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  1. Excellent. Cool production too, really nice job all around.
  2. I heard the same as Keith and thought that there was a lot of huffing on certain parts. "Huh Huh." Less toward the end. But then I thought it might be stylistic preference which I do sometimes to add a little texture or color. So maybe you wanted a softer airy tone in those areas. Nothing wrong with that. Personal preference. But in other parts it was a little breathy and tone was lost, as Keith said on the higher falsetto points. But I think that lack of air control may have made you go flat right around 57 seconds in, just for a moment. Overall, I thought it was very good and it sounded great. If I heard you on stage doing that song I wouldn't think twice about any flaws. It was definitely sell-able and it sounded like your own song.
  3. I agree with Keith. You've given two samples so far so you must really want to find out if you can sing or have potential. If that's the case then it isn't much different than selling your home or a car. You need to polish it up, clean it and show it in its best light. At the very least go to Youtube and find a karaoke track and sing to it. Sit somewhere quiet and relax, focus on what you're dong and give us your best. Sell it. :)
  4. Hi kitana, First off nice job, it's not an easy thing to do. Ok, here is my honest opinion. Keep in mind I have no real experience in this but as a listener I would be your paying public...right? I thought the whole thing was nice and it was on the right track to be even better. However I thought it was a little too easy and cliche. By that I mean it's a familiar beat that, even if it hasn't been done exactly the same, somehow feels familiar. Like it has been done before. I'm old school and hung out in the projects in the South Bronx and you hear this beat in basement parties. Close dancing, trying to be smooth with a lady . Don't get me wrong it's nice stuff and you did a good job, but there is just something missing, it's too simple. maybe a hook of some sort? The other thing is the singing. Your voice is good but sounded off. Now, I don't think it was so much you being off as the fact that the song was too low and you weren't always making it that low and so being off key. Maybe raise the song a step or two and try that.....play around and see what showcases your voice more, becomes easier to sing, allows to to add more resonance but still keep the feel low and sexy. But like I said I like this more for a sexy song for a dark room with a lady rather than something for the radio...the beat wasn't interesting enough. But good job. I think you can fix it. Once again. Take my opinion with a grain of salt. I am only speaking as an audience member. Not as anyone who has any worthwhile experience in this. Your voice is nice. :)
  5. That's why I'm surprised I don't know it. I think I may be older than you (I'm 55). But the sound is so familiar to me from that old school style with shades of the psychedelic scene in it. Oh Yes...I get it :)
  6. This is a great song and one I only heard for the first time last week. There is a little obscure radio station I tune into mostly because they play blues. But in the times they are not they have other programs and not often heard songs. With the death of Jon Lord they were playing a lot of old Deep Purple and songs I never even knew existed. I'm a Smoke on the water forward only fan. Actually I don't even know many DP songs at all. But this is good stuff and I also heard a song that I immediately searched for (couldn't find a backing track) "Demons Eye." I don't know if I could sing it or not but I do sing smoke on the water...so you never know Anyway....like I said. Good stuff I never knew existed. Thanks Rob!
  7. Are you kidding me? I spend three hours a day in the car just getting back and forth to and from work and that is where most of my practice is I have sung thousands of songs in the car over the last 23 years of driving that way. You do what you gotta do brother! I'm not saying practicing or singing in the car is bad (although it isn't the best place for good practice). All I'm saying for this young gentleman is as far as "posting something for an honest and serious critique" it would be better if he were able to give us a more serious sample. One that would showcase his real voice. I know he can't really get us a good sample at the moment but I feel he could at least improve on what he has given us by at least pulling over and spitting out the gum. This is beyond practice or just singing in the car or being a pro and doing it. It is about a young man looking for help and advice. Some people may wear dirty glasses all the time and get by just fine. That would be the wrong thing to do however if they were looking for comments on how well they see or looking at an eye chart! :D
  8. I know I'm being a pain in the ass about this and I truly apologize. I totally understand about the lack of money or a place to record; I really do. But once again, if that is the case, as I said last time couldn't you at least wake up 5 or 10 minutes earlier or something and park the car somewhere to record? I think it would work so much better as you can focus on your singing. Also, every video you make you are chewing gum. That ain't helping bro. I hear a little fluid in your throat from either a cold or maybe the juice from the gum....who knows. But the gum isn't good man. I really want to give a good critique but I can't. I don't think it would be fair. I think you have the potential to sing well I just don't think you are doing it right now in the car. I want to really hear you. Pull off the road, spit out the gum. Drink water (and start a few hours prior) sit up straight and really sing. That will take no more than 10 minutes. You can find that. I know about lack of time and space, believe me. Right now I think you are singing a lot in your throat and at times it sounds airy. I hear a lot of "H" in the onset on "Hold me now" like you're huffing it out. But like I said, these little points may all be just lack of focus due to driving....who knows. I can't agree with Ron on this....sorry. Not bad, though. I just wouldn't say audition material yet. However other may disagree. And that is why we have forums!!!! :D
  9. I liked it too Chavie, nice job. I don't know if Olem heard what I heard but I too heard a rhythm problem. Well, maybe not rhythm as much as timing. The words sounded rushed as if you may have tried to add your own twist to the song but in doing so, lengthened some words and they didn't fit the phrase. A slight stumble near the end but nice job on a difficult (IMO) song. On my recent cruise a guy got up and sang Journey, I forget the song, it may have been this. He did a good job. But his mistake was to get up and sing another. It sucked...he couldn't hit the big notes. To make it worse he sang another. it was worse. I girl he was with got up and sang the high parts for him. He sure fooled us the first time. Nice job as usual Chavie.
