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Robert Lunte

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Everything posted by Robert Lunte

  1. Believe it or not, if it was auto-tuned.... I personally, really don't care. He did a good job.
  2. Nice work Jonathan... I think you did a great job... Is the A5 auto-tuned? It sounds like auto tuning to me? Regardless, I think this sounds cool, great job! I buy you a beer! Please post this on the challenge discussion as well... so they are all on the same place... Whos next? Jens?!
  3. Especially me! I will say this... good point Ron. Those of you that might think Im a raging ass, Im not. Not even close... but I am very challenged in the written medium. I don't do well expressing myself in writing in a free form way.
  4. Enander, this is a big blooming community, it has been for 5 years and will continue to be. I heard your CIT, I thought it was cool. For your part, I think you are being a bit too sensitive... relax. Are we done now? I get it, Im not a perfect angel... Enander... move on bud... Let's have the fun you are advocating...
  5. Critique, critique, rip, rip, praise, praise, pontificate... sound real smart ... I really don't care... have fun guys... do your thing... hope to see you on the Challenge page. First guy that steps up and lays it down will be respected by all.
  6. I get your underlying point... included in that, I find it offensive that you imply that the challenge I set up was to "intimidate people into proving their merit". It disgusts me. What is there to "sort out"? Frankly, there was no issue today, this discussion was quiet today? Any 'noise' you are refer to was very brief moments that occurred about two weeks ago, so I'm a bit amiss about your postings today? Do you feel you got to say everything you wanted to say, or do you need to continue? Feel free to continue on if it pleases you... I thank you for your very thoughtful input. Who's next? Anyone else want to jump in and enjoy the freedom of this forum?
  7. Cool Enander, I actually like your post and the points your making. It strikes me as totally non-biased and objective and fair, even your concerns about my communications and fumbling about... seem fair to me. Unfortunately, it is a real grey area for me... If we just keep it to feedback that is marginal or critical... sometimes it doesn't bother me. Like the comments about the micro seconds of this note or that being slightly off the key of Am or what ever... I really don't care, it seems petty and nit picky to me... but I appreciate Manny's analysis, it is interesting... but I think what we all learned from that was, ... it didn't mean that the production and performance was bad? It turned into a discussion about accidentals, suspension notes, deceptive cadences, etc.. which I thought was really interesting and educational for people. I live in a world of doers and people that get shit done and are accountable for themselves. My disposition has little tolerance for laziness, whiners, blamers, people that are not accountable and those that would judge and critique me harshly, with absolutely no game of their own. My biggest peeve is "Monday Morning" quarter backs, those that would judge me harshly, but have no experience or credibility. Some posts are from people like that, while of course, others are not, but its hard for me to know who is who. I don't know if my status influences people's decision to post or not... I'm inclined to say no. Exactly my point above, I don't get the feeling that anyone that didn't like it was holding back... and I don't think that those that do like it are kissing ass... I think its really sincere. I believe members feel pretty free and clear to post what they want here, even for me. I get your point on the "challenge" post... but I believe it is the right thing to on many levels. It neutralizes those that just want to roast me and at the same time, it includes and invites everyone else to participate. As an educator, its excellent... it essentially is a homework assignment for all of you and this point is not lost on me. I am perfectly aware that my challenge post is a learning experience for people and at the end of the day, that is what I do for a living. I work my balls off to keep it going for you guys... Then I go out and post a production for everyone to enjoy and discuss... having done this several times, I have to step back and ask myself... why bother? Why am I doing this? I don't want everything to be favorable, or agree with me... I just want people to treat me with some level of regard on this forum. Yes, I do... I shamelessly admit it. I pay the bills here and do all the work, you are all guests in my home. A "home" that has taken a lot of energy in the past five years to maintain. When your in my home, don't shit on the living my room floor. Have a little respect. My job is not to be the singer for Deep Purple, its not to be the world's greatest singer. My job is not to be a diplomat or to be anyone's best friend.... I provided a forum for everyone to come together and then I produced cool content that gave everyone something to talk about... I educated, I entertained, I probably inspired a few people too, ... I did my job and it was a job well done.
  8. Thank you Keith! I guess that is another point that leads me to get all defensive sometimes... inside I'm saying, "... ok, well... what do you LIKE about it"? I think if your going to give a critique to anyone, you point out what needs to be pointed out and... if you are courteous and thoughtful, you also point out some things that you DO like... I know that some people did that... but others did not and thats when it gets to be a bit... lame... especially when its coming from people that have not stepped up and establish more credibility. Negative critiques, with little or no credibility are just weak.
  9. :rolleyes: :cool: Have a great day Manny... say hi to those sexy Dutch girls over there... your fine.
