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Everything posted by MDEW

  1. I do not think you are singing the melody. You are singing harmony notes and following the sound of the guitar. Do you sing along with the recording of Charley Daniels often? I think you are playing guitar in the same KEY as he does. What I would do is play the guitar and sing along with him while you listen to the song. Try to match your pitch with his. Singing has a little more energy to it than speaking. More like the energy of scolding someone when you are upset with them or excited about something. The energy of this song is guided by frustration of people trying tell him what to do when he just wants people to leave him alone. When you are singing this remember a time when you just wanted to be left alone and you kept getting interupted by people who were trying to tell you what to do. Also use individual notes on the guitar to practice matching pitch. Hold a C Chord and pluck the strings one by one and try to match each pitch. Start with the low C note (third fret A string) and end with the High C note ( first fret B string). These note should be well within your range. Here is Charley If you do not have a copy.
  2. They would have thrown them at anyone.. I was an easy target. Picnic + Beer + man on stage = Target.....
  3. :) People like Chris and Felipe who really know what they are doing may be able to point things out that you can work on. But all I can say is that was pretty awesome. Yes, it sounded tight in some areas but knowing that you had difficulties when starting to work on this and it was only a few months I think you sounded great. Your voice fits this song ( at least the way you were singing here) and you did not sound like you were struggling with anything. Keep up the good work. You can add this to the personal gains thread in the technique section.
  4. Sounded pretty good to me. Why so short? I like the release that you have into a heady resonance. Vibrato sounds really good to. Next time give us more. :)
  5. I have no idea what the words mean. :| But then again I can barely make sense of the english language( I'm a hillbilly/Hippy). I like the melody and the way it was all put together better than most of the songs I have heard that was put out by mainstream music industry.
  6. Hello Anim. Singing acapella is very hard. You have to really know the melody well. You had some vibrato in your voice . That is a good thing. Vibrato happens naturally when things are working; Proper balance of airflow and cord closure. You need to work on sustaining a pitch or keeping a note steady. Also work on melody. You may have sang this song a little too low for your voice. I do like the general sound of your voice. Keep sing and Keep practicing.
  7. I listened to some of the other songs that you posted. I just want you to know that you have made much progress in the last few months. In your singing and your English. Keep up the good work.
  8. :) Thanks. I have seen Dileesas' videos before. She has a great way of explaining things. Sometimes it is the way someone explains things that make a difference in our understanding.
  9. RHan, you mentioned in onother post that a few months ago you could not sing this chorus. May I ask how you trained for this? You made it sound so easy.
  10. Yes, there is tension and some notes are off pitch because of it. There may even be a bit of nasal involvement on the high parts. BUT, you sounded consistent all the way through. You did not break or flip into a falsetto sound. You can sing this song and sing it well. Now that you know that you can sing this song it is time to relax and enjoy singing it. And it will sound ten times better because you relax and enjoy.
  11. I like the tune, the dynamics, the music. Coming from me this may not be a good thing because I do not like most of the music that I hear coming from the established recording industry. Although I like being able to understand the lyrics of the song that I am listening too it does not bother me in the least that I cannot understand the words you are singing. I am a Hillbilly/Hippy from the 70's middle eastern US. I am fluent in broken English 70's slang. Other than that I struggle to understand what most people are singing about anyway.
  12. Although this song does have soft dynamics it sounded as if you were whispering most of the time. The emotion did come through and that is good. Singing soft and airy is a little different than whispering. I agree with everything else that Owen said.
  13. Don't compare to the original. You are you. :)
  14. I have to agree with Jeff on the timing issue. You have a really good sound for this. I have to add you as another who makes this song sound easy. The higher part is kicking my behind. I just cannot get it sound right.
  15. Sounds good Keith. It has your unmistakable sound and it fits well with the song. I hope I get an oportunity soon to record this. Then you all will know what straining really sounds like.
  16. Nothing is simple when you haven't learned about it yet. Even easy things are complicated when you must break it down and explain each aspect. Unfortunately with singing there is nothing you can look at and say "Ah! there is the problem". A correction in one place could lead to imbalance in another. For me I just want to sing without people throwing tomatoes at me..... Which has happened. :cool:
  17. In my case working the song is singing the song and taking notice of where problems lie. On the forums I have been accused of over thinking things but that is only because someone asks what I mean by my simple statement. When trying to explain a sensation it is easy to over think by trying to find words that relate to other people. To me singing has more to do with sounds and sensations than mapping muscular movement. But how do you explain a physical sensation without mentioning the muscles involved with the sensation? It is then that you have to overthink and analyze.
  18. Not many blues men around here. Sounds pretty good. It had an authentic 50's feel to it.
  19. There are different meanings to Light. "What I would like to hear is more upper frequencies in your tone. More shimmer/twang/buzz...whatever you wanna call it." Singing without the "Extra Frequencies" is what I mean by singing light.
  20. Your pitch is a little better. You are still singing light. But it does take time.
  21. The band as a whole sounds pretty good. I think you can do better with the singing. It seems that when singing AC/DC singers tend to do one of two things; either try to sound like Bon Scott / Brian Johnson or they try to sing the songs in Full Chest Voice. The problem is both Bon Scott and Brian Johnson have a naturally high pitch Squeaky Munchkin sound. This sound never comes out right from a normal singer. The other problem; singing this in full voice you can never understand any of the words. Which is the problem here. Go ahead and sing these songs with a connected head voice. It will sound better and people will be able to understand what you are singing. You can do it. It will sound good. And your voice will thank you.
  22. Looks like you had fun making the video. Sounds good.
  23. Love that song Ronws. Thats an A4 in "(A4)Lord, (G4)leave me wnen you (E4)can" I wimp out on Lord. I can sing A4 just fine sounding like Bruno mars but it is not big and thick enough for this.
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