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Robert Lunte

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Everything posted by Robert Lunte

  1. Hey GrundgeManiac... welcome!  Great to have you back!  Nice post...    I actually did this a couple years ago...   I like your version, it was more of the unplugged version... very gritty. Nice work!  
  2. @ Ron, what are you talking about Ron?   Tapp... lets hear the next version with the vowel suggestions... 
  3. Hi Tapp,   I love this song... it has one of the best grooves in all metal... and DIO was one of the best... always will be.   I don't think your singing in this song is all that bad?  I sense you are being too hard on yourself, the intonation is good and your voice seems to be holding up relatively well. You need to understand that at 22, your voice is still weaker then its full potential. Your voice doesn't get to its full potential until your 30s and 40s.... 20-something year olds can sometimes have a weaker system to work with, but that doesn't mean that you can't beef it up... you can, but when it comes to belting, youth is not always a better thing. So you have to build the strength.   There is intrinsic musculature that needs to be developed to make this sound more beefy and to give you a sense of more control and stability in your singing. The solution is fairly easy.   I offer a program titled, "The Four Pillars of Singing"... it is a comprehensive vocal training program, it covers just about everything anyone could ask for in a home study program. In particular for you, it offers a detailed set of belting techniques that consist of onsets (how you start a note... designed to build strength) and certain vowel training formulas that will help you isolate the musculature you need to belt better. It is helping a lot of my students like you, get stronger.. it has helped me get stronger!  I hate to sound like I'm just trying to sell you my program... I am, but know that this honestly is the BEST way I can help you. It is the best answer I can give you. The belt techniques in the program are not simple enough to just write out here on a forum comment box... it doesn't really work that way. There is no "quick secret tip" to this sort of training... it has to be explained to you, demonstrated to you (in videos) and provided to you with training routines and instructions... but I will say this... if you were to commit to this program and take three lessons with me, I will show you training techniques that will make this song and all songs sound a lot stronger... guaranteed... but you have to make the commitment and do the training. What you are asking for, is is a "free tip" on a forum... even if someone gives you one, if you don't have the program and content to train the idea and a teacher to follow up with to validate that your doing it properly, you will not fix your problem.  Give me a chance to help you...         
  4.   That is not true, there is a welcoming forum that is given to you in your welcome email that you received both to your personal email address and internally on this system. Here it is again. http://www.themodernvocalistworld.com/index.php?/forum/25-get-started-at-tmv-world-forum/   Notice the rules and the tutorials topic posts that we have spent a lot of time putting together for you.    ... you have posted 30 files you want us to "Review" for you? ...    Wow, folks.... changes are coming... real soon... 
  5.   Hey thanks!  Really pleased to hear it. Yes, in the last year... with the development of the acoustic modes, belt training and the detailed training routines in the back of the book... a lot of fog (in my opinion), in what Im trying to do for people and create, has been lifting. It is evolving from a concept of what I want to offer in my head, to becoming a reality. A complete vocal training program that not only touches on all the main ideas from my self and others (... all the best ideas from other coaches are also inspired in this program... there really isn't any fundamental, core idea in the other main programs that hasn't also been addressed in "Pillars"... with "Pillars", you get all the good ideas, not just my good ideas). But now capitalizing on what I believe to be one of "Pillars" greatest strengths, which is providing training content, training tools, directions and guidance on how to practice, work flows, detailed routines, notation of the workouts, my persona demonstration of the workouts, guide files... man you name it, I have left NO rock unturned... anyways... glad you like it.   In regards to singercizing in the car, listen to the audio versions of the lectures... I have found that they are really great to listen to in the car.   Singer's Need Training Content That "Hits" On ALL the Good Ideas In The Industry
  6. George cool... I think your singing sounds good... works well. Did you write this?
  7. Will, I am very pleased to hear that the program is working for you... I have worked hard to make sure that no details have been missed in content, important ideas, sound colors that any singer may want to have, all areas of the voice to train and the content... finding ways to make training and practicing more intuitive...    There is a new update to the book and coincidentally, I have developed a new routine that is in the back of the FBR titled, "Routine: High Performance Onsets & Sirens in 20 Minutes!"...      Yes, your timing is good... I have recently identified more clearly:   1). What vowel modification formulas are "Resonant Training Formulas" = Favorable for Bridging & Foundation Work.   2). What vowel modification formulas are "Resistance Training Formulas" = Favorable for building strength and coordination.     #2... you would find some great "Belt" movements with the vowels.     And... more importantly to your question regarding belting:     1). Coordination & Foundation Onsets = Building coordination, compression, respiration, foundation work, muscle memory.   2). Resistance Onsets = Belting, Builds "bottom-up" coordination and strength, CT strengthening, Modal Voice (chest/M1) pulling to higher frequencies, strength building, endurance.     So... in this new efficient routine that I just added... there are instructions on how to work through the onsets & sirens, in a way that focuses on first coordination and muscle memory... then transitions to the more resistance onsets that are basically... for all practical purposes... build your belt musculature and coordination.   Absolutely.. is all in the program... you should consider getting in front of me in a lesson so I can show you in more detail. 
