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Souls of Silence take 1

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

This is one take, about 3/4 of the song. There are obviously some rough spots, and rythmic issues. But, this is my take so far. Once I get to sing through it a few times I'll post a cleaned up finnished version. hope ya'll like it so far.



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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Those Bb4's are a pain in the ass! I just heard how strained they are. Normally, I can sing Bb4 in full chest. Gonna have to look for a different modification to hit those I guess.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I believe Robert and Felipe worked on it for a couple of days or more before recording. Don't know about Jen he may have nailed it the first time around. It's a tough song.

You sound like you have a pretty good start.

"You need a strong foundation to reach the heights."

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

This song just gets better with age. So, first off, kudos to Robert for writing such a good song.

And, of the versions, and I don't mean to offend the others, who did well in their own versions, this is my favorite, so far.

At times, it makes me think this is what it would sound like if Queensryche (when Geoff was still with them) had paid the copyright to ASCAP or whatever org Robert is listed in, and covered it on the next album. I know this is a rough cut, for you, Keith. But as rough cuts go, yours is better than a lot of people's finished product.

Definitely keep the low weight that you have in this. It really fits the mood.

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Keith, can you post your version of SOS here?


Let's keep it all in the same place... also... please don't forget to post it at the "souls of silence" challenge discussion at The Vocalist Studio forum. That was part of the deal...


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I believe Robert and Felipe worked on it for a couple of days or more before recording. Don't know about Jen he may have nailed it the first time around. It's a tough song.

You sound like you have a pretty good start.

LOL... I worked on this for over a year... and still work on it... it just keeps getting better... the stronger I get with my M1 musculature, the better this song gets... and others.

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Those Bb4's are a pain in the ass! I just heard how strained they are. Normally, I can sing Bb4 in full chest. Gonna have to look for a different modification to hit those I guess.

Bb4? Haha, now I know why they are so difficult, I always thought of them as G#4's :P

Aside from that, you have a very cool sound Keith, also like the harmonies you put in there. Makes me want to hear the full version from you.

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  • TMV World Legacy Member

Rob, yeah I'll post it there when I get it done. It's your fault, writing such a difficult song lol. You make it sound easy..It isn't. :)

Benny, thanks for listening. I'll try and get it done today, but my voice has been somehwhat unpredictable as of late, so I am not sure it will happen.

Ron - All I did was listen to the backing track a few times and said " what would I do with this?" then add some R.L. stuff and mix it with my own ideas.

MTDEW - I am know round here for jumping in and singing songs that I have only rehearsed a few times. It's how I roll.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

First of all, the song itself kicks major ass. Way to go, Robert.

Great job on the vocals, Keith. They are absolutely perfect for a song of this ilk.

I've never been skydiving, but I've zoomed in on Google Earth really, really fast.

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Keith, forgive me for not giving you some kudos... nice work buddy! Its cool... Love your harmonies on the chorus.. very cool..

If you have any questions about any lines or vowel modifications in this... let me know, Ill give you some quality time for stepping up and going for this...

... Oh, I see... you have not done the finale yet... thats ok Keith, its really super hard... but I would love to hear you try it... you have to narrow vowels and modify like madd... maybe this is the section I can help you with... notice in your copy of "The Four Pillars of Singing" ... check out the vowel modifications I made in the sample in the book for the finale... and try them... they will lead to a path of getting this finale conquered.


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  • TMV World Legacy Member

It's all good Coach! It isn't done anyway, The one that I can't wait to post is the finished product. Anyway, I am gonna try and learn the hard part today. May be able to get it done and posted in all the proper places. I will most likely change up the melody lines at the end, though, cause I hear something a bit different in my head. It will still be high and very difficult, justt not the exact same thing as the original. I am creative like that.


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On the finale... modify the vowels intrinsically Keith... try to chill out the embouchure a bit and sing narrowed vowels intrinsically... feel the modifications and vowels inside the vocal tract... I hope this makes sense.

Im working on a new version as well to up my game on this since as well... sounded pretty killer last night on the crappy iphone recording... got to track it for you guys...

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