. I have to agree with the lessons/coaching thing. Actually not just because of the type or style of music you are choosing but just in general. I know from experience that there are many things people can train themselves to do. I have done so with a couple of things in the past. But there have been some things that I thought I was doing great at and even got compliments for. Then I decided to get some instruction just to move ahead a little and wow; suddenly there were things opened to me that I didn't know. Actually things that I didn't even know that I didn't know!! (Does that make sense?) These little things made the difference. They made things I did well before easier and more effective. Vocal training can be the same. It's the little things that create the big things. But you have to know and be guided in those little details. If you don't know them you don't even know that you don't know..Confusing I know But it's like loosing your hearing a little. How would you know? If you can hear everything...or think you can...how would you know you are not hearing the bird chirping outside? Unless someone showed you That's what they call an "Ah Ha " moment. EDIT: Sorry to the original poster, I forgot to comment on your singing I think that what has been already mentioned above stands as far as lessons go. What category you fit into doesn't matter at this point because I think you have a lot of work yet to be done to tighten up your voice. Your voice is nice and pitch isn't bad so you have a good start. However it does sound very untrained. That is to say that the breathing isn't correct nor is a lot of the note placement, control or connection. In a couple of those songs in the medley, you seemed to sing in different voices in the same song. If the song went higher or lower your voice wasn't one voice but rather different for each part as if different people were singing. That connection needs to be learned. Some areas were breathy and others just lacked support. The lower end really lost support. But these are all things a teacher can easily remedy. Your voice can be very nice if you learn how to work it. :)
  11. No, what I am saying is that even with a coach I still listen to what others on a forum say. I'm not talking about audiences. I'm talking about here on the forum. "Forum members critiques and advice." I can learn at least something from everyone. Even from the mistakes of others and at times even from critique that doesn't match the next guys. Maybe then I would bring it back to the coach and ask "what about this?" I really don't think too deeply about it. I just keep my mind open and try to absorb all I can. You never know where your next great bit of knowledge will come from. Maybe under a rock. From a butterfly or a slug....doesn't matter. Don't be picky by outward appearance, or you may miss that one life changing bit of information because you thought it couldn't possibly come from "that guy." So the forum would survive. And I think if every member on this forum had a coach they would still come here and spend the same amount of time and they would still post songs. People can't stay off the net! And singers can't help say "listen to me." We are entertainers by nature. There are countless sports forums filled with people who have coaches and instructors/teachers who still flood into forums seeking advice, offering advice and showing samples of themselves for critique or help, as well as just "look at me."
  12. No, what I am saying is that even with a coach I still listen to what others on a forum say. I can learn at least something from everyone. Even from the mistakes of others and at times even from critique that doesn't match the next guys. Maybe then I would bring it back to the coach and ask "what about this?" I really don't think too deeply about it. I just keep my mind open and try to absorb all I can. You never know where your next great bit of knowledge will come from. Maybe under a rock. From a butterfly or a slug....doesn't matter. Don't be picky by outward appearance, or you may miss that one life changing bit of information because you thought it couldn't possibly come from "that guy." So the forum would survive. And I think if every member on this forum had a coach they would still come here and spend the same amount of time and they would still post songs. People can't stay off the net! And singers can't help say "listen to me." We are entertainers by nature. There are countless sports forums filled with people who have coaches and instructors/teachers who still flood into forums seeking advice, offering advice and showing samples of themselves for critique or help, as well as just "look at me."
  13. I guess I'll have to quote myself from my post above. Whatever you just wrote seems almost opposite of what I was saying. A redneck thing? I wrote: That means I would listen to my coach but also consider all other information, whether that's from forum members, experienced or not or some drunk in a bar. I take the information, consider it then either use or discard it. And like I said. I agree it's a critique section. And if it isn't honest then it isn't a critique. It's a butt kiss ;)
  14. I consider all information. It is all useful somehow. I may have to weed through a lot of it, but I don't discount anything. I have learned much from beginners in my time. Much learning happens by accident. This is the best response. However, I have been on many forums and have seen contributions put up for judgement and it is much the same. Whether it's harmonica, guitar or singing or even non music related, doesn't matter. If you are good it is easier. For example. a good singer on this or any other forum who also has a decent amount of knowledge to go along with the skill to back it up, will get away with a strong critique easier than a knowledgeable person who doesn't sing well; and even more so than one with little knowledge and little skill. The skilled person gets away with it while the lesser skilled gets looked down upon or called a trouble maker. Or "what the hell do you know....and where are your song samples?" That makes people tend to take the middle road and be a little more cryptic or vague. "Nice job." I think for real critique everyone needs similar criteria and all have to be on board. As one poster here said, after being slammed for "truthful" critique while his song sample was a poor one. And who promised to post a better one but never did..."The bitter truth is better than sweet lies." He told what he believed the truth and was hammered for it. I'm sure if he sang like Geoff Tate, everyone would be agreeing with him and hanging on his every word. That is the stuff that I don't like. It only causes confusion. It's a disease man!
