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First try - Resurrection by Halford

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hello, singing folks!

I was trying this legendary Halford song, just wanted to unleash the fury so i didn´t think so much about pitch or technique. How does it sound, what can be improved and so on, and by the way, does anybody have a good backing track for this song? Thanx in advance.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I can tell you what I think but be advised I am NOT a voice expert or coach of any kind, so take all of this for what it's worth, if anything.

First of all, this is not an easy Halford track, although it's not a favorite of mine. But it's pretty epic stuff and it takes courage to perform this and post the track without instrumentation, so kudos for that! My initial impression is that some notes are off and it lacks clarity in pronunciation. My impression is that you were focusing too much on matching Halford's performance and all the note and to imitate his tone and delivery.

My guess (and I may totally be wrong here) is that your jaw wasn't relaxed enough as you were trying to *sound like Halford* and this might have hindered pronunciation. I would try to cover it again but this time, without trying too hard to replicate the actual grit and exact voice. I would first focus on the melody and lyrics. You can record it again and put it here and see the difference. It might sound a little sillier without the grit but I bet you will nail the actual *song* as opposed to the *sound*. And when you control it well enough, if it's that important to replicate Halford's voice and tone, you can work on that.

Having said that, this is still impressive and I'd never even try that myself. Hope this isn't harsh or anything. My first time critiquing a fellow here.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hello, Martin, thanx for your answer. I don´t think you are wrong, my jaw wasn´t very relaxed, in fact, i think my whole body was tensed :). I think this was a pretty sloppy piece of work, i didn´t do any research before concerning pitch and i didn´t listened very closely afterwards if it sounded similair, i just tried as you said, to replicate the sound. I think i will sing it again and do a more solid work if could find a pretty good sounding backing track.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I was thinking about doing this one, as I already did painkiller and that was pretty fun. Nice job, my critique is on the way you're pronouncing some of it, too. But, good job on the scream sound, wish I could get that.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thanx for your answers, Lord Adon and Keith. Yea, the pronounciation could have been better and i am pretty sure you could scream better than me, i am cracking a little too much, Lord Adon. Keith, i don´t do anything special IMO more than straining and shouting :) Me on the other hand, i wish i had your ability to sing on pitch. By the way, you don´t happen to have this song on a backing track, Keith?

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Evidently saying good job doesn't help.

So, to me, the vocal line was a little loose. Slight pitch waver on the first repetitions of "resurrection."

The diction sounded good (sorry guys, I could not stop myself from giving a supportive note, there.) Oh well, might as well go for broke. Good raspy sound up there.

Come on ron, pull it together ... try to be mean .... ;)

The pitch got better in the second half, like you finally figured out where you were, so to speak. I don't know if you started this a capella or sang along with backing track and then edited it out. If the former, it's important to get that first note, beause it will define the rest. It happens to me, sometimes, too. But if I know the first note, the rest is just following the path, to me.

Alright, now, I'm on a tough love role. Others might say to not try such a difficult song. I say, ignore that. To borrow Tommy's phrase, "train like you will fight." Always have a goal. The key to range and power is not to see it as some insurmountable mountain top in the distance. But to know that it is right there, when you have the right things in place. The secret to singing "Silent Night, Holy Night" and "Ressurection" is the same. Pitch control, breath control.

Rats, that wasn't technical enough. Kinda looks "mental" in proofreading. Oh well, I tried.

I don't think you need to start from square one, all over again. Just get the first note locked in your mind.

"muscle memory is key in singing" - Renee Fleming

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Olem. I couldn't even begin to give an opinion on that man :) I am no where knowledgeable enough in that area of singing to know. I feel I must be getting old. I mean I was at one time very into Rock (and still love Classic Rock) and what we called hard rock back in my day which was pretty much Zep (I was a zeppelin freak) Sabbath, and in later years AC/DC but I left off somewhere around there. The Iron Maiden stuff and harder has become "that kids music" for me :D Death metal and such.....no way man!! I can't believe I said that!! So I can't get the same appreciation for those type of vocals as you guys. I can really appreciate and be impressed by how you can do that stuff but based on that alone, that would cause me to say "wow!!" That was good. Meanwhile maybe it wasn't and others know better because they know the original or at least what you are aiming for.

I thought it was impressive. I don't really get it....but impressive just the same :D.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I love it, Ron, you really are good with words and if you didn´t chose to be an electrician i think you would have been an excellent teacher. For your knowledge i sang it acapella. I always goes for music and songs i love and most often it happens to be songs with vocals that are very challenging. at least for me. I can´t sing songs that don´t evoke emotions with me. Tommy: It´s ok if you are not into this music, i always appreciate your feedback anyway. Thanx for your answers, Tommy and Ron and keep on rocking!

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Olem, for a while, I was teaching electrical work for Job Corp, a training program funded by the US Dept of Labor.

My students excelled because they were smart. And I would teach them basics and get them to think for themselves. It is miraculous when a student sees the "art" in it and takes off.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

If that was first try I would say not bad.

I do not know much about this style of music, But it sounds like you would be able to smooth out any kinks with a few more trials. The more you sing this the easier it will become.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hello, Igor, thanx for your answer. My intention is not to sound exactly as Rob, only Rob can sound as Rob so i don´t try that. What i do try is to get a similair tone, a bright, twangy mixed voice, because i think it sounds cool.

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