  10. I don't say that is wrong. I do that myself and believe that singing is the best practice. "Practice as you'll perform otherwise you may end up performing how you practice!" But often that singing is with a purpose and not just for the sake of singing. If it's a certain note or breath/support practice, legato or staccato or whatever, I practice it in song quite often. uh oh!! Lol...just kidding. Looking forward to it. :)
  11. Once again, I'm not looking to hammer you. But If you keep telling someone they are on the right path when they are not, then they end up where they don't want to go. better to set them straight right away especially when they think they are on the right path. I used to say to my students (Nothing to do with singing) "be careful how you practice, you may end up where you're headed." (figure that one out ) But listen Doc. I don't hear anything in that song that is on pitch. Not the chorus, not the high notes (which at first you said were good and now say are screamy) and not the low notes or anything in between. Pitch exercises will help. One step at a time. Don't put the cart before the horse. You, as well as many others here speak in terms of G3, C4, G5 and notes like that. I have no clue about that stuff and don't pay attention to it. I think it may be distracting for some and they start focusing too much on how high they can go and forget about actually SINGING. Who cares what notes I can hit. I care more if someone feels my music. I'm not saying I'm the best singer but I don't necessarily try to be. What I do try is to be better than myself. Or the me from the day before. The rest will hopefully fall into place. I'm not a high singer so I don't try to be. I try to get emotion and feel. So I don't focus on "notes." To me that is an advanced thing....high notes. I started out walking. Eventually I was walking pretty fast. Right now I think I am jogging or at times even a slow run. High notes are marathons; I ain't there yet. I think at this point you need to make sure you can get one foot in front of the other consistently before you even think about running. Just a thought.
  12. Thanks izzle Actually I am trying to be a bit constructive. If he is willing to learn then I think he needs to open his eyes (or ears) and since he says he can take it then maybe the best way is to throw it right at him. I'm not looking to insult only to be honest in what I hear. Others may have a different opinion :)
  13. Hey Doc, Well, here is my opinion. And it is just that, an opinion so it may not mean much But this is what I hear. Now, let me preface this by saying (per my own words in my last post) it is only an opinion because I don't have the correct data to support it. But, yes you are hitting the high notes pretty full. I can't get that high myself. But in my opinion you are also hitting the low notes. The tone is there on both high and low so you are "hitting" them both. However!! "Hitting" notes is one thing. Hitting them on pitch is quite another. I've heard people touch a hot stove and scream out a high note. That doesn't mean they can "sing it." I'm just sayin' :D
  14. Actually a cow wouldn't know since cows don't drink milk. They only produce it. They drink water! I understand your point and it makes some sense. But it sometimes depends on the situation. I like when people give data to back up their critique otherwise it is only a subjective opinion. You can say you don't like my left hook or my footwork or even how I fight at all. But until you can come in the ring and knock me out then shut up!! Good attitude and I can't wait to hear you sing great. That's what this forum is about. Getting that done requires us all helping each other and no one thinking they are better than another. In another thread about vowel modification you said you never use it or need it, saying "you're doing quite fine without it." To me that sounds a little like an unwillingness to learn or that you know better. What does your teacher say about it? However I am willing to admit that maybe a language barrier caused a misunderstanding of your post But the point is to be open to suggestion. Stick around, learn and yes...someday sing great. We are all trying. :)
  15. Thanks Adolph. I just made it as far as getting on Stage goes. That was Saturday night and by Sunday Evening I was very sick and still am. As far as this thread, well I tried to be as polite as possible. I try never to insult anyone here on the forum. In keeping with the spirit of how The good DR's post/sample was born, I didn't "critique." But this quote from Dr Evil sure made it tempting At least the title of the thread was right ;)