  15. I'm glad you said it, so I didn't have to I wouldn't say "very." But a little. I think the harmonies are a bit off. I'm sure you'll straighten that out though. Best of luck to you and congratulations. ;)
  16. I'm sorry but I couldn't listen to it. There was too much echo or something. Whatever the effect was or however you recorded it made it sound like you were in a tunnel or a great marble hall or something. I couldn't even make out the words you were singing. It actually got a little annoying. Sorry.
  17. Olem. I couldn't even begin to give an opinion on that man I am no where knowledgeable enough in that area of singing to know. I feel I must be getting old. I mean I was at one time very into Rock (and still love Classic Rock) and what we called hard rock back in my day which was pretty much Zep (I was a zeppelin freak) Sabbath, and in later years AC/DC but I left off somewhere around there. The Iron Maiden stuff and harder has become "that kids music" for me Death metal and such.....no way man!! I can't believe I said that!! So I can't get the same appreciation for those type of vocals as you guys. I can really appreciate and be impressed by how you can do that stuff but based on that alone, that would cause me to say "wow!!" That was good. Meanwhile maybe it wasn't and others know better because they know the original or at least what you are aiming for. I thought it was impressive. I don't really get it....but impressive just the same .
  18. When I was teaching steadily (non music related) I really pushed. Make it right and then make it more right! I didn't impress easily. Even in my own training people thought I was nuts. So you had to keep up with me. It can get too easy to be like that here but that isn't my place. I'm hard to please but it makes for disciplined trainees and future instructors. Believe me I can do the same here but don't. I almost do at times but I then reel myself in. I don't want to get too overly critical since I too am just a student. But to be fair, I am also very critical of myself. For me, once I reach the top, there is no where to go but up!! ;)
  19. Sometimes someone is very new and I try to give them advice based on what I hear and the little I know. A lot of times it isn't technical but rather just advice on practice addressing what I heard. But often I try not to get too technical with other singers because I'm not really the technical type and lack a lot of knowledge in that area. Other times it's a singer that I think sings better than me already so I am hesitant to say anything unless I think it is very general. Something I piked up on. But quite often I just listen as if I am sitting in a bar somewhere and someone got up to sing. I'm not listening for perfect technique or vowel formation but at those times I'm just listening and wondering "would I keep listening if I were at a bar having a brew?" It's those times I might say nice job. Which is my way of saying (sometimes) it's listenable. Maybe some instruction will help but it wasn't "bad." Then again sometimes I just think it sounded good. Again, without looking for anything more than just a decent song. Not trying to look for corrections. Before I knew anything about technique all I ever did was listen to a song and if I liked it I liked it. It seems that the more I learn the more I am listening for details. the more critical I become. There are times when a member posts a song and I just go back to "Do I like it or not." I could critique it but don't. I decide I'm just going to listen. If it's pleasant enough I'll like it. But I have to agree with Felipe. I have seen praise given to singers that sounded (at least to me) terrible. And then I start to question myself? "Am I hearing things that aren't there? That whole song sounded like it was in the wrong key." Or, "wow you think that was good? I thought someone was strangling a cat!" If the critics thought of themselves, well as "critics, as well as judges," then they'd listen for faults, point them out and then give reasons why they thought there was a problem. In turn advice would be given on how to approach fixing the problem. "You sing well, but this or that is all wrong and needs work." I think that is helpful. On one hand it offers hope and then finishes with a direction to head toward.
  20. You're a sick dude That was good. Nicely done, fun stuff. Didn't you do another one awhile back? It looks familiar.
  21. They seem fine to me. I really have limited knowledge of how to sing consonants properly so I couldn't comment on that specifically although they sound fine to me. But as far as pronunciation they are right on the money :)
  22. Overall I liked it but I have always loved this song so I may be biased You said it is practice and I can see it needs a little work but you sing well so I'm sure you'll work it out. At 1:33 you get a bit squeaky or squealy and a little nasal. It happens agin later on in the song at the same part. Maybe that needs to be worked out Great song though.
  23. Thanks, that's all that matters. Moving forward It's not about rushing it's all about baby steps. One foot in front of another. Well now I have to contradict my first statement a little. That is all that matters!! Much appreciated.
  24. Singing, or music in general, like art or even taste in clothes is very subjective, isn't it. Thanks Olem :)
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