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  1. I may have mis wrote my post Chavie...sorry. What I meant when I said what I liked about the second song was the music, I didn't mean I liked the music and not the singing I only meant I liked the song as a whole better because to me it had a sound (over all as well as the riff) that I could see being re-worked into a punk sound. I liked the singing on both, I was just commenting on song preference. Actually I thought the vocals sounded a little more free on the second song.
  2. I just had a listen but at the moment all i have at work is the computer speaker. Sounds good. I liked the first one and thought the singing was good. Do you do the backing music yourself or do you have a band? I liked the second song a little better...with a "but." What I liked about it was the beat that I heard. The riff reminded me of punk and I could really hear that song being retooled to play like a punk rock tune. Seriously. Nice job Chavie
  3. Something that I always do when new to a forum, no matter what the subject, is use the search function. I have directed many new singer coming to this forum, to visit the "techniques" section and scour through the thread titles (there are many pages there) for clues to what you many be looking for. There have been and continue to be so many topics covered there. Good chance you'll find answers to help you get started. Also do a search. For example type "vowels" into the search function. It's a good place to get a start. Loads of information on technique, practice, books, learning styles etc. And always ask questions. I find it best to ask a question and then question the answer Good luck
  4. I thought that was pretty good Your pitch was good and on the acapella that is difficult. Here is what I heard. The pronunciation of certain words. Specifically the ones ending in "r." Too much R. Yesterrday. Farr away. The word here (here to stay) also had a heavy r sound and ee "heerre." And did you have a cold or something? It didn't sound nasal but it sounded like your nose was stuffed like when someone has a cold or someone mimics one. I really liked how you altered the melody in spots and added your own thing, that was really nice. Overall nice job. Smile was good also although it sounded again like you had a cold and this one sounded like you were having trouble breathing in some spots. It was very heavy on the breaths. The lack of music made the phrases a little drawn out in some spots but it was on pitch and not bad. Again pronunciation/annunciation. For the word "clouds" you said something like "claowwds." Nice job :)
  5. There isn't much to say really. Not because it's bad...it isn't...but because imo it is an incomplete product. You aren't sure of the words, you just sort of threw the whole ting together, you coughed during the performance. So I think you have more potential than whet you are giving us here. Your voice is nice (to me) and has a nice tone. You were pretty on pitch so that is good. But your diction was muddy. You are not pronouncing the words clearly. Some will say the song was too breathy, but I am not one of those breathy voice haters At times I like breathyness to add texture and this song sounds like it fits. However it could use a bit more color or variance in the lines. Your voice isn't bad. But your singing can use improvement to bring out the best of that nice tone of yours. I would suggest that you learn a song well and then record it, with no mistakes. That way everyone can take it more seriously and critique it properly. Not a bad job though for what it was. :)
  6. She is a coach...she doesn't think anyone a fool. It is her job to make potential singers not make fools of themselves. Don't hold back in front of her. She can't help you unless you reveal your true self. Well it could have been a male singing high!! :D
  7. Hi divided33, I just got a chance to listen to this. I agree with MDEW that you have potential. We all have a voice and at its very simplest it is a matter of adding melody to your speaking voice to see that we all can sing if we only learn how. We all have the vocal instrument, we just all don't know how to play it. Like owning a guitar...it works fine...you just don't know what to do with it. That is until you learn, which takes time and practice. Your tone is good and pitch sounded pretty good also. I didn't recognize the melody until the chorus though. But I think you are a few steps ahead in the learning process by the above points and only need to learn how to make your words and phrases actually "sing." Right now it is sort of like someone who can throw a ball very fast, hard and straight. Maybe even a curve ball. That is a start (potential) but it doesn't mean he can just get on the mound and pitch a baseball game! he has to learn how to use his tools and learn the game first. Start now....study hard, ask questions, read, practice, sing a lot and learn. Now "Play ball!!!! :D
  8. Wow....how did you dig this song up? It was buried back a page I think. I didn't think anyone liked it. (well other than sound26). I was shocked to see it just now when I signed in. Thanks Olem, I really appreciate that. You made my day. (I'm actually working on improving it a little. I'll be singing it live in a couple of weeks).
  9. I thought it was mostly good...sorry about the mostely The singing was good most of the song but just a tad weaker on the higher parts than the lower. I think you're getting closer to matching the strength of your middle and lower voice to your higher. Closer than other songs in the past. Although this wasn't that high, as I've heard you sing higher. The word "let' (twice in the song) seemed a little weak. But that is nit picking. Over all it was a good job. 8 out of 10. :D
  10. Here is my opinion for what it's worth It sounds to me as if you can hit the notes, you just don't know what to do with them; if that makes any sense. From what I heard you have the range and I think you could actually sing this song but it sounds like you aren't singing in "your" voice. It sounds like a put on voice. I think that is what is making it go off pitch so much, which to my ears at least, it is. The melody line sounds all screwed up. I think the instrument is intact but instruction in playing it is needed. :)
  11. See how subjective this is. I actually thought that Felipe's ooos and Ahhs were full of pain and emotion. I heard a little cry in there. I'm talking about crying as in really crying...not technique. I felt that.
  12. Good job on that line Keith. That is exactly the line (and the matching notes later in the song) that keeps me from singing that song the "Master of illusion, can you realize..." part.
  13. There are so many songs posted here I miss so many I never realized you did a second version. I really liked this one and at first I thought it was you posting a professional band or the original song (I'm not familiar with this music) it was so good. I agree with the others about the pitch issues but what I noticed is they happen mostly in the parts with backing vocals. There were a couple of other spots but I think mostly when you sang with the backing singers. Really good job though. Nice vibrato.
  14. I guess I missed this first time around. Good stuff man :)
  15. Hey, I'm always learning myself so any critique I give also helps me. When I hear something I then wonder if I do the same thing so I go back to my songs and listen and correct if needed. And I often find that yes, I am making similar mistakes. It all comes down to more practice and "never stop learning. " So in essence, I look for new ways to learn and always remain (no matter what the level) with a "beginners mind."
  16. I agree with the above statement. I liked it and I think your voice is very pleasant. However toward the end it was more committed and sounded even better (to me). The rest of the song before that, although good, sounded in spots like you let the note go and gave up on it. Some area's lacked consistency because of that. Very minor. Good job though and nice voice....good pitch too as already stated. I'd like to see a little color added and some texture. Highs and lows...varied attacks.
  17. Thanks man I hear ya about the clipping. That has been my problem since day one. I'm not too swift on the recording end. I'm glad some one liked this song....:D
  18. You're a funny guy Steve....haha. Well in 3 weeks it's another cruise and I'll be singin' again!!! That's what all this soundclick crap is....just my rehearsal stuff.
  19. Not my kind of music but that was cool. Very good That was a pretty catchy riff.
  20. I liked it. I thought it was very good, nice tone too. Surprisingly, that mic sounded good Nice job man
  21. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11829986&q=hi&newref=1
  22. That's right!! Well, it seems to be popular so I gave it a shot. First time singing this. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11829790&q=hi&newref=1
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