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  1. Ohhhh man! I love this song. However I'm at work and can't open Box.com :(
  2. Thanks sidsings, I give that a try too. I intend to I'm happy when people like my blues or want to hear more because a lot of people don't like Blues music. Especially young people. Then there are those who look down on it as "easy" to sing or play. The only thing that stops me from singing more of it, or rather recording more of it, is a lack of backing tracks for the Blues stuff that I like. Thanks again Sid and thanks for listening. :)
  3. Thanks for that tip, I'll try it out. I have played with a few different variations. Eevneng, eevniing, etc. I even tried to match the falsetto he does on the same parts of the other verses. Such as "we go to a partee" or "So I give her the car kees" Those are similar lines to "It's late in the evening." I have no problem with those. But the falsetto on evening didn't sound right so I left it out. I'll have to play some more. Thanks.
  4. Here is a cover of Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight, something I recorded last month. I never posted it because I didn't like the mix and my voice cracked toward the end; I was singing a lot that day and wasn't about to do the song over. Also it isn't how I have been trying to sing it. I am still trying to nail the first line but just don't ever get it right. I've tried the word "evening" every way possible. I just don't like any of it. Oh well. Anyway, I can't record anything for the next two-three weeks so I dug this one out. I might as well....what the hell http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11666051&q=hi&newref=1
  5. Mixing course? Lol....it's hit or miss brother. Sometimes it's good and sometimes not. I have no control over the mix....just pokin' and hopin' I just sing em' and put em' out there and hope for the best Thanks Olem
  6. Now you're cookin' with fire there boy!!!! Excellent. I loved it. 100% better. :)
  7. Ron, that post is like reading about all the germs you get from restaurant bathrooms!! I feel like washing my hands after recording now!!! :lol:
  8. What I have been having a problem with on most recording is it is hit or miss. Sometimes it comes out good after I record it. Then when I save it to MP3 the vocal changes in volume. Sometimes it gets too loud or sometimes too low... Then when I load it to Soundclick it changes again. In this instance it is too low. Also, I have no idea what happened but suddenly my Audacity program has stopped saving the vocal and music as separate tracks. It mixes them down to one. As far as fine tuning the song I'm not talking about my voice per se. It's a comfort level with the song. A feel thing. Right now it feels like a song I'm learning so I'm thinking through it. I need to get to a point where it just happens and I'm just telling a story. Also I'm working on runs. Not right yet. And I wasn't completely satisfied with the falsetto near the end. things like that. Mostly phrasing. By the time September comes and I sing it at karaoke on the cruise I want a standing ovation Thanks Ron.
  9. I won't critique the singing on technical points but I will give an opinion of what I hear. First I think you are pronouncing the words to grammatically correct. That;s good for school or English class but not for rock! Phrases like "going to" don't sound right pronounced like that. In this song "going to" should be "gonna." "She puts the kid away and she's gonna get a hit." Or at least modify it to sound in between. The same holds true for the rest of the song. It needs to flow and be free. The main thing is that it is missing the angst. This song is angry and it's driving. Especially on lines and phrases like the one above. "I see a woman in the night With a baby in her hand Under an old street light Near a garbage can Now she puts the kid away, and she's gone to get a hit She hates her life, and what she's done to it There's one more kid that will never go to school Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool" That whole passage is angry. Or should be. Live it, feel it, sing it Other than that it is hard to really hear you on the recording so while it didn't sound bad it is hard to tell. As for the band? Well, I won't go there Let me just mention "timing." Good job though, keep working man.