  8. Hi Will, I just saw this... sorry I couldn't respond earlier. Its been crazy building updates to Pillars 4.0.   Well, I listened to your 2nd version...    I like it... I think it sounds quite good actually. If this was mixed into a full band with great pre-amps, compression, and all the special sauce that comes with a full production, it would sound really good. I don't feel your voice sounds squeezed. I think this more attributed to your sound color. We can train to add more warmth to your sound color with better larynx anchoring and other considerations, but you have a great Ian Gillan kind of timbre... great for rock.   How has your training with "The Four Pillars of Singing" been going? Do you have any questions?  There are some new updates you may be interested in....  I like to keep my clients updated.
  9.   Mateus, yes... a big part of your focus needs to be... bridging the vocal registers and physical strengthening and coordination of M2 or head voice resonance. Without this, there really is little purpose in putting in all the work and energy into training. In my view, "Bridging & Connecting" IS the sport of vocal technique, or at least 80% of the point when you are a beginner or still developing and learning.   I would be thrilled to have you as a client. If you invest in the program, I can assure you that a lot of questions about how the singing voice works for you will be answered and the program provides you with very clear instructions on how to practice efficiently and how to train with the content. It is very factual and to the point... no mysteries. Let me know if you have more questions.     Sorry to pound on you with this... but I like this video... it does a good job of making the "Bridging & Connecting is a Priority" point... thought you might enjoy it. Anyways, look forward to helping you.
  10. Mateus,   This community REALLY knows what they are talking about. If it isn't from a coach and author of voice training techniques like myself, it is at least a person like "Killer" that has been singing and training for years. Most of these guys know a LOT about training and the voice. This is the real deal in here.
  11. Pretty color to your voice... if you had a voice coach and were training to build your voice into something that you have more control and understanding of, it could sound really pretty for sure... I can hear it... but you need to train.    Advise for you?   1). Stop "hitting" high notes, and start singing "deep" notes... referring to the fear that is created sub-contiously when we perceive frequency in terms of "up / down" & "low / high". This would mean, you are going to have to learn about the acoustics of the voice, vowels, formants and how to shift formants which is really what happens when higher frequencies are singing.    2). Honestly, when I hear your voice, I hear nice colors and potential, but there is no quick tip or secret tip that anyone can give you that is going to make a BIG, meaningful difference in your singing unless you are prepared to study voice technique, train to get stronger, learn about how the voice works and sing. If you are already singing a lot, then you have to incorporate good vocal training routines into your habits as well... especially if you are a beginner to singing technique and are having issues.    I offer a training program for singers that is very comprehensive. It is a book, Videos and Audio content with detailed training routines that show you how to practice and train to get stronger with your voice. That would include, singing high notes of course... among many other things you need to do with your voice as an artist. The home study program is called, "The Four Pillars of Singing".  It has been sold in over 90 countries in the world and enjoys a 100%, 5-Star reviews... just saying, its pretty good and people enjoy it a lot... but its only for people that want to get serious about this.    I also offer a "New Student Package" which saves you $152... you get the complete "4 Pillars" vocal training system downloaded to your desktop, the online version for your smart phone and tablet + 3 lessons with me, one hour a piece.  Click HERE to learn about that.    Click on the Links below in my signature:   - Table of Contents - The Four Pillars Reviews   Feel free to send me a private email if you have more questions.   Here are some videos I produced that are meant to help people in your situation...     
  12. Jeremy "Koz" from the band "Floor Thirteen"... Jeremy came to Seattle and trained for The Training Intensive in Seattle... a great belter from Seattle... Just thought I should share this... we also did a nice TVS shout out video when he was here... I just thought it would be cool to share the training behind the scenes a little bit then present the art that it feeds to...    
  13. This is Steve Antonsen, my student for many years. Love the bluesy belts and narrowed vowels. Lots of physical strength here form singing live for many years... and great training.       The band is "Colossal Boss"... Enjoy!  
  14. Pretty voice... great song choice.    - 1:13 - "Make it right".. .watch that diphthong... hold the open vowel longer... make the diphthong more ghosty... "meh-k"  the "eek" is only subliminal.. you almost don't sing the "ee" at all.   - Watch the timing on a few of the cues btw...   - 7:38 - "Find a way"... same thing... not "Fi-ee-nd"  Remove that diphthong... modify to something like   "...Fahnduh Weh Tuh Mehkeht ruh-eht".   Hope this helps... beautiful voice... 
