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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hello! Tried this challenging and legendary song again. I, especially found the C5 phrase "wheel" challenging, more than the equal C5 "seen". Why is that you think? Any suggestions to improve this song? 

Ok, so the youtube link doesn't work so here is a link to my facebook video instead. I hope this works. 



  • Administrator

Simple... "Wheel" has the narrowed edging vowel "i/ee" in it...  perhaps the most difficult vowel to sing.  You have two options.

1). Modify "wheel" to "Weh-ehl"... "eh" to open that vowel.


2). Train and get strong first... then slightly retract your tongue to change the harmonics too sound similar to "ee"... by retracting the tongue, you can get an "ee" sound color on high frequencies. It is what the trained pros do... it takes practice. 

Cool song to be working on BTW...  and btw... the copyright holder has blocked your video embed... you may want to try a soundcloud link or  box.net.


  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hmm, yes i saw it was removed. IMO a little stupid since it says explicitly that it is a cover and also it's nowhere near the quality of the original song ☺

Thanx for the tip, Robert. What exactly do you mean by getting strong? I understand it is some kind of training. But what training?



  • TMV World Legacy Member

By strong i undrrstand he means a strong and confortable EH and then raise the back of the tongue so it starts sounding more like an EE... Its something like this, on the word "hills", but this is not as modified to the EE, for that song I like it more EH hahah



  • TMV World Legacy Member

This is a better example of the EEs I think Robert is talking about. "To rEEmake" and in the chorus "EEs there rEElly ".

In  my  voice i need to open my mouth more vertically ( and this is important), and think the positioning more like an EH and little by little modify towards EE



  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanx for the demonstration, Xamedhi. I understand the vowel modification. Both "wheel" and "seen" uses the same vowel "ee" but for some reason i found it a lot more difficult to reach the C5 in "wheel".

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Yeah, its more difficult for me too, as is the EH in the high range... I feel like EE and EH depend a lot more on falsetto musculature as you ascend in pitch, and in my voice, which doesn't have a very strong isolated falsetto, is harder to keep adduction and power, even more when my voice is tired. My voice likes UH and OH a lot more, haha

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