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Everything posted by jonpall

  1. I'm a big fan of your voice, Snax. You sound more like Halfford than ... than Halford! The Humperdink (lol at his name, always) this doesn't surprise me that much because I know you like Tom Jones (and can pull off a mean Thunderball as well).
  2. Oh yes I will! Metal like neutral or "mln" is just singing with a low volume (kind of like singing a lullaby) but with lots of twang (so the overall volume will increase because of the twang). There is no restrained/hold/cry sound (like in the curbing mode) and there is no "shouty" sound (like in the overdrive mode). Usually, mln is done for very high notes, like above C5. The sound quality is very light but the twang really makes it cut through and sound powerful and piercing. Think Rob Halford's high notes without the grit - that's mln. It's an ideal sound for high metal screams. Hope that helped.
  3. Hi! I think it would do you good to practise ONLY certain phrases over and over instead of the whole song. Do you ever do that? Cheers!
  4. Snax, if you're singing the vowels Uh, Ih or O in the high part of your voice with medium volume and a very slight "restrained" or "cry" sound in your voice ... then you're singing in what CVT calls curbing and what SLS calls "mix". That's a very brief explanation and note that these are just man-made definitions. But you would still be singing in curbing if you did those things, no matter if you knew about it or not or liked it or not . In fact, I'd guess that 99% of all curbing singers in the world have no idea that there's a group of crazy Danes (CVT originates from Denmark) that call their style of singing curbing. A bit more people know that some call it "mix", but not really that many :)
  5. Thanks for those comments, Steven. I really appreaciate it. They are very helpful. I know it takes me a few lines to get into the proper voice for this song, but it's just when I hear that riff, man, I get so fired up I'm gonna work on my eyes as well and not only my voice! Since I play the guitar while I sing, it's a bit hard for me to make interesting stage moves so it's harder to be a good frontman, in some ways. What do you guys think about that? Thanks all, for your comments! They're very helpful.
  6. That Wuthering Heights take of yours - you say it's twanged. The problem is that it's NOT. It's not twanged at all. You need to learn how to produce that sound before you decide you dislike it That was more nasal than twangy, actually. Also, check out curbing/cry sound/mix voice and not ONLY twang for those tenor songs... Just a hint/tip.
  7. Ron, I don't think Axl Rose's main distortion technique is fry, although he uses tons of twang, because fry would be where you sing with such a soft volume that you're almost not producing a sound at all, and it works best for very low notes, right? I think he uses creaking sometimes and distortion sometimes to use CVT terms, and to use more common terms, I think he gets his high rasp mostly by "over-twanging" and his low and medum rasp mostly by singing a bit too powerfully with a hold/cry sound so the sound distorts. No offence meant. Maybe I misunderstood you. For both me and you, Axl is one of our all time favorite singers, right? On some days, number one, I guess :)
  8. Everybody loves rasp, it seems, lol. Yeah, me too. If I were to record it, I'd probably put some rasp in it. But in this case I was more using it as a vehicle to practise my clean, high sound. Everyone's comments are very helpful. I'm taking it all in and deciding for myself which ones make sense for me and practising accordingly. Thanks, analog and you all, I really appreciate it.
  9. If C5 is the male high C, then it should be like this: Run G4 to B4 the C5 hills A4 Run G4 for E5, then D5 your C5 lives D5, then A4, then B4
  10. Note that in some songs, Bon had rasp on every note, but for the most part he just did it here and there in accordance with the emotion behind the lyrics as you said. But I wonder what you mean when you say "fry"?
  11. Good point, Ron, on letting the emotion behind the song lead you to the final sound in your voice. And Bon Scott's voice wasn't always raspy, just sometimes, but it was always cool. Here's another tip for rasp: You might try to make the sound increasingly sharper (or more evil or thinner or twangier, whatever you wanna call it) and at the same time increase your breath pressure into your soft palate. Jamie Vendera's main thing about distortion is to focus the sound into the soft palate and I think that's a great advice. Who knows, maybe that could help you with rasp, if you're still interested in it. But just keep experimenting and having fun with singing and you sound like you're on the right track. You're ready and willing to experiment with comments people make on your singing, yet are smart enough to discard things that don't make sense to you and that, IMO, is the right way to learn. Cheers.
  12. Thanks guys. You're too kind. I too, tend to prefer saying constructive things to people instead of saying "you suck" or something without an explanation. It's better to say something like "...cheer up dude, you simply need a bit higher larynx and you'll be there!", or "...hey man, I suggest a bit less air and you'll be surprised at how much it helps you!", as an example.
