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  1. My two favorite U2 songs are this one and their version of the Christmas tune "Baby Please Come Home" Excellent job Felipe, you did it justice, I liked it very much.
  2. Ha! You got it. That's the word...well one of them, but the worst one. gets me every time. Actually this is the improved "kind " pronunciation. I shortened it. It was worse before so it's improving with modification. I was tempted to change it to "be a simple, be a simple man" instead of "Be a simple, kind of man" but I didn't. Also I don't really like "understand." I guess that whole phrase messes me up. And this time around I screwed up "satisfied" which I usually build into nicely and hit it big. But I have been very busy so wasn't going back to record it again. This is the first I've sung in about 4 weeks as I've been sick and my voice is just starting to come around. I go back to the doctor tomorrow. There's some added strain/tightening as I go higher. ell, at least that's my excuse. :D
  3. Yes, Felipe, I'm interested. As far as my own rendition, I'm not thinking of really changing it. More of a cross between Skynards version and Shinedown (with a bit of Tommy mixed in). I know next to nothing of mixing and so I grab the mic hit record and sing. Then I save it and post it. I do nothing else to the track....don't know how. So lowering it would be cool. I sure can't figure it out. I'd be interested in seeing how that works out though. I'll send you the track when I get a chance tomorrow. Thanks
  4. In another post in another section of the forum I spoke about singing high notes; or I should say "higher." At least for me. Some songs are out of reach while others are very borderline or just beyond. But others are just below the edge of too high. I can do them, but not to my liking. This song is one of those that are just a bit high for me in the chorus and I am never satisfied with the outcome. However, I love singing this song and so I do...often...to myself. I have recorded it a couple of times but never post it. In light of my recent post I am posting the song today. It's just the chorus that has the high part. Again, not very high but for me just around that spot that makes it difficult. Not difficult to hit the notes but difficult to make it musical. It isn't "singing" the notes. At least to my satisfaction. I have attempted to alter the phrasing or certain words emphasizing different parts of the words but... This is about the best I've got so far but it isn't hitting my vision of the song. Maybe if I had a band to fit a version to me? Man, I'd love to have "my own" rendition. These damn backing tracks lock you in to the original. It's not a song that I would add to my list to sing in public. It's just a hair passed or right at the mark where I am comfortable. I just privately play with it http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11812582&q=hi&newref=1
  5. A Bo Diddley Tune also recorded by Eric Clapton. "Before You Accuse Me" http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11812696&q=hi&newref=1
  6. Ahhh yes, Georgia I posted many versions of that song here while I was learning it; until I settled on that one. I'm sure the forum got sick of hearing it. Thanks for the listen and comment.
  7. I really liked that. Nice tone...real nice, and a great rendition. Real smoooooth. Great job.
  8. This is too weird. I was just driving home and I haven't listened to Queensryche for a long while so I decided to pop in a cd. I played Jet City Woman and sang along. Well "tried." I can almost sing it I just can't connect the high parts with the rest of the song. This is week three of being sick so high notes just ain't working at all making it even worse. But good thread Keith and great job on the song.
  9. I thought those were pretty good I liked the lower tones better than the high ones as far as control of the note goes. I can't put my finger on it but something on the high notes....a waver or tightness or something. Nothing bad really, just something not as controlled as the lower ones. But now how can you compare that to the videos done while driving? Not even close....it's like two different singers. As for your last note on song one....the long one It was good but (and this is a matter of taste only) I would have liked a little vibrato. But that's just me and isn't a fault. And I think you just made it. I think you ran out of air right at the very end and it finished a little flat But it was long and full so good breath control for that! Nice job overall.