  10. Manny, Opaa... I refer you to the challenge post. At this point, you have expressed your "critique", thank you. Now turn your attention to the challenge post... Amazing, isn't it Phil? :rolleyes:
  11. Thanks Phil, I appreciate your support. I like how you say it like it is and are not afraid to smack people with you insights. I have viewed some of your videos and I like the passion. I recognize the frustration you feel sometimes as well, as a voice coach in a world where so many people just don't understand whats going on for real. I also liked your singing on your videos. I think you have a bright future Phil.. thanks for your support. I like this point a lot... why is there a separate standard? How come when we hear legends like Marvin Gaye or Michael Jackson not nailing eveyr single pitch we don't care? Its so true... if your a mega super star, you get a free pass... if your just an average guy working just as hard and performing just as well, you get ripped and nit picked by Monday Morning Quaterbacks... At some point, critiques really can just be ridiculous nit picks... people need to be able to recognize when something is at 90% or not and then just let it be... refrain from nit picking until they step up and make a contribution themselves... thats the "rub" that drives me ape shit.
  12. Well said Geno, pretty much what I was thinking too... I appreciate your support. Respectfully.... :cool:
  13. It would obviously be the thread titled "CHILD IN TIME" CHALLENGE! NOW YOU STEP UP!"? http://themodernvocalist.punbb-hosting.com/viewtopic.php?id=7598
  14. Well, why don't you guys just try to do it in your own way... as an academic experience, its fine...
  15. OWEN, arguably.. and E5 is just more sonorous and sounds better then a shreeky A5... it has more body to it... I received an email today from Alessandro del Vecchio, one of our TVS MCIs in Italy who plays keyboards with Glenn Hughes right now on tour and saw them play... he told me that no one in Deep Purple these days even sing "CIT" anymore... these guys have thrown in the towel on this song... not even Glenn Hughes will touch it anymore... its just too... what ever... god bless anyone that can squeek an A5 consistently and if you can, so what? at some point, harmonic color breaks down and frequency gets so high that its just necessary and you get diminishing return from it... which is why I don't understand why I get emails from people sometimes about learning how to do whistles... to me, whistles are just parlor tricks... like breaking glass ... its fun and funny, but with a very rare exception... when are you ever going to use these kinds of phonations? I think they are kinda silly and i think its stupid for students of singing to put time and energy into trying to get whistles going, unless you want to just get a laugh with your buddies at the bar... Most of the action in singing and beauty occurs between the 3rd and 4th octaves... get real good from about E4 to C5 and you have every note you really need for a lifetime career of singing.
  16. @Validar... thanks for your support and objective insights... I think this discussion needed to hear that point of view, from someone other then all the 'noise' I make sometimes trying to be understood by my peer group here... @Ron, thanks for your continued support. I feel your posts are pretty good Ron... you have become a wise sage around here, you say smart and insightful things... you bring up an interesting point regarding the A5... Its interesting to me that I get called out on a modal interval or a strange, exotic scale movement that blasts by in about a 10th of a second, but no one seems to care that the A5 is not in the song... I thought that would be a point people would whine about... but there is a lesson here... its very true, the note does NOT have to be an A5 to capture the essence of the song. I think a fair amount of people familiar with the tune, wouldn't even notice its not the A5... E5 is high enough to get the desired effect and "point' of the scream sequence. It says something about how you can make core changes to melody and execution and if its done well, people don't notice or care.
  17. Validar... that is also kind of where Im coming from... I "feel" your sentiments... I don't argue that a note may be a half step in question or this or that... but I am very much looking at this from 40,000 feet and not nit picking it... I think as a whole, as a work of art in its complete context, not its minutia, the effort, its pretty darn good... and I can be objective about myself... I have done some real crap before too... but this would not be. I am proud of this and think its worthy... I invite any of you guys to give it a try... see the "Child in Time" challenge post I made. I have even provided you with a link to download the bed track... so get after it if your as crazy and audacious as I was to even think to try it...
  18. I have had about three Leggario Tenors in my studio... really nice, high voices, your blessed in many regards... but ya, it can be a bit squeaky sometimes... my advise would be to really get good at dampening... increase the size of your vocal tract, tune to F1/H2 as much as possible... if you can get that going, your ok... Im a big clunky lyric baritone, so anything above F4 is a frick'n feat of "hail mary's" and nothing but sweat equity... I have worked hard to build the ability to sing high... and can do it now, but it has taken a lifetime to figure it out with the mass of my vocal folds... I hope you and I can partner one day in The Netherlands on a master class or something... you seem cool. ;)
  19. Yes, I agree, it does... my own teachers pointed out the same thing... oh well, like I said, I guess Ill "try more harder" next time! :D
  20. Olem, thanks for your feedback... I refer you to the "Child in Time" challenge I posted... on another post... step up, that will go a long way with me to see you actually do it... a great way to earn your "stripes" with me... I understand your feedback... It never occurred to me to sing the first phrase in a windy "Ooo" vowel like Gillan did... its not what I was feeling...
  21. Totally (Owen)... honestly, that is exactly how I feel about it too... I just couldn't give a damn Manolito if these notes are a half step off a note for a 10th of a second... or to Owen's point, to discover that they are in fact probably spelling out some exotic modal interval, an accidental, a suspension note or a deceptive cadence... When you step back and listen to the performance from a broader perspective, it doesn't matter to me nor to about 99% of anyone that is going to hear this.
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