  16. Well, after reading some of Dr. Evils posts, well let's just say this sample isn't what I expected.
  17. Hi Bluesguy (that name confuses me a bit ) I'll give this a shot. I haven't posted much this week as I've been pretty sick an not in the mood. So I will give it to you straight...shooting right from the hip. If I heard you sing at an open jam, no, I wouldn't cringe. But that's me. I would be able to hear what you may be doing wrong as well as possible potential; while others may not and they might not like what they hear. What I hear is not bad, just untrained. So that also means you're not working with any natural ability either. That's not an insult as few of us have natural ability which means just being able to "do it" right out of the gate. There were a few pitch issues...not bad, but a little. Right at the beginning the word Abby (you sing the line twice). On the word Abby you go of pitch which may be only a matter of breath control. Sort of like you're giving up on the note. I think somewhere around 16 seconds you start to waver there also pitch wise. Again, I think most of this is only a matter of not giving yourself to the song. You don't sound "bad" but at the same time your not giving me any interest in hearing your next song. You're not singing your just reciting words. You have the tone and you have the ability to be on pitch (those few spots were no big deal...we all do it) you just aren't giving the emotion or the phrasing or the breath control to make the notes more solid and full. Again, I think the off pitch spots aren't because your pitch is bad, I think it's a lack of technique, breath support and over all knowledge/proper practice. Make the songs pleasing, fun (or sad) and with feeling. Tell a story. Don't be so monotone. Rhythm. It's music after all! Sing it like you mean it. Good luck, and welcome :)
  18. I never understand the comparisons to the original. No one ever complained that Joe Cocker didn't sound like the Beatles in his covers or that Jimi Hendrix sounded nothing like Bob Dylan. For them it was OK to not sound like the original, and why would they want to anyway. It's "their rendition." It shows artistry. The original has been done already, you want the original go listen to it. Take a look at shows like American Idol. They hammer you for sounding too much like the original...they don't like that. They call that "karaoke." They want you to show your artistry and what you can do with a song without killing the melody. It seems that in places like this where you have amateurs judging amateurs (in most instances) they want to hear an impersonation of the original singer. "More points for how close you can sound to _____" And less points for originality. That is sad.
  19. Nice one Kieth. Another great Metallica song. All I need now is "Until it Sleeps" and I'll have 3 of my favorite Metallica songs here. Whiskey in the Jar, Until it Sleeps and No Leaf Clover.
  20. This is a great song and I used to have that chorus line as my signature. I think you did a great job. I used to sing this song quite a lot.....forgot about this one:) I have a good backing track for Whiskey In the Jar. I covered that song here. I'll send it to you if the email link here is a good one Felipe.
  21. Finally got a chance to listen. I thought you did a decent job, pitch was good etc. But maybe it was the recording, I don't know. There was something thin about it. And this is a good song for acoustic guitar which I didn't really hear in your version. So again it may have been the recording...the guitar didn't stand out enough. But like I said, while the vocals were good they lacked the emotion of the original. A little too bright. The original is softer and a bit lonely feeling. It's that feeling which drew me into the original. His vocals were more soft around the edges. I'm not suggesting an exact copy of the original Just a closer look at the feel of the song. Overall, good job though.
  22. Well I guess the point is learning to sing then. Well it isn't as simple as a fix in a post Read through the forums, check out the technique section, get a book. A teacher would be great but you can still learn a lot by reading practicing and asking questions. But I think a good start would be to actually sing. In your clip all I heard was mumbling and at some points whispering. There is no way to tell what your voice is actually like unless you let go and sing like you mean it. But it isn't as simple as posting a clip and having directions like a little more of this and a little less of that, a little to the left and then straight ahead Stick around and then work at it. It's all about baby steps.
  23. Many times people attempt to learn something half way. Or they just want "a little bit." However, IMO, to do something halfway requires great control. That means that you have to be so good at what you do that you have the ability to control it to a point where you can dial it in. Really good, somewhat good, half assed, slow, fast, loud or soft etc. I think that is more work than just heading straight for the top right at the get go. The other way requires mastery. So head for virtuosity and then see what you find along the path. It may surprise you and you become great. Or you quit at some point but at least come away with something of some value. But the choice is yours and either way it all takes study. Read, learn, ask questions, practice and if possible find a teacher.
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