  10. I know there are many cultures here on this forum and we are all from different places around the globe, and I respect that and everyone and culture here. But, well you know I dig Ray Charles And with that in mind and in the U.S. this being 4th of July Weekend I decided I wanted to do this song. However my plans didn't workout as I wanted. Here are the liner notes: I always knew about Ray Charles' version of this song but it fell to the back of my mind. A few weeks ago I heard it on the radio and decided I wanted to do it for the 4th of July. But I had to order a backing track. I just got it last week and so now I had to learn it. I didn't have time due to work and only had Wednesday to do it. But managed to record a version last Wed. That was the first time I've ever done this song. That was a rough draft. My ultimate goal here is to sing this on my next cruise at karaoke in September. I sing a lot of songs here and I practice a lot but I don't sig out anywhere. I have only sung live 3 times in my life all on cruises. I cruise once per year. So my next public singing will be this coming September. I am preparing this song for that cruise and this is how it works for me. Last weeks version (which only one person heard) I consider a rough sketch. This version which I did two days ago, is me starting to get a little more detail into the picture. By September hopefully the work will be finished and full of detail and color. I really would like to have worked on this more before posting it but I have no timer left. Wednesday was my last chance to sing and record for maybe a week or so. So I had to get it out now since the holiday is Wednesday. I'm not happy with it but so be it. It's a work in progress and you get to hear me practice... So here is " America The Beautiful." http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11736714&q=hi
  11. Thanks Felipe. I really appreciate your comments. As for the mixing. Well lets just say there is none!! I haven't a clue what I'm doing so I just hook up, sing save and post I use audacity with a Lexicon interface and a shure SM 58 mic. I am in a small room in the house about 12 ft by 5 or 6 ft. I set the volume and then test a few notes by singing a line or two with music and I see if it's too loud or too low. When I find an acceptable level I turn and face into an open closet full of clothes and I sing into it. Then I listen to it back and if I didn't make a mistake I save it and that's it. No effects, no mixing nothing. Sometimes...every once and awhile, for some reason a song comes out sounding too much treble. In that case I compress it and raise the base. But I really have no clue how to mix so I never do. Just record and post straight up . And yes...I am famous for clipping and I've tried everything to stop it. It's not your headphones. I sing loud. Basically what everyone is getting from me when I post a song is a live performance. Thanks again man. P.S Is that good or bad ?
  12. Wow! What the hell is going on this week? All these great singers are just coming out of the woodwork. I'm beginning to sink low in my seat. I'm tempted to delete all my songs That was damn good Felipe. I didn't hear a single thing wrong with it.
  13. I'm freakin' speechless!! I know you've been around this forum awhile, but I've never heard you sing. That was fantastic.
  14. Here is how I would classify what you have done. First steps When a baby reaches the point where it will start to walk it teeters and falls. That isn't walking. Sometimes it can't even stand long. But then one day it takes its first steps and that is cause for celebration! That is an accomplishment. From there you can already see a future of running. But you'll not run if you don't first walk. I think today, you walked. You took your first steps because that wasn't falling, that was singing. Granted, sort of equivalent to a baby's first steps; shakey and unbalanced and a bit unsure, but singing none the less. Before you know it you'll be running. Just keep practicing. Good job "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." ;)
  15. Short answer? Pursue!!! You can sing and that is always a good place to start, having some have some natural ability. I agree with the nasalness on the second song. No big deal that isn't anything major. You seem to be able to control your voice in some areas so that too is good.
  16. Ok, let's try this again. Different mix and backing track. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11732509&q=hi
  17. Ahh yes, the never ending journey. No better way to improve imo. The battle against the self. Great philosophy Snax.
  18. I thought that was very good and an interesting take on the song. The original seems like it has a little more angst while yours has more sadness. I heard some slight vibrato in there,,,just a little I thought I heard it first time at the start on the word promises. Very slight. I might have used more but that doesn't mean anything...I'm no authority on vibrato. I heard some more throughout again very slight. By choice? I thought the general feel of the song was good also with the highs and lows and some of the little falsettos and general phrasing. Nice job. I never heard this song before so it was the original to me. Then I went and listened to the original and was surprised at the different feel. Again, nice job. And P.S. The mix was great. I kept taking the headphones off because it sounded like your voice was in the room.
  19. Very nice. I'm into that type of singing and have been working on a few runs lately. Not easy. Nice job.
  20. Thanks Lorenzo. I can't get your file. I'm at work and my job blocks that site. I'll check it out tonight.
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