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Robert Lunte

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Everything posted by Robert Lunte

  1.   "Effortless" is right, especially in the "heroic" parts around F#4 and B4. I love it, I think its brilliant light mass belting.  It was super productive and fun to train with him for a week as well. Great edging vowels, great palette.   I have to say, I am also very proud of the production. The audio recording, camera work and edit was great. In a smaller sense, it is also a triumph in how to make relatively quick video productions that sound and look great. Audio recording + video in synch. Good strong start. 
  2. Amazing DREAM THEATER Tribute! - Fabricio Fonseca from Brazil sings "The Spirit Carries On". Fabricio is a renown voice coach from Brazil that came to Seattle to train for the TVS Certified Instructor program and enjoy Seattle for the first time. Together we produced this great video. It is just the beginning Fabricio Fonseca! I look forward to our partnership and friendship. Thank you Dream Theater for a great song to train and cover.     "The Spirit Carries On" - Dream Theater - Fabricio Fonseca  
  3.   Chris, look at the front of the forum... under "Vocal Tools & Technology"... then click on "Get Back Tracks HERE!".
  4. Your welcome Elvis, I appreciate that you recognize the work I am putting into this for you guys... well for all of us. Ya, the Vocal Gear Store is cool... it wasn't too hard to create.  But now I have somewhere to refer students, partners and members when they ask about gear.
  5.       Hey thanks Quentin!  I hear this from time to time from other singers. Often times, tenors. I think it is a reality. I probably take my ability to sing lower for granted... will continue to explore. 
  6.   Apart from the fact that it is a gorgeous song, that is heart felt... I think everyone has felt like this once or twice in their lives.  The other point in doing this is your point Keith... sing low, work on crooning, work on low tone colors, work on vocal fry effects... I call it, "Work on your Elvis".
  7. Keith, sorry to seem selfish... just been slammed. I liked your rendition... its well done. But I have come learn that you are a great singer having heard you through the years, so it doesn't surprise me.
  8. An iphone production of my student and teacher in training, Fabricio Fonseca from Brazil, performing "Man In the Box" by Alice In Chains. This is actually a great song to learn and train for technique. Especially higher belts, forward palette vowels and distortion. Enjoy!   Learn more about The Vocalist Studio training program, "The Four Pillars of Singing" .     Alice In Chains - "Man In The Box" - Fabricio Fonseca - TVS Student / Coach  
  9. Thanks for your response Killer... I'm glad you got to hear the better mix of this.   Yes, hearing my voice in a different context is part of the point of doing this... I get a lot of communications from people that mean well about "rock" and "metal", which is fine... but I want to show that I can do more then heavy metal screams...   Is it extremely unique?  I am not inclined to argue with the beholder/listener... I guess it is. I don't hear it as "extremely unique"... to me it sounds more conventional and straight ahead, "low singing"...That can be a good thing... I don't feel its twangier then any other tune "per se".. and it is breathy at the beginning and the hook... but thats just me jive talking.    Yes the lyric "make" is modified to "Mehk"... That is on purpose. I don't want to sing the "ee" diphthong on "make" (Meh-eek)... to me it sounds like karaoke amateur night when it sounds too much like speech. There is a benefit or quality that comes with subtle modifications of closed vowels to open vowels that transcends beyond the technical benefits related to singing high notes. In my program, "The Four Pillars of Singing", I point out that we modify vowels for resistance training purposes (getting stronger/training), for resonant purposes (getting a good bridge or placement/training)... and when singing, we modify vowels for the same two reasons, +... for style.   Even if it is a low note, a subtle modification of a closed vowel can give a lyric more color, more warmth... and has a pinch of "theater" or formality to it that makes it sound more sonorous. Even on songs with low notes, if every lyric sounds speech, with all the diphthongs in it, it sounds amateurish... that is a good tip for anyone reading this. One way to not sound amateurish, is to modify vowels and reduce the amount of diphthongs in your singing from time to time. Not all the time, but sometimes.  Thus, by choosing "mehk" instead of "meh-eek"... I can avoid the ugliness of the "eek" sound and keep the lyrical moment warm. It has nothing to do with dialect, its creative choice.     