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Robert Lunte

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Everything posted by Robert Lunte

  1.   I tend to agree... if your phonation can get to an A4 without pushing, choking, constricting, blowing open with wind, or quacking like a duck... then you have probably bridged at least decent.  Then its just a matter of working on the resonance and musculature to support it. 
  2.   Excellent point.. singing strongly and belting strongly eventually up to at least C5 is important... but singing super hey "screamY" judas priest screams is actually easier then command and control of the notes from E4-A4 for men...   
  3. Ya, its very cool... btw... Im starting a "Martin Holm" tag... congratulations bro... your now officially a tag in the tag cloud... thats "dope"!
  4. Whoa, Martin cutting loose?  Having some fun?  No way... dogs and cats sleeping together... whats this world coming too?     Is this you?
  5. Elvis,   This needs to go to "Review My Singing".   It needs some tags.   It needs a real title... "Am I doing this Correctly" is not a title...    Please help us to maintain a clean and high quality forum by not posting a "thought"... if your going to make a post... put it in the proper category, add tags that are relevant and give it a title that people might actually be able to search for one day.  Otherwise, please don't publish. This is a forum with TOPICS... its not a personal email. Thanks ahead of time.     I listened to your files and its a very light mass, almost open glottis position... your question... am I doing this correctly?  Is a broad question... correctly for what?  I really don't know what your needs are... can you be more specific?   Aren't you a client of "Pillars"... ?  If you are... I hear no onsets here, your phonation needs more compression, the scale is too fast and uncontrolled... its just sloppy. Is it a decent bridge?  I guess its ok, but these phonations are not going to serve you too well when you transition to singing... there is hardly no anchoring or engagement of musculature so if you start singing in this configuration, its just going to melt down.
  6. Hey thank Gneetapp!   No doubt, ... I agree, there could be some harmonies in there... I hear them too. But this is kind of an old tune that in some sense, just needs to rest and be left alone as it is... I have about 6 newer and new ones coming out with video in the coming weeks. In fact Im going to the studio today to do some mixing.  Thanks Again.
  7. Chris, share some information regarding your recording setup, or any lessons learned while working on this song. Or talk to us about your thoughts on "full control with vocal range".  
  8. I totally agree... I like female rock singers that can get compression and some warmth in their voice.. without sounding shrill... It is a hard thing to do if your  woman, because the vocal tract is smaller. A lot of larynx dampening and leaning toward Neutral and Curbing vowels helps a lot. Thanks. 
  9. One of my students just released this production. I think it sounds great... wanted to share it.   http://www.reverbnation.com/psychosindicate/song/22963614-break-me  
  10. OH.. ok... thats fine... no problem... sorry, I didn't understand... please proceed.
  11. Cool, thanks Ron... it should be in here... about 90% of all the posts from the old system survived the migration... Yes I seem to vaguely remember David's post on home recording... 
  12. David , the singing is great, which is what I expected... but I have to admit, Im more taken by the visuals on this one... which are also really cool. Video editing has become something Im working more with these days...    Questions:   1). Where do you meet your "band"... collaborators... its clear this is a virtual project. Are you using some kind of special collaboration platform or service for this?  Would be curious to know.   2). What kind of video editing software are you using?   3). Also... duck into the recording forum and share with the community your technology chain... DAW, Interface, pre-amp, microphones, etc... that would be interesting for people I think...   Bro
  13. @Ron... uhm... ya... well, since you are a moderator, I suppose we can kick in and get you a coffee one of the corporate benefits... 
  14. Cool David... for sure, I know its going to be great... Former student and homie from Seattle. David, we need to have that coffee...    Also, two things:   1). Upload a picture to your profile so you have an identity and it helps make the forum look more cool... surely you have a lot of cool shots you could use.   2). If you just embed the YouTube URL into the post, it will automatically embed and magically appear, which makes it more cool and gives you a better presentation... For example:     I just copied and pasted your URL... also, I put some tags on your post...    Great to see you in here sharing with the community... shoot me a private email and lets catch up over some coffee or beer.
  15. Thanks Than, more to come... in my "How To Sing Like Robert Lunte, Singing Like Robert Lunte" Series... its a whole new concept... Actually "how to sing like you"... imagine not singing like someone else. Who would of thought of it...?  
  16. Thanks Ron!  Yes, its a good song... I think the singing is fairly heart felt and genuine as well. Im eager to roll out the new stuff any week now... its being mastered.