  15. Remember all you guys....  A Greatly Tuned Formant ALSO Sounds Great Aesthetically... thats not just new age bullshit, its true... its one of the magical things about singing... when it sounds good to the ear, the physics of the voice is also in balance... more or less... at least in regards to what new students should be tuning and listening for early on... at least my students.  If it sounds like a "dopey pooper" then that is probably what your physics and configuration is as well... 
  16. Thanks Elvis... one lesson to pay attention to here is... the simple songs often are the ones that stick with people the most. K.I.S.S.
  17. Ok, well... then get after it... !  Bring on your Italian/Swedish Old School mojo!  Tear that sucker up... 
  18.   Burning thats fine and thanks for your contribution...    Please specify what the "Italian/Swedish Old School Method" means... How would you define that?     And I the only preference for larynx positioning I prefer is the one that is proper for the formant and the style and genre and color of his voice... I am not the "high larynx" guy, so I really don't know how your drawing that conclusion. As a matter of fact, there is a lot of dampened larynx discussion, onsets and emphasis in my teaching.     What content or post gives you the conclusion that I would generally prefer a high larynx? Im not really seeing any such statement or post?
  19.   And what exactly does that mean?  What placement would that be?    With all due respect "Burning_Rand", "Italian/Swedish Old School Classical Method" is a buzz phrase and really lacks definition as to what specifically you are talking about and it does not offer any direction for Elvis...   Elvis to Daniel's point recently, don't start chasing the "Italian/Swedish Old School" anything right now...      Stay the course!
  20.   Train to lift and show your canines!!!  NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!        I don't "emphasize" the horizontal embouchure with canines... I demand upon it... this is not really an option.. especially as a beginner.   
  21.     Hi Greg,   Sorry it has taken me a while to loop back to you... 15 hour days and I just dug through 56 emails...    I believe you and I have a lesson booked soon, correct?   Do you have your Training Media Interface and Mobile Edition all working?   In regards to your question...   The "Dampened Harmonic" is a term I came up with to describe the amplification of F1/H2 formant tunings and in particular, the warmer, darker tone you get with a subtle larynx dampening maneuver. This is NOT the same as the Singer's Formant. The Spetra Graph signature of the Singer's Formant would is more applicable to Classical singing.. there is more then one formant Greg... the "Singer's Formant" is a special formant tuning / Harmonic signature that creates a sound color consistent with Classical and it amplifies really well... its quite a lovely thing, but it really isn't the formant tuning that you would be focusing on or concerning yourself with as a pop, contemporary , rock singer...    Listenting to Your Files:   G-D Siren:   The 1st Sound is MOST CERTAINLY not what you want to be doing. Your larynx is WAY, WAY, WAY too low... just simply ask yourself Greg... is that a sound color you think sounds good?  Is that color that is "sonorous" and you can imagine being able to "pull" up to very high frequencies?  I think even at your level, it is clear to you, that that sound is not going to work... thus, your physiology behind that is wrong.   Pull your larynx up big time and focus on amplifying your upper palette.. YES!  focus on Edging vowels "eh", "a" (cat)... .. which your 2nd sample was "kinda" closer too.. but still needed work.  If you have to choose between the two, go with the 2nd one that has brighter harmonics and a larynx that is not shoved so "dopey" low...    Actually somewhere in between the two is where your needing to get to... You want BOTH an amplified dark harmonics and bright harmonics.  You need the "treble" and the "bass" in your formant tuning... in your lesson, I have visuals and tools to help you with this.   View the larynx dampening videos and frankly... many others in "The Four Pillars of Singing' and notice that my "dampened harmonic" is not that dopey sounding.. and notice it also has a balance of palette , bright harmonics at the same time.    Get off the Dampen & Release onset... its not correct anyways and you have to pull your larynx up...    I want you to train the Quack & Release onset... and Wind & Release Onsets with a very wide, embouchure... lift your top lip... expose your canines.. and just start doing...    "hey"! and "Yeah" and "Yah" onsets.. these will compress your glottis nicely and release you into these primary edging vowels, forward to the hard palette.   If you listen to my dampened onsets on this video... its not dopey... its just subtly warmer...      Notice that there is strict work flow to these onsets and sirens... get a good onset 1st Greg... then proceed to the siren / workout... but only after you have tuned a great onset... which includes warm and bright harmonics simultaneously... !  Palette & Larynx/Pharynx resonation... 
  22. Awesome!  Lauren, great TVS CI voice coach... anyone in the Boston area or online that is interested a female coach, talk to Lauren.
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