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Everything posted by MDEW

  1. We all face this problem. Look throught the posts on the technique area. Many people have asked about this and there is a lot of information.
  2. Imperatormk, Experiment. Use a voice that you think is classical. use a voice that you think is pop. Use a voice that you perceive as thin. Use a voice that you perceive as thick. Sing loud .Sing soft. Sing with Mickey Mouse voice. Sing with Munchkin........................... Find out what noises you can make. Which ones sound good and which ones sound bad. Work the bad sounds anyway they may be useful. Some define open throat as a lack of tension. I also asked that question and never got a strait answer. Ultimately Open throat may feel different to you so there is really no way to describe it. I have also heard that any pitch you can make with your voice can eventually be turned into a singing note.
  3. In the first verse of the song the words are " Imagine all the people, Living for today" You pronounce " L ee ving " it should be " L ih ving " but that was the only time that any thing was way off. I would not worry about it too much. I like to hear a persons accent come through. I am from the U.S. after a while every thing starts to sound the same without these differences.
  4. Find some backing tracks of songs that you like and are in your current range. Practice singing to those along with singing while playing guitar. When you are a beginner in each, you have to split your concentration between the two. It is better to concentrate on one at a time when you are beginning.
  5. Sounded Pretty good Sergio. There were a few occasions that your accent came through and you did not pronounce a word correctly. But over all it sounded pretty good. You even had a sound similer to John Lennon.
  6. You have as good a chance as any. Problem is you don't know if they are looking for someone who can already sing or someone who needs the lessons. I for one would like to hear this song completed. Sounds good.
  7. Like Felipe keeps trying to point out, It is not the notes in your range that make you a Tenor or Baritone or Bass it is the Quality of sound, the texture and the resonance. Basso Profundo is a true Bass. He has the quality, the texture and the resonance. And it sounds like you are embracing that Basso. Keep up the good work.
  8. Did you notice that in this clip the bass singer seems to be more of a baritone or low tenor using vocal fry to sing the parts? Some one like Basso Profundo singing this would add a whole new dimension to it.
  9. "I bottom out in the low first octave here, and it sounds very dark and scary!" Why should that bother you? All of your songs are dark and scary. But that is why I like them.
  10. One of the trickiest parts of singing is singing to the music. Being on key. It sounds as if you are in tune with yourself but not with the music. On some songs it is very hard to find the beginning note. If you are the one playing guitar on this track strike you beginning chord, then find the melody line on the guitar . Practice by matching your voice to the melody line you play on the guitar.
  11. Awesome. Feelings, Emotion and intent are not only passed by the sound but also through physical expression. If you think on the emotion that you are trying to convey with the song the emotion will come through. In other words really feel the emotion of the song. If you are thinking about hitting the notes or what you are going to have for dinner then the emotion recieved from the song will be flawed. As Ronws keeps saying "Singing is mental" It is also emotional. I most add your voice to the many others that I envy. We can not all be tenors or basses. It is truely a treat to hear someone sing in that range.
  12. :) No need for anyone to sound like anyone but themselves. So far 3 renditions. All with the proper emotion and intent to fit the song. None sound like the other. All great renditions.
  13. It is hard to stay on key when there is no music to sing to. I do not believe that I have listened to Amy Whinehouse but if she is known for singing off key I believe I would use a different singer to learn from. The fact that you know that you are singing off key is a good sign. Singing scales may sound boring but it is very helpful learning to sing on key and in staying in tune. There are lots of exercises for beginners to be found on youtube. And search the the techniques threads on this forum. There is a lot of information there.
  14. I think you are copying the link to your edit page instead of the actual video. It tells me I cannot edit the video.
  15. I think you need to fix the link to your video. ;)
  16. :) I liked it. It does not need to deep and gravely to get the point across. Wore out and fed up. I think we can all relate to that.
  17. I can only echo what others have said. Although I truely enjoy the sound of your higher notes this song calls for a more shouty upper register. I have no doubt that you have the range and ability to sing this song with more conviction. It is a tough song not something that can be mastered in a week.
  18. There goes my dream about fronting a VAN HALEN tribute band. But I can still sing James Taylor. :D
  19. I believe Robert and Felipe worked on it for a couple of days or more before recording. Don't know about Jen he may have nailed it the first time around. It's a tough song. You sound like you have a pretty good start.
  20. These songs are really slow and in a low range making it harder to stay in pitch or keep the melody line moving. You had some good vibrato going. Vibrato is usually a sign that other things are in place like support. Are you more interested in the slow, mellow singing or did you choose these songs because they were easier for you to sing?
  21. I am not a teacher, just someone who also sings. I believe that these songs were too close to your speaking range. We tend try to sing like we speak when something is in the same range as our speaking voice. Occasionally when singing higher you started to get a good vibrato going. There are a lot of videos on youtube about support. Think back to the last last time you were frustrated about something, maybe you were late for work, stopped at a red light, the light turns green and the car in front of you does not move. You may say something like "WOULD YOU GO ALREADY, YOU $%^%##. I'M LATE!!!!!! Guess what you used support. Especially if you said it at speaking volume or slightly above. That is the kind of intensity we use in singing.
  22. A little too much echo. I do not know enough to give advice but you sounded pretty good to me.
  23. I understand that also. My elmo voice can sing any rock song. Even HEART and PAT BENETAR. But who wants to hear Elmo sing? :P
  24. For your intent it was good to see you sing this. Lack of expression in the song is also seen from your face and body. You are barely moving. your eyes are fixed on the camera or microphone. Your audience will also take cues from your posture and facial expressions. Your singing and guitar playing will also. Loosen up! Get into the groove. Even a slow ballad has a groove to it. Learn to move a little and look around the room a little while you sing. Movement will add more life to your performance and your singing.
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