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Everything posted by OldPainless

  1. That's good to hear, Like I said I wasn't quite sure about that one. I think that might have been due to the microphone not being positioned properly (i.e you were too far away sometimes so I couldn't hear you properly).
  2. Hey forest gimp, I'm gonna try my best to write a fair review with tips. I don't know how experienced you are and I'm not a pro, I can't even read notes so I don't know which ones you're talking about in your post. Take this as a (hopefully)helpful guide. Let's start with things that I think you should try to improve. Remember, my sub-consciousness is comparing you to Robert Plant, one of the greatest singers ever to walk this earth(in my opinion): 1. Microphone positioning: You need to practice leaning towards or away from the microphone during the song to keep the volume more balanced throughout the whole song. I recommend setting the microphone gain pretty high, so that when you lean in for the low notes, you get that sweet deep sound. Then when you lean out you can add more volume to your voice without messing up the recording. 2. Nasal sound: Yes, I think you sound a bit nasal. How would I fix it? a) Now, I can't see you what you look like while you're singing, but I'm guessing your mouth isn't open enough. Try opening your mouth A LOT more when singing. It may feel and look silly but it helped me a lot. Posture is very important and you should try to stand relaxed and do a thorough warmup before recording. Write "vocal warmup" into the youtube searchbar if you don't know any good ones. c) Always try to sing through your diaphragm. You should feel the sound coming from your lower chest/stomach area, not the throat or head. You can search for that on youtube as well d) I find it difficult to tell, but I'm not sure if you're singing like you don't want to be heard. Remember, when it comes to singing, don't think about the people living with you and around you. You're always going to annoy someone when you practice, it's inevitable unless you're a hermit. 3. Note longevity: I think you should sometimes let your notes live a little bit longer(maybe just personal preference). 4. The low part of the high notes in the end: I think the low falsetto notes didn't quite work out. Why? I'm not entirely sure. I'd have you work on what I stated before and then try again. Maybe I'm just too used to Robert Plant flawlessly belting it out in the end. Are you still with me? I'm going to talk about what I liked now: 1. Your natural vibratto. Damn dude, I love it. You need to show more of that 2. Your timing, it was pretty good. 3. The highest parts of the high notes. When you let them live a bit and let that sweet vibratto show.. good stuff. I hope you don't take my criticism badly and hopefully I'll see your post when you post next time ;)
  3. I recently signed up here after buying relatively cheap recording equipment to record the songs I liked. I've listened to a few of the songs on here, some of them I've liked, some I haven't liked so much. I'm in the same boat as Tommy when it comes to technical details. I'm not a trained singer and in many cases (not all) I don't really know how to offer advice on improvement even though I can hear there is something wrong. I know writing a detailed review can be hard, especially if you're not 100% sure about what you're saying.
  4. This is a pretty famous power metal song... Please tell me what you think, the good and the bad!
  5. This was my first time singing the song, I tried it again today and it felt a bit easier (probably sounded better too)
  6. Link: http://www.mixcloud.com/OldPainless/she-wolf-cover/ Please tell me what you think (This is pretty much a live performance).
  7. Thank you. Yes, I had to do the chorus in a seperate take from the verse. I'm currently trying to increase my stamina by practicing more regularly.
  8. I'm no expert, but I feel like you are holding back a lot. There are a bunch of exercises you can do to help, but if I were you, I'd try to get lessons. I found them to be great fun and didn't regret it. If you can't afford lessons, check out youtube for a bunch of free advice. Try doing a complete warmup and then singing the same song when you're home alone.
  9. http://www.mixcloud.com/OldPainless/turn-around-demo-cover/ Just bought an M-Audio "starter pack" with Pro Tools SE included. Heard this song on the radio and liked the melody enough to record a short demo Would have made it longer if I knew the song better! There is no pitch correction in this. Only some reverb, a compressor and an equalizer. Well, there is what you might call a poor man's pitch correction in the chorus in the form of 2 vocal tracks. Now, my natural singing voice is close to what I'm singing in the verse. In the chorus things get a bit difficult for me, I struggled a bit with getting it to sound somewhat decent. Are there any specific techniques you recommend that I could study to gain more stamina/stability at the edge of my vocal range(before going into falsetto)? Thanks for listening!
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