  13. Yes you CAN be on the level of Cornell, Russell and whoever you want, if you want it bad enough and have talent - like YOU do! Why the (*auto edit*)/headvoice should we put ourselves "below" anyone, no matter how good they are? That, IMO, is the attitude of a winner and I personally want to be on that team. I'd rather go down in flames trying instead of giving up. If I fail, at least I took a good shot at my goals (we all have our own, different goals) and had a blast doing it. Sorry for "slapping" you, lol, but James Lugo kind of did that to me a few months ago on this forum and it really woke me up! He said something like "Wtf are you doing? Your voice sounds like you've been given the keys to a Porche and you're driving it round and round in the parking lot. It's time to get up and see what this baby can do!". Maybe a bit too dramatic but it worked for me :)
  14. Hi, I recorded this to train my "mixed voice" or my "curbing", or simply - full high notes: http://www.box.net/shared/59y5nrdleo ...and here's a bonus track to show very similar things: http://www.box.net/shared/2vxq0jqzok Although I like raspy singing, I also want to be able to sing clean stuff so this is an example of the latter. I've been working on getting just the right amount of high and low frequencies in my tone. I don't want it to sound too hooty and not too thin and twangy either. I do want slightly more high frequencies in my tone when I sing high rasp, but here I'm looking for a more balance of overtones. Perhaps you guys can comment on if you think my tone needs more of something or less of something? Regards, jonpall.
  15. Hey Ron, here are two examples of what I'm talking about when I say add "evil" or "sharpness" to get rasp for the high notes, along with increased breath pressure into the soft palate, but without breathiness, and without increasing the volume TOO much: http://www.box.net/shared/ldsh0lzemp http://www.box.net/shared/6g3php5mnk And here's an example of the light curbing sound colour voice that can be used as the underlying tone behind such singing, just as a reference: http://www.box.net/shared/7ierz4ajsv I'm not saying that I can do it that great - and every now and then I screw up big time. But maybe this could help you, I don't know. Again, that was one of your best stuff so far and it's a bitch of a song. Cheers!
  16. I know it's very common and natural for singers to apologize on behalf of their own voices (so you can say "hey, I told you it sucked", or something), but you really need to stop doing that! *Slaps Stan in the face* LOL. You are a great singer and just need confidence and stop apologizing. I say, just be yourself, be polite, respect other singers and other bands, keep on rocking, have fun, brush your teeth, look both ways before crossing the streets (just kidding ), etc. ... and just enjoy your voice and sing your heart out. Perhaps you need to work a bit your your breath support but you have all the potential in the world my friend and don't need to worry. Those were some great vocals. For your next audio files, either say "here are some excellent vocals I just recorded..." or "here is some stuff I did - hope you like it". I don't want to come off too harsh, but ... "Slaps Stan in the face again". And I know Jiu Jitsu, it's no use slapping back! Cheers, my friend!
  17. It's very simple. You sound great in the verses - really great! But you haven't learned yet how to bridge or connect your chest voice to your head voice (sorry about the curse words) and therefore you didn't hit the correct pitches (like you DID do very well in the verses). This is something all singers have to learn, unless they just stumble upon it as children so welcome to the club and just know that tons of singers have learned this and you can, too! So get yourself a vocal program or a vocal coach and start putting in the hours Cheers, man!
  18. Hi Ron! I liked that take! It sounds like you're on the right track. You had a light sound colour and it was twangy, which is good for these type of vocals. But you said that you wanted to add rasp and I think I know how you could achieve it. You need to add more "evil" into the sound, IMO If you gradually think more "evil" or "intense" or whatever works for you, rasp should appear. But you have to try to do this without simply clenching your throat. Try to "think" of the sound you want rather than "how" you are going to do it, and keep the focus in your soft palate. Listen again to your take. It's not "evil" enough, right? I'm sure you can put that sound in if you experiment with it. But note that it might take more than one day to really get it ingrained into your muscle memory. It might take a few days to learn how to make the sound but a year to be able to do it without thinking about it. If you need help in finding out how to produce that "evil" sound, let me know and perhaps I could help. Hope this helps! Cheers.
  19. Start by re-reading all of the recent threads you've been involved in about support. Then, experiment a lot. You could also try to do Jamie Vendera's full voice sirens, but focus on keeping your ribs expanded instead of focusing on the downwards push. That's what I do.
  20. Stan, it sounds very much like you're using too much air for those high notes, yeah :)
  21. Good stuff, Stan, as always! Maybe you personally want to fine tune your voice somehow but that's your own choice. It sounds very good as it is. I think it would be beneficial for you to ask about any specific problems you're having that might help you with this fine tuning. It was too much air, right? Have you tried putting your hand in front of your mouth and trying to feel heat instead of wind?
  22. I'm not sure that link is working. I think it should look like www.box.net/shared/<something>.... and not www.box.net/files/<something>... If you link to "files", that's your private, not public, folder, I think.
  23. Btw. especially that second song was so AWESOME that I was starting to move and bob my head Great singer, awesome guitar playing and drumming and what a huge stage!
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