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  • TMV World Legacy Member

I redid the song with a backing track I found. Same crappy mic but at least the music is better. I had to keep the mic at least two feet away and so some overtones are lost but such is life until I get a better mic.

"Sweet Child o Mine" from Guns and Roses.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Thank you, again. And I've learned to do this song even better since this recording. But it is my benchmark, since it is the song that inspired me to do anything with my voice.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

hey ron, this one is pretty good. i felt like some parts were off pitch, and you are straining for the high notes a bit. examples - 1:56-57 'if they thought of rain', 2:17 pray for the thunder and the rain; at 1:00 etc. Can you try lowering the pitch of the track 1/2 step? pretty good overall.

hope that helps...

Ashique M. Fahim
Instrumental Rock Guitarist

  • TMV World Legacy Member

hey ron, this one is pretty good. i felt like some parts were off pitch, and you are straining for the high notes a bit. examples - 1:56-57 'if they thought of rain', 2:17 pray for the thunder and the rain; at 1:00 etc. Can you try lowering the pitch of the track 1/2 step? pretty good overall.

hope that helps...

Thanks for the advice. I've found I can hit those exact notes you are talking about better now that I am backing off the air pressure. And I would rather hit the note than drop 1/2. And the song, whether doing backing tracks or my guitar arrangement is in Eb, per the original.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hello, Ron!

Please, fix your sound quality issues ;). What i could hear you sounded great on this track, but i think your voice deserves a better outcome. Maybe your economy doesn´t allow it but if i were you i would save some money and buy a new mic or computer or whatever it is that is quenching your voice in your recordings. You have propably heard this before so sorry to mention it again if that´s the fact.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

Hello, Ron!

Please, fix your sound quality issues ;). What i could hear you sounded great on this track, but i think your voice deserves a better outcome. Maybe your economy doesn´t allow it but if i were you i would save some money and buy a new mic or computer or whatever it is that is quenching your voice in your recordings. You have propably heard this before so sorry to mention it again if that´s the fact.

Only from myself. No one, except for you and akarawd have understood that a large chunk of my problem is the mic I am recording on. And I would dearly love to save some pennies and get a decent mic. What has kept me from doing that?

Well, my steady job went away in March, right after my birthday. A week of job hunting yielded nothing and so I called a temp service I worked through last year. They got me a 1 week assignment in Oklahoma doing a power addition to a casino. Then, another week of no work. Then, they got me back out to the casino and that lasted almost a month. Then two weeks of no work, even as I was looking elsewhere. Here's the hard part. I am eminently qualified to do electrical in different industries. Residential, commercial, and industrial. I started doing electrical in 1983 and I have a master license. And that counts against me. But the temp service found me another assignment and we just tell the client that I am a journeyman and that's good enough. I need the job more than I need to have people know what my real license is. In the meantime, paying a $245 electric bill, $100 water bill, $179 for auto and home insurance. $372 car payment (I have to have a car to get to work, so that bill gets paid first, regardless. Phone, putting groceries on the table, gas in the car, car registration, vehicle inspection, new tires to pass inspection. I still haven't paid the property taxes from last year and those are up to $2,000 now, thanks to penalties and interest. I still owe about $800 to the dentist, another $1500 to carecredit for dental bills. An apprentice broke my 1/2 inch pipe bender and I had to get a new one. I have to update my dog's vaccinations next month but those aren't too expensive. We have 3 year rabies protocol and his is still good, so he only has to get one for the 5 other common diseases in dogs. Rabies is non-existent in our county, so that's a good thing. Food for the dog. Food for the cat. And yes, they get along. And the project they have me working ends by July 30 of this year. So, it's not looking like I can spend a couple of hundred dollars on even a basic decent mic, though if I could upgrade from this one just a smidge, that would be lovely.

Don't worry, you are not hurting my feelings and yes, I think a better mic would make my recordings better. There are some tones and overtones that are lost, from both my voice and my guitar. I've explained that a number of times, to explain sound quality problems.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

ron...have you thought about backing up, say 10-15 ft(or whatever works) and recording with room ambience? I've had the same problems and started doing this(got the idea from Martin H.) Obviously you will not get "presence" but certainly makes it very easy to hear what's going on "acoustically." Kind of hides the smoke and mirrors and certainly wouldn't peak. Just thinkin' out loud.

  • TMV World Legacy Member

In the case of this recording, I am about 2 to 3 feet away from the mic, literally. Which holds down on the mic splat. And it also cuts out some tonality. And you can tell me that I need a better mic and then I'll just cut and paste the post I made above. I didn't realize that I needed a minimum of equipment and disposable cash to be here. But I learn as I go along.

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