  10. I thought this attempt was a definite improvement over the other two and I would agree with the comments above. It will take a little time and practice to make the singing a bit more appealing. The best thing I can suggest is to sing a lot of songs. Right now, as the others have said, you are at the beginning stages and sound as such. So while the singing isn't bad, it isn't... well, I don't want to say it isn't "good" because that's not what I mean. Let's just say it isn't interesting enough. Sing, sing, sing, and sing some more and work on the little things. Melody, pitch, lows and highs. The big stuff will come in time if you get the small stuff on automatic. Then start playing with the feeling and emotion of the song. Sing soft, sing hard, sing high, sing low., sing happy, sing sad. be melodic. The thousand mile journey begins with the first step. You've taken your first steps. But this song was better. Good job :)
  11. Ok Well first, thanks for liking the song. RE: mic. I use an SM58 and I hold it in my hand. How far away I hold it depends on the song and how loud I am singing. For this song I held it a few inches (6?) from my mouth except for the high part/scream where I moved it up to above my nose and turned my head slightly away from the mic. For louder songs I hold the mic as far as a foot or more from my mouth and then angle it above my nose for louder high notes or falsetto's. It also depends on the volume level of the music. Some tracks are loud to start with and I have to turn up the vocal volume and so I move the mic farther away. For "with a little Help From My friends" I had the mic about a foot and a half away. You know I'm figuring this out on the fly. :D
  12. Keith, which of the three of us are you referring to? Ron, George, or me?
  13. That's a great rendition there George, thanks for posting it Yea, it is a great blues tune. The "Jesus Just Left Chicago" thread!! :D
  14. And that is exactly how it should be. It is how I do all my songs. You can't sing a song just like the original because you aren't the original singer and don't know what they were feeling at the time. You have to sing what you feel. This is about guitar but the idea is similar. Albert King, the great blues guitarist (and vocalist) once said: "It's not how many notes you can play, it's how you play them."
  15. I'd rather you were tough because if you like everything then it makes me question your compliments of my songs Ok....back to MD's thread :/
  16. If you never mentioned the word "cold" I wouldn't have even thought about it. I don't really here a problem with "cold" but I here it on "excuses." Actually on the second chorus the whole sentence from "excuses" on to "that I know" went off. Other that those minor points the song was good imo. Were the vocals doubled up somehow? it almost sounded like you were singing to the CD. :)
  17. Ok MDEW, I'm going to give a different review than my buddy Ron here After his review I was about to go back and listen again but decided against it. Here is why. I liked it the first time! It sounded good enough for me to listen to as if I were at a folk festival or something and so I just went with it. I thought it was a nice version. the melody was there and it was recognizable, yet the tempo was a little slower which added some interest. Your voice was pleasant and on pitch enough for me not to raise my eyebrows much. So I just listened like an audience member and I liked it. Now, if I were to go ...hmmmm...and go back and try to listen for the points Ron made, then I would be falling into what I think happens here a lot. I would be forgetting the fact that I just listened to and enjoyed the song and now purposefully "looking for" mistakes. And I think that happens a lot here in this section. So, I liked it and that's that!! :)
  18. I couldn't understand the lyrics but I can't say it was your English I think as Ron said the vocals were a little buried. But the singing sounded good and I loved the song....I would definitely dance to that!!! :)
  19. Glad you liked it Ron. A "Hell Yea" is always good. :)
  20. Ronws has mentioned to me a couple of times that he thought this song would be a good fit for me. To be honest I didn't know the song (shame on me). Ron had already recorded a version of this. I wasn't going to post this week, hopefully I will start recording again next week. But I wanted to get this done for Ron. I have a few songs I want to iron out but haven't had the chance since being sick so I got this one while the gettin' was good. I don't feel well so I gave it one shot and it will have to stand. I'm not that happy with the mix but what else is new Ok...the contest is on...this is my answer to ronws' cover of Jesus Just left Chicago by ZZ Top. May the better man win!! Ahhh, just kidding Ron plays guitar on his I think...I can't compete with that. I hope you like this. It's not something I would add to my list as I think it needs a specific audience. This one is just for the Ron Meister. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=11789146&q=hi&newref=1
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