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Everything posted by MDEW

  1. :) You have a good voice. A good sense of pitch. I enjoyed listening wish the song was longer. Constructive advice? I almost hate to bring this up, there has been too much debate about this but it sounds as if too much air is passing through your nose on the higher parts. By lifting the soft palet it will keep the sound coming out of your mouth instead of it escaping through the nose. A test for this is to pinch your nose when you sing if the sound is blocked off then you need to lift the soft palet more. N and M need the nose so don't judge on words that have those consonants.(and I may be influenced by all the discussion about this around the forum ) I really enjoyed listening to your song and I hope you post more.
  2. Very cool Ronws. I understand this much better than "Note in the head, Motion in the abs when necessary, nothing in the throat"
  3. I was expecting to see the guy in the picture Sounds pretty good. You do all the instuments? Are taking lessons from anyone or self taught? Any CD's out yet?
  4. Was that you on the video. You look different on your avitar here. That was awesome. Do you have originals?
  5. Adele sings that very breathy also and you can hear the same thing happening occasionally listening to her. ;)
  6. :) Very nice. The only thing that I noticed is that when you are starting with an I you have too much air coming through. It sounds like you are singing "Hi" instead of "I". Do not be discouraged because of this. It is very common. Just realizing that it happens will help to remove it.
  7. There were several that contained other languages. Verses in English and verses in another language. I am sure there were hits in another languages but I do not remember the Titles.
  8. :) Thats good. Maybe we will find out we are not so different after all.
  9. I understand totaly. You get used to a style of music. I was also going to mention the stye of the original and thought I had better not. Most of the music that I listen to is from the 60s-80s that were concidered top 40 in the states ranging from folk to Rock. The only songs that I have heard from 90s to today are the ones that stood the test of time. Now that there is youtube I am being exposed to more music from Europe.
  10. I like the song better the way you play and sing it than the original. :)
  11. I do not recognize this song. If I heard it before I believe I would have remembered. I like this song and I like the way you sang it.
  12. People think that when you sing lower tones you do not need as much support as you do when you sing higher notes but when you sing a not lower than comfortable range you need to add that support just like you do for higher notes. Hope this helps. I am not a teacher just another singer who is also working on weeknesses.
  13. #4 on soundclick cover charts. Doesn't mean a lot but someone is listening. Let me know what I need to do make things better.
  14. :) Sounds pretty good. Judging from the comments on the soundcloud page other people like it too. One bit of advice or suggestion, On the Freee.....eeee you tend to add a little too much air. It comes out as Freeee.... Heeee Fallin'. Try to hit that with a steady EEE. I have the same trouble at times and it was pointed out to me. Keep singing it sounds good.
  15. I'd like to hear it without the harmonies. Things sound off pitch. I can't tell whether its the guitar or one or more voices in the singing. Over all concept of the song is OK. Keep working in it.
  16. Thanks Ronws. I was and am ready to defend not sounding like Buckley. There is also Cale and K.D Lange and Leonard himself who made this big. Not to mention Bon Jovi. and the millions who used it to get on "Idol" and "X Factor" I listened to a lot of different singers on Youtube took what I liked about each. I expected it to sound more "Hokey" coming from me but I kind of like it. I started thinking about doing this as a lark, See how bad it sounded for me to try a song like this. Still I hope to get some pointers for what I am doing wrong. It is far from being a contender for Buckley.
  17. I decided to give this a shot. Let me know what you think. Good or Bad, It is what it is. http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=12218517&q=hi&newref=1 Will only be online for a short time.
  18. The difference between before and now is tremendous. Yes you are still going off pitch. The fact that you can tell that you are off pitch is what has made the difference. You will continue to get better. ;)
  19. :) Hi Julia. I have made comments before when you have submitted songs. You have such a nice voice. I noticed that you are more confident with you are singing and being on stage. Sometimes thats the hardest part when actually performing. You are getting into the song more. That is also good. Keep in mind that you are relaying a story and telling that story to the audience. Remember to sing to the audience. You do not need to make eye contact with any one in particular but look towards the audience as if you are singing for them and to them. This is a general statement, a reminder. I am not saying that you did not do this in this performance. Keep up the good work.
  20. :) Sounds a lot better than last time. Keep up the good work.
  21. People think that because it's a low note in their range that they do not need to focus as hard or to work as hard to maintain the note. That is where they get in trouble. You still need to support for lower notes and for notes neer the bottom of your range you need as much support as for the higher notes.
  22. Awesome singing! Still needs to come up some. The singing should be at least as sonically loud as the guitars. I can hear the words clear this time. I like the song.
  23. It's psychological thing. you trail off because your body is thinking "I hit the notes I don't have to work anymore" You fool it into thinking it must keep this note strong for a few more seconds.
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