  17. There seems to be a lot of "How to sing like..." videos these days. Is the pursuit of "how to sing like" someone else really the main goal you should be focused on in your singing?  Every voice is unique and every voice has the ability to demonstrate its unique areas of power, tone, range and embellishments. To be inspired by other singers is inevitable and to learn from other singers is a worthy endeavor, up to a point. But if you are going to become a legitimate vocal artist, you have to present YOUR voice to the audience, not trying to sing like someone else. As a voice coach, I am interested in helping you to learn about training techniques, to enable you to find your voice and grow as an singing artist.     Having made that point, here is a song I wrote years ago that has been played in many different ways through the years. A lot of people have enjoyed this song through the years. If it is new to you, I hope you enjoy it as well. It is one of those tunes that just comes together in about 5 minutes that song writers experience from time to time... Some songs just "flow" out... others have to be "built" and take more work.    The less "romantic" explanation is... this is the result of new audio mastering skills for video production. I remastered the audio on this and then rendered a new, "fresh" file... repurposing old, but good content... Enjoy!    "Blue Rain" - Robert Lunte
  18. Hi Osmosis...  Welcome!   Can you do us a favor and please upload a picture to your profile so that you have an identity and it helps us to make the site look more cool.   ok, regarding your tune...    - Are you doubling yourself with this or is this another person?  Im assuming you are doubling yourself.  The sound color of the two voices need to be more harmonious in terms of actual harmony ... or more accurate harmony... as well as texture.  The lower voice is more windy and "gruff", the higher voice is more compressed (less windy) and this is creating two sound colors that really blend intuitively together... so try to make them both windy or both with more compression on the vocal folds... just my producer opinion on that.   - In my view, this is barely singing... its more like speaking. Reciting poetry which is an art form and could be cool... there is nothing wrong with that approach, but even when your performing a "recitative" approach... it still has pitch... you still have to execute this speech-like quality your using on pitch in relation to the key of the song... this is pitchy... and there is no margin for error or any "flex" when It comes to intonation... either your in our your out and if your out of pitch, technically.. its noise. Even if its close, its still, noise. So... this is noisy, because your not singing or reciting in pitch.   - I can actually hear a melody in this that is trying to get out... the bed track is very cool and has some nice harmonic changes in the arrangement that lend themselves to some nice melodic movements, but these are melodic opportunities that are being missed due to ... your intonation not being accurate, your vocal tone not clean or resonant enough (its a bit froggy, throaty, .. not much amplified resonance in this sound.. which is how you get a lot of that great color when your actually singing)...    This needs work...  you can't really sing, unless you ... sing a lot... but on top of that, at this stage, you really need to train and workout your voice. You have a tired, lazy vocal system that is "sitting on the couch" enjoying a life of speaking... which is not a very favorable vocal mode for ANY of us... you need vocal workouts, scales, a teacher and an understanding about how to transform your voice into a wind instrument that has resonance, color, amplification... and great intonation, and interpretation.   You need to train... there are a lot of good coaches on this forum that can take you under your wing.. I happen to be one of them. I offer a comprehensive vocal training program titled, "The Four Pillars of Singing" that has enjoyed 100%, 5-Star Reviews from anyone that has ever bothered to give me a review.. click the link above to learn more and watch the video below...    I know I can help you... any coach on this service can... but the first step is you have to make a commitment in yourself and to a teacher and program. It doesn't just come through osmosis, it doesn't come by someone giving you a "secret tip", or watching teaser content on YouTube for free... and singing isn't something that you HAVE to born with either... just about 9 out of 10 people can learn to sing and most of that group, can learn to sing pretty darn good if you have a big heart, practice/train a lot and have a good coach and training materials.    There rarely is a free lunch in life and singing most certainly isn't the exception... hope this helps.    "The Four Pillars of Singing" Offers Training Content!
  19. Someone did a King Diamond cover?  Now THAT is the most interesting cover idea I have heard in a long time. Very interesting... The master of Evil Prog. Falsetto!   Bro, that is frickin cool. LOL!  I can't believe someone tried to do this... its so... well, King Diamond and quirky.. but what an interesting challenge.  Hey, you did great... it sounds a lot like King Diamond... great job!  Where did you get the bed track for this? How did you get those spooky King Diamond harmonies?     I think a lot of people are not going to "get it"... the whole King Diamond "thing"... its a little strange.... its an aquarium taste. You have to be a bit twisted to even start listening to this stuff. King Diamond is the only metal singer was ever able to make Falsetto work for him and have people take him seriously.   One of my Favs... King Diamond singing in the band "Merciful Fate".  I love the groove on this tune...    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbMkXarAX_M
  20. What? Nobody has anything to say for the cool, iphone/video synch production?  Thats not easy to pull off... ! 
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