This is an insightful statement. My student schedule, and added work load I pile on top of everything else from product development of "Pillars", video production, web site development, and life cuts into my available time to ONLY do art. Some people don't get that... for me to keep my operations going, my clients happy, my product always updated and the best it can be, my teachers mentored and taken care of and even this forum, (which has taken me about 30-40 hours to complete the migration)... I have to work basically 6.5 days a week... I have chose to put the majority of my time into creating the BEST vocal training program in the world. I have been obsessed by this I suppose. When others are producing "how to sing like..." videos all day long, I'm writing a book and producing technique videos in the pursuit of always updating and improving "The Four Pillars of Singing"... it hasn't left much time for much else.   I want to leave a legacy, something that will impact the world in a more meaningful way, today and beyond... you just can't get that from ONLY doing YouTube videos. 100 years from now, few, if any will remember all the "how to sing like ... " videos on YouTube, but I hope people will still be using my program to learn how to sing better. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with "how to sing like..." videos. I think they are great, and have some relevance... thus, I'll be doing some as well, ... but videos are vapor. They are like paper cups, they are disposable... Books, and a good program, methodology can last forever...      However,....   I'm working hard to "dig out" of that... Im simplifying my operations, (this web site migration was part of that... this new platform means I have to only manage one CMS, instead of four), ... and really putting some final touches on "The Four Pillars of Singing", is beginning to open up time for recording, writing and singing. Probably even a band this year... Its been about 4 years since I was gigging. So this audio and several more original productions that will be published in the coming weeks are evident that Im now channeling more time to singing... A lot more singing content will be produced this year. I guess you'll all be hearing more "unique"...    BTW... here is a sneak preview of something else I did... this is another "out of context" project.  ENJOY!   My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys https://thevocaliststudio.box.com/s/074n8g7zmz9bwm8l0nse  
  10. Nice effort Ron... the vocals need to be mixed more in the track and you need some sauce... some reverb... some ambiance. Some larynx dampening could warm up this sound color as well. Thanks for sharing... 
  11. Huh?  Mrloud... I don't understand your response... relax!  We are just having fun here. If other people have takes of this tune, I would prefer that they share... thats what we are doing here... it doesn't have to be "all about me"... thats not what I want... your fine!
  12. Hey guys... I happen to stumble across this old recording this morning... thought I would share it for fun... this is me singing about 10 years ago... so don't rip on me too hard here... it was an earlier time and the production is marginal. It has some merits.  10 Years Ago https://thevocaliststudio.box.com/s/exzp3r8xlexwnjb2o660ama6xoksy9ck 5.2015 https://thevocaliststudio.box.com/s/2asia8o13300gqt7i2or8jjd5sbvc0wg Ill redo this later this year.. with better production values and I would like to think, more mature vocals, but I think this is decent.
  13.   Link was bugged up.. try it now Jarom...     @ Owen... I do particularly like 2:44... I think thats cool.. felt really solid... kinda "stuck it" on that one... ill keep that in the comp.
  14. It is interesting how .. when you record something, sometimes you initially think its great... but then when you listen a few days later with fresh ears, you realize its only "ok"... I need to make another run at this... 
  15. Thanks Owen . Yes this song is so awesome. And it is great to train. People should try it, it's fun to sing. Even though the original was sang by a woman , I think the song fits well for both genders. Any guys looking for a good love song to work on, try this.
  16. Enjoy... a beautiful song from Bonnie Raitt... Tracked it tonight while the Seahawks won their game to prepare for their 2nd Super Bowl win. https://thevocaliststudio.box.com/s/1ohay98iha0sdtjsyjkiwgd9h0mat2f8
  17. Hey MrLoud, great to have you here!  (be sure to upload a picture to your profile... btw...).   So you are a client of TVS?  You have "The Four Pillars of Singing"?  What version do you have?   We can take this offline, but why don't you send me a private message if you like, I would be curious to know why you have not worked with it yet?  I would like to see that you have a fair chance to understand the program and get to work to start singing better.
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